Feminism SUCKS!!!

NOTE: in some 3rd world contrys Women are still considered property and whos main goal in life is to give the men of the village a good meal then a good lay!

(some one give me the address please!)
Another old broad weighs in!

God, I wanted to be an FBI agent. I still have the letter from J. Edgar telling me that girls couldn't be agents. Agents were lawyers and accountants, and only men were lawyers and accountants. But girls could be secretaries at the FBI. One door closed.

Okay, I love the way people think and science stuff is fun. Maybe I could be a brain surgeon and help people think better. Girls can't be doctors, but you can be a nurse. Another door closed.

West Point, wow, I could be a soldier like my dad, and protect the country. SLAM. West Point didn't go co-ed until my junior year at University. And, by the way, I finally picked my University because the flipping marching band WAS co-ed; many comparable universities still had all-male bands.

At no time, ever, did anybody even begin to hint that I couldn't do any of these because I wasn't smart enough, or talented enough. The teaching and decisions were based solely on my gender.

So you betcha I marched. And I never saw any lingerie burned. I saw women who were taking a stand for social justice. I saw some women I wouldn't invite to lunch, sure, but they were the ones who convinced me that if the "middle" didn't march, too, we could never win fair treatment.

My Goddaughter is a nationally-ranked soccer player, thanks to Title IX. And thanks to the fact that her brother's friends wouldn't let a girl play anything but goalie.

I love being a woman, and I adore men. I love having doors opened, and my bags carried. But as a sign of caring, not because he "has to" or beacause I am "weak." I want to be considered equally for any job for which I apply and am qualified. But I want those qualifications to be real - to reflect what the job really requires. And I want to be paid the same as a man doing the same job. I don't want to be charged more for laundering a cotton blouse than my lover pays to have his shirts done. I don't want to be charged for alterations he gets done for free on similarly priced clothing.

And, Gingersnap, you're absolutely right - I damn well want my drugs tested on women. I could not believe that the first time I heard it several years ago. And I found a woman doc - she's younger than I, but, at this age, that's a good thing!

I am a gentlewoman, but he who confuses my gentleness (this post notwithstanding) with weakness does so at his peril.

Sometimes, a lady has to holler. Thank you, and good night. Creamy, pass the pitcher, please.