Filthy answers to innocent questions.

Why get dressed? Might earn a discount!

Why don't mammals have exoskeletons?
A sexy lady, named Laurel, who bakes cakes on cam and does some freaky stuff with her mixing spoons.

Who jumped over the moon?
...because your dinner companion might be into muckbang or sploshing and you don't want them jumping across the table to fuck you in the restaurant.

(or maybe you do...? šŸ˜)

how do you make a turn while on a unicycle?
...because your dinner companion might be into muckbang or sploshing and you don't want them jumping across the table to fuck you in the restaurant.

(or maybe you do...? šŸ˜)

how do you make a turn while on a unicycle?
Use your hard dick to indicate left or right.

What does "September remember" mean?