Fire at Will

twelveoone said:
without getting into a long winded philosophical blah, blah. There is a huge amout of cleverness in Japanese haiku,(has to be) I did not read this as "false". True, the great "I" shows up (me, mine) three times, it is balanced by the "you".
The "you" can be read as impersonal, in that case it does look like you had a bit of a philosophical conversation with yourself, a "peeling of the onion" a quiet search for meaning.
Substitute the word "pomposity" for cloak, just for your own reading purposes, where do you arrive? Pretty close to your statement above, no?

Ah, sorry. I think I muddied the waters there. The poem rejected as "false" was not this one, but another. I was raising it as an example of my experiments with the lyrical form. I rather like this poem on the whole, and at least think it honest to its intent. The other, you would cringe to see ;)

But what an interesting comment on substituting pomposity for the cloak. I think that's what I love about minimalist symbolism ... it opens up so many possible avenues of interpretation.
