Fire play

If people are interested in fireplay but are afraid to try it, there are other ways to get a similar efect more safely.
One is to use a blow dryer to heat up someones skin. You can make them feel heat without having to actually have a flame.
Also you can get a similar feeling to flame by using Ben gay, or Arthritis Heat or any of those rubs on sensitive body parts.
thank you Dr Blue

mmm... i get this warm tingly feeling to hear you like that need to experiment. ^_^

and yeah, they were safety matches. really crappy ones at that, but i can sometimes manage to light them with one hand, the first few, after that the strip gets too scratched up, and the package loses its stability.

i don't smoke though, so it's kind of a waste of matches, but i've always liked party having a few random talents just for kicks.

'tis true that our technology has advanced so, and our civilization evolved so that now we can produce matches so SAFE that there is alomost no danger of starting a fire with them at all.

There is one grade of matches even safer. Thay are called toothpicks.

(when i was a kid...)
Ever hear of a Flint and Steel?

A Flint and Steel still works great on alcohol. It would make for a glorious display at a Fire Play exhibition. Those little welder's scratchies work wonderfully, and they're one-handed devices.

Springsteen's right, "You can't start a fire without a spark." But starting a fire with a spark is a true art form. You just can't buy good "tinder" these days.

Hence the Zippo, the Ronson, the endless variety of Fire Making Machines which have "fueled" our dependence on fossil fuels.

When i was in high school, though. There were matches with the scratch pad on the front! They were dangerous! You had to CAREFUL with them, but they usually had enough sparks to light all the matches in the pack.

They HAD to, there were no Bics or Crickets or Hong Kong knock-offs. Butane was something only quite wealthy people's butlers knew about.

i'm not really a fire-bug. i'm a scientist. Fire was one of the 1st principles. One of the first things i could afford to experiment with.

i melted my share of "lil green Army men" and fried some ants, but i was the first kid on my block who ever started a fire with a magnifying glass. (a controlled fire, of course)

There were lots of kids on my block too..."baby boom" and all. i used to give demonstrations regularly. My first sojourn into "show biz"

Oh, how did i get started on this? Mother? i think it's time for my medicine.

Old Blue (not the dog)

One thing i always liked about box matches was the fortunes. Didn't you ever read the fortunes? They were almost all the same. Sage advice. They read like:

"Keep Away From Small Children"

i try to do just that.
A book....

....I've mentioned before entitled "The Loving Dominant" covers most everything a M/F D/s could ever want to know, including fireplay with 70% isopropyl alcohol as discussed in this thread, candling, etc etc....a great reference for under 20 clams.

I haven't seen anything on Lit yet of substance that is not in the book, which is only perhaps 160 pages...much shorter than the MotherMonsterThread. And it never flames you.

Part of the fun in fireplay is the smell of the recipient's body hair burning, particularly if blindfolded, so some dont shave first, some do.

Testing it on yourself first away from the intended is a must to guage temperature, time before extinguishing, etc....and ice cubes are more fun than a towel if the skin gets a bit red.

Re: A book....

Lancecastor said:
Part of the fun in fireplay is the smell of the recipient's body hair burning, particularly if blindfolded, so some dont shave first, some do.

Testing it on yourself first away from the intended is a must to guage temperature, time before extinguishing, etc....and ice cubes are more fun than a towel if the skin gets a bit red.

My master prefers to leave the hair on, and has a running threat to burn my pubic hair off if I do not keep it neatly shaved (he hasn't done it yet!) That smell is one of the mental things that gets me about fireplay.

And at the risk of violating the SSC (having just read the other thread about it), he does not test on himself, ever, anything. That's pretty much what I'm for - to hone his technique. Now, he does test on me before taking a trick to another sub, but I think that's an ego thing <g>.

Re: A book....

Lancecastor said:
....I've mentioned before entitled "The Loving Dominant" covers most everything a M/F D/s could ever want to know, including fireplay with 70% isopropyl alcohol as discussed in this thread, candling, etc etc....a great reference for under 20 clams.

Just wanted to second Lance's recommendation for The Loving Dominant; it's an excellent book, very straightforward, great information, short and to the point. Definitely worth checking out--I'd put it right up there with Screw the Roses.
Re: Re: A book....

Kuurspet said:

My master prefers to leave the hair on, and has a running threat to burn my pubic hair off if I do not keep it neatly shaved (he hasn't done it yet!) That smell is one of the mental things that gets me about fireplay.

And at the risk of violating the SSC (having just read the other thread about it), he does not test on himself, ever, anything. That's pretty much what I'm for - to hone his technique. Now, he does test on me before taking a trick to another sub, but I think that's an ego thing <g>.


I test on myself, but don't let the receiver know I have, in order to preserve the mind-set.

But I'm a sensitive, caring newage kinda guy that way....shhhh...don't tell. Bad for the rep.

testing 1,2,3

i've got to go with Lancecastor on this. in anything that i do as a dominant i have had it done to me as a submissive, or have done it to myself (anything involving heat or cold i test on my own skin, anywhere i'd do it to my girl) i don't know exactly how she will respond to the sensations, but i have a very good idea of where good pain will become bad. burning, or freezing the skin, or how long does it take for pinching to become truly painful when one isn't used to it. knowing the senstation from experience also makes it much easier to know how she's feeling, talk her through things, how to ease her into a sensation she's slightly warry about.

having felt the sensation i'm also better able to relate it to another sensation, and guess if it would be pleasant or truly unpleasant for my girl .

but none of this means i tell her that i've tried it. i just talk her through it. keep her calm so no one gets hurt. don't let her be parlyzed with fear, but deliciously tempted by it. let anxiety and nervousness be feellings to embrace.

it's the best way i know of being a Domme worth her shit, without having truly been trained as a sub by an experienced Dom/me
pant pant whimper


honey tried this with me after reading this thread and links the other night.

the first time was the most intense probably because he covered a larger area of my skin with the alcohol.
the rest was a bit more tame - but i have hopes of reaching the higher levels next time. which should be soon - we both really enjoyed this time.
for our first time he just played over my back and bottom - the next time we talked about blindfolds and tying me (we didn't want to try *that* our first time with the fire - seemed risky in case something went wrong)

i haven't found adequate words to describe the sensations but here's the best i've come up with so far.

it's like being caressed ever so lightly with a mixture of heated air and water.
for those of you who know the feeling - sorry for the lack of good description, i'm struggling here to express myself here!!!! it's delicious!!!!!
Yay--a convert!

I already told you this by PM, but I'll repeat it here:
I'm thrilled to hear that it worked out so well and was so enjoyable for you both. Have a great time exploring...and, of course, tell us all about it!