First Munch Tomorrow

I went to my first munch a couple weekends ago too. I slipped in and out but I stayed and chatted with a couple... and go to know them. I was shy and will likely try it again, but this time, with less wallflowering and more mingling.

But... last night I did have dinner with a gentlemen that saw me at the munch and saw my profile at ... he welcomed me to Louisville and offered his knowledge and friendship. And then I mentioned I'd gone to the munch already and he knew who I was, remembered how quietly I slipped in. So he invited me out to dinner and I had a wonderful time! Lol... definitely a new experience, having dinner with an experienced dominant in his mid-life. It was arousing, interesting, and the food was good. I'd love to do it again :D

Anyhow, I hope you continue to have a good time! And just know you aren't alone out there :D
Re: Age

In the things I have attended there have been a pretty good age spread.
But I seem to remember (If it isn't the alzheimers) that the folks at the munches tended to be middle or older in the group.
That the younguns showed up for playparties.

Hmmm brings a whole new meaning to "whipersnappers", don't it????


Yeah, my first play party is in a few weeks...I'll let y'all know how that turned out too.
i went to my first munch on Friday night, and had an awesome time. A curious friend went with me, and also had a good time.

The age group was mixed, but we all had a common interest, which i thought was very cool. Talk about where to get the best toys, which toys work best and how people came to be in the lifestyle, i thought was very interesting.

They welcomed me with open arms, and when i went to leave (3 hours later), they all embraced me and made sure that i was going to attend again.

The next one is in 2 weeks, and i can't wait!!! :)