Flash Challenge for BooMerengue

Water Cycle

My heart is missing
some important beats
that would calm
the racing pulse
of life around me

I'm too tired
to chase the rain
and follow the stream
of frolicking

over the rocks
and into turbulent
holes waves roll
into being, washed
into eddies, breathless
waiting to join
the clouds again.
Wonderful rain--and rain-related--poems here. You guys are amazing. You never fail to rise to the occasion.
My spine now curves
from bending down to find you
a physical symptom
from an emotional need.
Words of discontent rained
upon a childs defenceless head
weighted the frail reed
nearly to break, but now released
strives to remember
walking tall, straight into the future.
Wonderful rain--and rain-related--poems here. You guys are amazing. You never fail to rise to the occasion.

I agree, Ange. I love these challenges. They bring out spontaniety and that always makes for good stuff. So thank you, everyone, and feel free to add one anytime.

If I don't see y'all again, it's cuz my puter crashed on me about this time yesterday- I just now wiggled my video card into submission, but I have no idea how long it will last. And I can't afford another just now.

Love y'all. Now- carry on.
rain on my parade
kick my
proverbial ass
and I shall kiss yours