Fledgling Poet Needs Advice

The Mystery Valiant said:
Nice people don't make gross misunderstandings and then pile more filth on top of it. You haven't done anything but piss me off more. If you want me to improve my poetry, I think you better talk to the poetry fans over in the United Kingdom. I don't think they would be happy with the way I'm being called "a poor poet'.

Ahh the UK
Land of Benny Hill, boiled meat, inbred royalty and unlawful occupation.
I must say after reading your work you live up to everything I imagined a UK poet to be.
Tathagata said:
Ahh the UK
Land of Benny Hill, boiled meat, inbred royalty and unlawful occupation.
I must say after reading your work you live up to everything I imagined a UK poet to be.

being as stinky as a monkey with no toilet paper, again!
Tathagata said:
Ahh the UK
Land of Benny Hill, boiled meat, inbred royalty and unlawful occupation.
I must say after reading your work you live up to everything I imagined a UK poet to be.

Hey! :mad:
Tathagata said:
I must say after reading your work you live up to everything I imagined a UK poet to be.
Never encountered UK poetry?

(Right, I forgot, all fings forrein is Unamerican and thurrfor ain't worth carin' bout. :rolleyes: ;) )
How aristocratic

Tathagata said:
Ahh the UK
Land of Benny Hill, boiled meat, inbred royalty and unlawful occupation.
I must say after reading your work you live up to everything I imagined a UK poet to be.

Just won't sharpen up, will you? For that smart remark, Shakespeare feels the need to write a proper torture scene. But then again..., Who the fuck said I was British? I'm an american, as was Jimi Hendrix and you make one hell of a case for a loud-mouth, neanderthal brogan. And it was the British who kept the island so that we American's could launch against a tyrant that I'm more than sure you would have supported like you do Saddam! You make an assumption, I make an assumption. Fair is fair!

The Mystery Valiant said:
Just won't sharpen up, will you? For that smart remark, Shakespeare feels the need to write a proper torture scene. But then again..., Who the fuck said I was British? I'm an american, as was Jimi Hendrix and you make one hell of a case for a loud-mouth, neanderthal brogan. And it was the British who kept the island so that we American's could launch against a tyrant that I'm more than sure you would have supported like you do Saddam! You make an assumption, I make an assumption. Fair is fair!

I don't care if you're the last eskimo
I've read your stuff and I'm not sure which I find more laughable
your over dramatic use of language or the presumption that you should be giving anyone advice on how to improve a poem

Your work is incomprehensible drivel dressed in over wrought theatrical bullshit.

Just my opinion
Tathagata said:
Ahh the UK
Land of Benny Hill, boiled meat, inbred royalty and unlawful occupation.
I must say after reading your work you live up to everything I imagined a UK poet to be.

sheesh for a person who left for nicer, greener cleaner pastures this is pretty reactive and just plain mean in a swooping way

makes me sad to see you come back in here and show your worst.... I miss your best.... this place could use your best, T.

this place is what we make it
Umm, I'd really appreciate it if you guys could comment on my poem instead of heckling Mystery Valiant again...