For Better or Worse: My Smoking Fetish Erotica

Are you taking a sabbatical, George? Or just working on some fabulous new content for all of us?


Hi @SmokingFap ,

No...well, actually the answers to your questions in precise order are no and yes. After giving it a little time of non-activity on my part (to see how the thread does on its own) I've decided to step away from posting any new material here. I've done this because frankly, aside from a handful of some very nice people—the tiny group within which you reside—neither the concept nor my work has been well received. The concept itself is unappealing to a large group of people, its very existence provoking some strong negativity.

Mind you, I'm not "crying the blues," as it were nor am I hurt or otherwise depressed by the thread's failure to attract attention; I completely understand. I'm just looking at the overall "satisfaction factor" both on my part and audience reception. I went into this reluctantly, to begin with, adopting a "wait-and-see-how-it-goes" attitude. Given the results, I've decided to allow it to die a natural death (lol) by letting it descend the listings to join all the other vintage threads.

Thanks for your interest, patronage, and your kind praise! Look for more in the fetish thread, though; that is if it's well-received there.

Hi @SmokingFap ,

No...well, actually the answers to your questions in precise order are no and yes. After giving it a little time of non-activity on my part (to see how the thread does on its own) I've decided to step away from posting any new material here. I've done this because frankly, aside from a handful of some very nice people—the tiny group within which you reside—neither the concept nor my work has been well received. The concept itself is unappealing to a large group of people, its very existence provoking some strong negativity.

Mind you, I'm not "crying the blues," as it were nor am I hurt or otherwise depressed by the thread's failure to attract attention; I completely understand. I'm just looking at the overall "satisfaction factor" both on my part and audience reception. I went into this reluctantly, to begin with, adopting a "wait-and-see-how-it-goes" attitude. Given the results, I've decided to allow it to die a natural death (lol) by letting it descend the listings to join all the other vintage threads.

Thanks for your interest, patronage, and your kind praise! Look for more in the fetish thread, though; that is if it's well-received there.
Well then, friend, I do encourage you to keep posting your work over on the SF thread. Hopefully your fans on here will follow you over there. And from what I've seen on that thread, you're getting all approval and appreciation.

Take care, and keep up the great work.
Oh sigh, @GeorgeTyerbyter, I’m sorry your thread didn’t catch on. I do hope you’ll come visit Sky sometimes; the pleasure of your company is always welcome.
You can count on me to keep visiting, @Llehlla . Your thread is always a "must go to" locale immediately after I've logged in. I'll be there, even if only passively lurking. (Hmm, that last bit sounded a little creepy; like I'm sneaking around in the shadows with bad intent. But, I think you know what I mean.) All the best to you, you talented voluptuary, you! :giggle:
No need to thank me. On the contrary, it's a pity I overlooked your work before. I join in the congratulations.
Your work has reminded me that many years ago, I ended a relationship with a girl simply because she smoked. As a sporty guy, I found that distasteful.
After seeing your work, I think I would reconsider my decision. ;)
Those following this thread.
I *almost* had already written this one, it is close but no cigar(ette)
View attachment 2305739

Behind the Nightclub​

A hand sketching done in layers on a Gaomon PD1561 drawing pad.

It's a done deal. In a darkened alley, behind the nightclub—away from the chaotic social meat market, drunkenness, and the shaking on a crowded dance floor—only the subwoofer throb of bass is heard above the din as a courtesan earns a quick twenty.

She is in the smoking area...and has sex with him...but not quite how @GeorgeTyerbyter has drawn it.

BUT you guys might enjoy it?

^^^ If it isn't a work you, yourself created, it doesn't fit on this board.