For Emp


Concerning violence and spontaneity arisen in Duat,
Frantz Fanned the flame, psychiatrically
we two myselfs, fox and hounds,
have schizophrenic grammar, sharks and minnows,
a bomb left in the café,
little blood-shed the lining,
emergency contraceptive drugs

It was a good poem though, wasn't it? So much richer in story and imagery than:

A gaunt grey matador stands grand before the scorn
Of Venus venom formed, she so transmogrified,

I'm actually trans-mortified at your use of such a pedantic and non-poetic word as 'transmogrified'. 'Trans-mortify' meaning a shocked transgendered personage.
Sorry to hear that, the word I used was:

transmogrify (trænzˈmɒɡrɪˌfaɪ)

— vb , -fies , -fying , -fied
jocular ( tr ) to change or transform into a different shape, esp a grotesque or bizarre one

use of such a pedantic and non-poetic word as 'transmogrified

good enough for that crowe good enough for this crowe
"It was a transmogrifying bee"

This is a rough line, agree?
depends on what you mean by "rough"
anyway this was written (ironically enough) so that nothing could be taken literally, no real incident, an impossibility. in part it was prompted by a group of "literalists" here, particularly on some comments on Anti-gaki, which had a conversation in it that was say, highly improbable, absurd.
depends on what you mean by "rough"
anyway this was written (ironically enough) so that nothing could be taken literally, no real incident, an impossibility. in part it was prompted by a group of "literalists" here, particularly on some comments on Anti-gaki, which had a conversation in it that was say, highly improbable, absurd.

By how many iambs can a true or partial rhyme be stretched?

Does the fifth line, min 8 syllables a line, rhyme exist?

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