Forever Knight (Closed)

He chuckled from her words. She was so caring for him. "Luna... lovely Luna. I would walk with you even with the sun out. If you ask that of me, I will do so." He looked deep into her eyes. "You are the reason I am still here Luna, all these years, it is you. I have been in love with you... I can't explain it... nor do I understand it. But I believe through the sands of time, threads of fate, higher power writing... you were meant for me. All the women I have been with, both mortal and immortal, I did not feel the same as I do for you as I with them." He took her and held her close in his cold embrace.

It seemed like time stopped. She could feel he had a gun on him, he was a cop. She could feel his muscles, but he was just so cold, like a chisled statue. But he held her tight, like he thought she was going to disappear or run.

"Luna..." He sniffled a tear fell from his eye, a drop of blood... "I love you, but how can we be together, I am bad for you..." He than vanished and left her by the courtyard fountain. Gone... he appeared sitting on top the fountain. "I am not human... I am a monster... but I love you dearly... I cannot..." He vanished again and she was swept into his arms as he appeared. "I am a predator... evil incarnate..." He set her down and vanished again, but suddenly a fox fell, drained of blood in front of her as he was behind her, his hand at her throat, his body pressed against her as his fangs were out. "I am not normal... I should kill you because you know what I am... like I have done so many times before... fuck and kill... fuck and drain..." He vanished again and was looking down at her from onto of the fountain, standing perfectly straight on something no mortal could stand on.