Free speech and Censorship vs Editing

you may all thank me now for my help in getting you people to discuss this important issue.
WillowPuss said:
Monster, Spectre ... I just love* you guys!

More power to ya funny bones!

(*In a sisiterly, strictly platonic kinda way ... before anyone gets any ideas and starts something else!!!)

Hmmm. Too late!
I'm already gettin ideas...
Spectre and Willow
Sittin in a tree
S. P. A. N. K. I. N. G.
First comes pain
Then comes pleasure
Then comes... uhm, can somebody finish this for me?
(I was up very late last night!

Unregistered said:
you may all thank me now for my help in getting you people to discuss this important issue.

Unregistered, Thank You.

(I have to say, though, I expect better efforts from you in the future...) I'm guessing you didn't even look up one of my bible quotes!

Alright, I'll chime in because I'm not sure I've seen this said yet.

In the debate over the ideals of free speech, etc. that's been going on here for a couple/few days now, there's been talk about how deleting threads on this forum somehow runs counter to the ideals of free speech espoused by Laurel.

I disagree.

Supporting free speech online, as those lil links up top talk about, has nothing to do with letting the owners of a site set guidelines for the type of behavior they'll allow on that site.

It has everything to do with not letting the government decide for private citizens what they can and can't talk about or see online.

Now maybe I missed something here, and if anyone would like to explain to me how they see it differently I'd be happy to listen.
Well, I tried to say it. I think you are 100% on target.

BBD said:
Alright, I'll chime in because I'm not sure I've seen this said yet.

In the debate over the ideals of free speech, etc. that's been going on here for a couple/few days now, there's been talk about how deleting threads on this forum somehow runs counter to the ideals of free speech espoused by Laurel.

I disagree.

Supporting free speech online, as those lil links up top talk about, has nothing to do with letting the owners of a site set guidelines for the type of behavior they'll allow on that site.

It has everything to do with not letting the government decide for private citizens what they can and can't talk about or see online.

Now maybe I missed something here, and if anyone would like to explain to me how they see it differently I'd be happy to listen.
BBD said:

Supporting free speech online, as those lil links up top talk about, has nothing to do with letting the owners of a site set guidelines for the type of behavior they'll allow on that site.

It has everything to do with not letting the government decide for private citizens what they can and can't talk about or see online.

Sandia said:
<sigh> No disrespect, and I am genuinely not trying to be a troublemaker here, and I appreciate what you're doing here,
reading a sixty-eight page thread is just too high a price for admission. Seriously.
Seriously, Sandia, give it a rest. Just stop talking about how everyone expects you to read it, okay?

Do it.
Or don't do it.

There is no requirement that you do.
There is no expectation that you do.
There is no one frowning at you if you don't.

Just stop going aon and on like someone is trying to force you into reading then M thread. No one is doing that. No one has even intimated you should do that. I don't give a flying fuck if you do it or not - and neither does anyone else.

Stop posting stuff that makes it sound as if we do.
You seem to be stirring up a problem where there is none. Is that your goal?
I apologize if that's not what you're saying. It may well be I'm being over-sensitive here. In fact, I probably am.
Yes. You are. And you have been for awhile on this one subject. However, i trust that it's all clear now, right? Now you can let this one go?
I really hope not to offend with these - and any subsequent - questions. I don't know much about your subculture, though, and would love to learn from someone who's so initmately acquainted with it. Reading about it from a website isn't the same thing as talking with someone for whom it's an everyday reality.


I hope that wasn't taken out of context...
What the fuck does this mean?

I've just spent two days at Great America with two 14 year old girls who think they're 17 and a five year old boy who wants be 14. I've just driven several hundred miles getting there and back. We haven't eaten any real food in a few days, just junk food. I'm tired and i'm sunburned. My cat pooped on my living room carpet while i was away. The lawn needs cutting.

Don't fuck with me right now.

Why use my nick like you did above? Is there some meaning for me in here that my sunburned brain can't comprehend at the moment? If so, would you kindly explain it to me cuz i don't see it.
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