Free Thoughts~on One word...

Lights turned low
memories drifting on the words
of song

Like a silent movie
playing inside my head

Though the tears are real enough
emotions still lingering

Days I will never see again
moments that will never happen

Memories that I wish I'd forget
praying for senility

Then I could say what I want
no one would listen

Taking pleasure in my secrets
where I keep them hidden

Knowing one day they will
mean something
when it no longer matters

Will I find pleasure in that
Probably not

Not that it will matter anyway
my ashes blanketing the ground

The meadow singing songs
the Hawk listening, remembering

But it won't matter
the wind will carry away what was.


Lights turned low
memories drifting on the words
of song

Like a silent movie
playing inside my head

Though the tears are real enough
emotions still lingering

Days I will never see again
moments that will never happen

Memories that I wish I'd forget
praying for senility

Then I could say what I want
no one would listen

Taking pleasure in my secrets
where I keep them hidden

Knowing one day they will
mean something
when it no longer matters

Will I find pleasure in that
Probably not

Not that it will matter anyway
my ashes blanketing the ground

The meadow singing songs
the Hawk listening, remembering

But it won't matter
the wind will carry away what was.



memories lay
like sand from the ancients
a desert
of hopes and dreams
lay in drought
Honey dew drops bubbled and dripped
soaking skin, tan limbs and a sultry smile
made ... just for you.

I slid down deep into the bubbles
thinking what a pleasure it would be
to see you pop up between my sudsy
thighs, blowing your bubbles the way
you always promised.

Yes, my love I do remember a time
a moment when all was clear and you did
just this. Laughter filled the air and a sudden
hot tension popped up between us.

Your curls stick out most
in my mind. A loving smile appears
and so does a persistent never ending
desire I have and shall always have
... for you.

Razor to legs, slide to and fro
sharing the space for a moment in time
with you. Remembering your scandalous
trailing these same ridges, mountains
and hills.

Shaving cream covers
hides your favorite spot
ready for the razors edge, ready
for that silken slide you do so well.

Knowing your likeness for cream
I cover two crescent breast
tweaking nipples, finger slides
nubbing them just right
for the tasting, for the tempting
of the man out of the mountains

and onto the trail of this starving
body. The mapping of this woman
who was lost without a trace.
Come show me
the hunger I once knew
grew between us two ...


did I really?

call his name
spank his bum

take him
while screaming




throw him, about
the room

ride, rough
ramble on

what I like,

my every

then after
share a cuppa coffee
as if nothing

just happened?

did I really?

call his name
spank his bum

take him
while screaming




throw him, about
the room

ride, rough
ramble on

what I like,

my every

then after
share a cuppa coffee
as if nothing

just happened?


looks upwards (grinin)
(~_~) bows humble...
is the word throw?

throw out a line
it's fishing time
reeling it in
it's a big'un
and pulling
of wills and
then it quit
dragging it in
raises it up

a swim suit top?

Fast as an arrow shot
from a long bow, Throw up your
hands & give a loud cheer for a shot that did
better then hit near but hit the but hit the spot
Don't sign on the X yet, do it again jump in and get wet!
is the word throw?

throw out a line
it's fishing time
reeling it in
it's a big'un
and pulling
of wills and
then it quit
dragging it in
raises it up

a swim suit top?

I hope she catches
what your throw'in down, lol. ;)

Nice write Art.
I love when you get all comical on me. :D


Fast as an arrow shot
from a long bow, Throw up your
hands & give a loud cheer for a shot that did
better then hit near but hit the but hit the spot
Don't sign on the X yet, do it again jump in and get wet!

Nice rhyme my friend. ;)

Thank you for stopping by, feel free to jump in
anytime or post a word if ya feel tha need.
Love new writes.


Release ~

Syllables: re-lease
Parts of speech: transitive verb , noun

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation rih lis
Inflected Forms released, releasing, releases

Definition 1. to liberate from constraint, such as obligation or pain.
Synonyms liberate (1) , free (3) , unshackle , emancipate (1) , loose (1)
Crossref. Syn. deliver , absolve , discharge , extricate , acquit , amnesty , dismiss , excuse , exonerate
Similar Words rescue , pardon , untie , let off {let (PHR)} , deliver , excuse , discharge

Definition 2. to unfasten or let go of.
Example He released the handle.
Synonyms loosen (1) , undo (1) , loose (2) , unfasten , unbind (1)
Crossref. Syn. spring , extricate
Similar Words disentangle , untie , drop , detach , disengage , unhook , extricate

Definition 3. to allow the publication, circulation, or sale of.
Example The publishers released a new cookbook.
Similar Words publish , circulate , distribute

Definition 4. in law, to surrender or give up (a right or claim).
Synonyms renounce (1) , disclaim (3) , waive (1)
Similar Words relinquish , forgo , surrender

Related Words terminate , sack , absolve , yield , vent , emit , save , respite , spring , relax , forfeit , pour , trip , alleviate , burst , expel , exhaust , exempt , leak , exhale , heave , transmit , spare

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act or process of liberating from constraint.
Synonyms freeing {free (vt 1)} , emancipation (1) , liberation {liberate (1)}
Crossref. Syn. relief , undoing , relaxation

Definition 2. an authorization to publish or circulate information.

Definition 3. a news story or other piece prepared for publication in a newspaper or announcement on radio or television; press release.
Synonyms press release , news release

Definition 4. a device that allows a machine to start or stop.

Definition 5. a document that surrenders a right or claim.
Synonyms waiver (2) , disclaimer (2)

Related Words pardon , catharsis , discharge , freedom , expulsion , outlet , excuse , news , escape

See whatcha can do ...

give me

give me


me, wet

me. bank me
spank me


down. swipe
spin down

shake my ground

sound. copulate
as creative juices


fondling as we go.
release me

from this spinning

desire ....

Good morning my friends ~
Happpy writing

New Word...Insert

My tired eyes linger upon the screen

Warm bed is but yards away, a smart man would

Wrap it up and insert the 'Poem" on another day yet

I push, prod, ponder these hungry words cause my brain

told me Yes you may....anyway today's race is run

Goodnight sweet dreams hun! :)

Word of the day ...


mem·o·ry   [mem-uh-ree]
noun, plural -ries.

the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving
facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing
previous experiences.

this faculty as possessed by a particular individual: to have
a good memory.

the act or fact of retaining and recalling impressions, facts,
etc.; remembrance; recollection: to draw from memory.

the length of time over which recollection extends: a time
within the memory of living persons.

a mental impression retained; a recollection: one's earliest


Happpy writing my friends.. If you dare ;):kiss:

My tired eyes linger upon the screen

Warm bed is but yards away, a smart man would

Wrap it up and insert the 'Poem" on another day yet

I push, prod, ponder these hungry words cause my brain

told me Yes you may....anyway today's race is run

Goodnight sweet dreams hun! :)


This is yummy Fond, I see your reaching in the past and yet, so hopefullllll
of what has yet to become. I am liking it ~~

Memories ...


dreams often come true

night shades, darkness
whispers of you
come my way. Petal soft
visions, surrounding
a willow tree, tinkling water-
fall. shadows turn

as bodies mimic
making melodies
morph. fingertips
swollen lips,
kissed, mentioning

from past tryst
past visions
playing their part

like preying tigers
awaiting the


mmmm, grrrr~~;):kiss:

passion thread, bounce off ::: wank ~

he surrounds

wanking his john
joining the joust
he captured my

wrong, right
he is. the one
who summons.
the one who
my visions
day, night

we bend. spanks
to ass, fingers
my most inner

ass in air
giving it all

wilting this
honey pot~

fingers fumbling, taking
his lead, heading
heeding not a moments
thought. blind
spots suckled and scorched
by tongue. lips, wet
and wandering, awaken
his nether regions.

slow scorched welts
appear, friction tying
trying for more
seeking a completion
of conception
reaching, binding
tying, of hands and feet
bed post wide.

slow moist kisses
commanding a proper,
wenching. tailored for delight
as deceptive detours, may
shall be taken. Bites,
screams, moans
of pure abandonment
enjoyment is to be had,
from slick silky

needy, nether regions groan
and grope, pinch inside
out, excitement

oh, the glory
of a rough, wild, throw
down fulfillment.
come inside, make yourself
at home. it's gonna be
a long
night .....


tie me up thread ~~ this am ~~

me up

this man,
this wholesome



teeth bared
moans erupt

feet flexed
fingers, grasping
a taste

of what was shared,
now revisited
over, over

it all started with a simple
kiss. he said, it does not matter
what came
before. we are here

patio kisses, shared
as the water trickled,
below. deep

clothes thrown
nips to nipple
asses spanked
a throw down
here, now. it's on,

for we have tonight

shall always, come.

bodies bending, in motion
kisses, never ending
pinch nipples
naughty, needy
never, let

forms, folding
meeting, again

teeth bared, whispers
wants, un---

he met me
again and again
never letting go
as we caressed

the room with desire
with need
with bare brazen

nail grips to his ass
as he filled me, over

'onery thoughts, tiger --

tempt, tease
give. dreams
I want this man


Caresses soft
creating a euphoria
of here, now

he carried me into

and back
just to

breath soft
kisses, slow hands

I lay, dream


a repeat



mmm, grrrrrr
Submit .. ??


Kissing neck roughly
pressed door, indention's
pressed cock inviting.

Undress, everything, she stated.
Eyes glued, each petal dropped
coffee-table blindfold, wear it

she demanded. Riding crop caresses,
tipped his erection, rough leather
ridges, patted his cockberries
as a weak knee-ed gasp, escaped
with the fast swat, to his tan
sensitive bum. Her wet fingers, found,

their wayward way home. Pressing,
singing, escaping inside.
One by one, as bites to his neck

found him nestled on bed. A forceful jerk
and his shaking knees were in the air.
Heated flesh, singed his member. He knew
she was going to take him, hard.

Nipple pinches, wringing as sweat
erupted. Her scent, he tasted
upon the air. hHr lubed cock he felt,
between his thighs, as firm fingers rounded
his cherry hole. Round,
slow, easy,
round. A fast swat,

to pink ass and he jumped
to attention. Sensations shooting
toes tingling, as his hard cock
was manipulated along with his sweet
lil ass.

Play with my clit, my pet.
She profused as her cock, smacked
his ass. Aching now, he did as he was told,
and begged for more. Yes my pet,

beg, she bespoke as her two fingers
foraged, frolicked, fermented deep.
Gasping he started to flick
her sweet nub. Wet from desire

he pressed on, begging.
Another smack, his eager ass
screamed., with each spanking.

A nudge and his knees were pressed
as her hard cock approached
his dripping hole. Excitement

mounting, he felt her enter
his wetness. Knowing she applied
extra lube, he gasp
with her slick start. Moaning

in pleasure, he continued plying
her clit with long even
strokes. Gnashing his teeth
trying not to erupt, as each stroke
of her big cock
nestled deeper

then fast
begging now, he moaned.
Nipple clamps burning,
ass swatting swears, she went on
fully taking, showing
her pet, how to sweat, it out. Knowing

he was too far
gone. He screamed
as her shaft closed in on his tiny
hole. teasing, pleasing, deeper
she dived down, then in. Pleasing him,
her with each thrust and

groan. Her tasty juices flowed
as his member could not hold
his cream in no longer. Erupting

they crashed, betwixt moans, groans
and screams. Knowing this was a day
not to be forgotten ....

I hope she catches
what your throw'in down, lol. ;)

Nice write Art.
I love when you get all comical on me. :D


Nice rhyme my friend. ;)

Thank you for stopping by, feel free to jump in
anytime or post a word if ya feel tha need.
Love new writes.


Thanks a lot, your poems are hot! In RL BSDM isn't our thing "butt" :D no matter...keep em flowin like a river so wild!
Thanks a lot, your poems are hot! In RL BSDM isn't our thing "butt" :D no matter...keep em flowin like a river so wild!

lmao .. nor are they mine but it is fun to kick around
the idea and tickle it every now and again.

thank you for the commentary. I love to write
and have been away for a bit, just trying to
settle back in and have fun with it.

Thanks again for joining in ...

revisited page 35


a picture of you
all silky wet
in a bath, waiting for me to join
waiting for us
to join. keeps popping into my mind.

what to do
but sit and think of poetry
'n prose
write and watch as you
bobble in
out of bubbles
slide 'n slink up
down in that tub of mirrors

while toying with my mind
yo-yoing me back and forth
blowing timeless dreams
into my soul
while wishing to soak
skin to skin
with my bare chested man

lil whipsy curls begging me
to wrap around
feet fondly rising to ride
in that tub
like river rafting down a long
of you ...


dreams often come true

night shades, darkness
whispers of you
come my way. Petal soft
visions, surrounding
a willow tree, tinkling water-
fall. shadows turn

as bodies mimic
making melodies
morph. fingertips
swollen lips,
kissed, mentioning

from past tryst
past visions
playing their part

like preying tigers
awaiting the


mmmm, grrrr~~;):kiss:


wow, I like this one (~_~)