Freedom in Submission

MY-Sir's-k- said:

Little Girl; I can relate to your statement 100%. I have always been a very independent type of woman. But over the years, I realized that I also wanted to have a man whom I respected and trusted to dominate me. I found that man in MY-Sir. HE has opened doors for me that were once only dreamed of.:heart:

I wish you all of the best in your relationship and hope that it blooms into the most beautiful flower of love :rose:
Blessings to you sister-sub.

Thank you so much MY-Sir's-K, I have spent my life having to be strong and in control.... I mean I spent 11 years working in Federal Law Enforcement which left little room to let my guard down or give a hint of submissiveness.... I tried to persue this with my now X husband and my current room mate, but they didn't seem to know how to deal with such a strong woman who wanted to be dominated. I think I have a tendancy to scare most men :( not that I mean to, but this man is not at all intimidated by me and he knows I have a healthy Italian temper and he is still not running for cover :) We have spent the last several weeks just talking (e-mail is all we have till he gets home) and though my room mate finds it impossible to believe, I truly feel dominated by him even though he is 3,000 miles away. Just seeing e-mail from him or hearing his voice on the occassional phone call from work leaves me feeling very submissive ;)
Freedom to me also means being able to "let down my guard."

I hve been the strong person for friends, family and in terms of my occupation since I was a teen.

Being able to not make a decision, defer a decision is liberating.

In scene, being bound and helpless is liberating. What can I do if I wanted to do about the woes of the world? Nothing.

Giving myself over to Him to please and serve gives one focus and reminds us that there are greater things out there. That we, as strong women, are not the end of the line, so to speak.

A Dom is my anchor, my granite, so to speak.

All this allows me to be that woman/child that I have always been and always suppressed.
Hahahaha! I know what you mean by having the feeling of submitting with emails and phone conversations only, Little girl. MY-Sir is currently in England, and we have had no other contact since mid May when HE was here with me. HE commands me via the net and phone and I am all to happy to obey HIS commands! :D I think it adds to our relationship. HE knows that I will obey HIM even though HE really has no way of knowing except by my word.
I am eagerly looking forward to October when HE will be able to command me in person.:heart:
MissTaken said:
Freedom to me also means being able to "let down my guard."

I hve been the strong person for friends, family and in terms of my occupation since I was a teen.

Being able to not make a decision, defer a decision is liberating.

In scene, being bound and helpless is liberating. What can I do if I wanted to do about the woes of the world? Nothing.

Giving myself over to Him to please and serve gives one focus and reminds us that there are greater things out there. That we, as strong women, are not the end of the line, so to speak.

A Dom is my anchor, my granite, so to speak.

All this allows me to be that woman/child that I have always been and always suppressed.

That is sooooooo true, I was raised to be the perfect son and have always found myself in the position of protector to my sisters and then my step daughter and ultimately I became the main provider to both my husbands though they wanted to control every cent that hit the bank account, they were selfish and put their wants ahead of the family's needs which is a whole other story :(

But because I felt it was always up to me to take care of bringing home the bacon, cooking it and cleaning up after diner (so to speak) I almost felt more like the D then the s and that drove me nuts. Then I got into a relationship with a man who talked a good game, but once around me (he moved in) he became yet another man who was happier sitting back and reaping the benefits of my labor then standing up and taking responsibility for himself......

Of course I do realize alot of the problems are because I allowed myself to believe that it was my responsibility to take care of whoever was in my life, and the men thus far have been more like my children then my partners, but it is now up to me to put a stop to the craziness and I have realized through all this that I want a man to take control and let me submit to him......

I really believe I have finaly met the man who can do that and I am excited about the possibilities.
MissTaken said:
Freedom to me also means being able to "let down my guard."

I hve been the strong person for friends, family and in terms of my occupation since I was a teen.

Being able to not make a decision, defer a decision is liberating.

In scene, being bound and helpless is liberating. What can I do if I wanted to do about the woes of the world? Nothing.

Giving myself over to Him to please and serve gives one focus and reminds us that there are greater things out there. That we, as strong women, are not the end of the line, so to speak.

A Dom is my anchor, my granite, so to speak.

All this allows me to be that woman/child that I have always been and always suppressed.

Very well stated, MissTaken! Hats off to you for expressing what I think are so many of our thoughts. **claps with approval**:)
MY-Sir's-k- said:
Hahahaha! I know what you mean by having the feeling of submitting with emails and phone conversations only, Little girl. MY-Sir is currently in England, and we have had no other contact since mid May when HE was here with me. HE commands me via the net and phone and I am all to happy to obey HIS commands! :D I think it adds to our relationship. HE knows that I will obey HIM even though HE really has no way of knowing except by my word.
I am eagerly looking forward to October when HE will be able to command me in person.:heart:

We have more in common then I realized, I met my Master the first week of May when I was sent to his unit to provide some assistance at the job. We hit it off and became instant friends and I really admired his strength, integrity and his sense of humor. He shipped out in June and we started talking in e-mail just to keep him posted on how his family was doing (he is the single father of 2) and before he left his mom and I hit it off so I was kind of helping the family out. Then he read my poetry on my web site and asked me about one of the poems I had written "Slave to her Master" and I wasn't sure how to answer, but decided to just jump in and told him I thought that would be the perfect relationship..... the rest is history. He is due home the 27th of September and I am anxious to have him command me in person as well. I have as I said earlier a very Italian temper and I warned him that I tend to throw things in anger.... his response to that was "I always have an extra pair of handcuffs, and if you throw something at me, it will be the last thing you throw" I find that exciting.....:eek: But then I always was a little unique. I hope things go well upon your Sir's return and thanks for the words of encouragement
Re: The freedome I can only hope my darling pet finds in submitting to me ...

Hecate said:
The freedom to be herself, not to worry about what others think of her and her actions, because the only meassure for her value is my approval or disapproval - and she will get that very directly from me, so there is no need to "assume - guess - wonder".

The freedom to be herself, enjoying all the pleasures she is given without guilt, becasue she knows it is not for her but for me in the end.

The freedom to be herself, no need to simulate, to pretend, to play nice, becasue I own her, body and soul, and there is nothing to hide anymore anyway. Plus she owns me that honesty, so there must not be facades put up.

The freedom to be herself, because her place is set, determined, clearly lined out. She needs not struggle to conquer her role in this world anymore because she has found it alreready.

And the freedom to become herself - because I am the one taking her places she wouldn't dare going on her own.

So beautifully said Hecate. Always a pleasure to read your so well-written and insightful posts.

There's an interesting thing here that makes me question just exactly what my submissive sexual nature is. Things that Little Girl brought up about being a strong independent woman -- and having men find that intimidating. Not knowing what to do with a woman who wants to be an equal in the relationship, but to be controlled -- to give over control and to submit in the bedroom. I can relate to that, lol. The selfishness you've encountered as well. My own experiences in that area make it difficult for me to trust and give myself over completely to someone else -- no matter how powerful a desire it is.

And what Hecate wrote -- just blows me away. Some of it I'm comfortable with and drawn to -- and some of how you describe it, I'm not sure I could ever be comfortable with. Give over that much of myself to someone else and believe that my fully being myself -- is SO deeply related to another person. That tie, complete emotional reliance on another -- I'm not sure I want -- in order to fully realize myself. I believe I want to know and accept myself -- without that relating to any other but myself. *Then* I feel that my submissiveness -- what I would have to give to another would have true value. Because I *know* and accept myself.

It's just such a new thing for me to explore -- because it relates to the deepest parts of who I am. Parts I'm not even sure I completely understood -- or yet do.

Freedom is an important word -- a powerful one in this thread.

Great topic MissT -- makes me think (ugh, makes my head hurt, lol.) ;)

P. :rose:
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Miss T, you always have intellectual threads.

I think there is a a lot of truth in submission being freedom because as others have expressed, it frees the sub from having the world dictate how they should be, and they can express their needs and wants. It really takes a Dom who understands that part of the role of a dom is to provide that security and comfort zone.

As a bit of a switch, I think the idea of letting go is so appealing to my sub side while the dom side thrives in the knowledge that I can complete some one and be their rock.
Re: Re: The freedome I can only hope my darling pet finds in submitting to me ...

Persephone36 said:

I believe I want to know and accept myself -- without that relating to any other but myself. *Then* I feel that my submissiveness -- what I would have to give to another would have true value. Because I *know* and accept myself.

Persephone, submitting doesn't mean to leave your Self at the doorstep, actually quite the contrary. Unless you know who you are and what you want you will never fully be able to give the treasuredg gift of yourself to any Dominant. Domination doesn't mean to loose yourself ad just be "run" by someone else like a puppet on strings. Unless you know perfectly well who and what you are and what your value is you will not be able to serve with pride and joy, and exactly those streaks are the ones I as a Dominant adore in my pet.

Nevertheless - there is only "so far" that you can go on your own in your discovery of self - and just as I need a submissive to discover the full extend and capability of my Dominance, the submissive will need a Dominant counterpart to challenge, reflect, mirror those emotions and notions, those fears and hesitations that you can not conquer on your own.

All shades inbetween are possible - but that would be my perfect thought of submission... the gift of another person in its whole entity (not sure if that is the right word but it is darn late here and I can't be bothredt to get a dictionary )
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Re: Re: Re: The freedome I can only hope my darling pet finds in submitting to me ...

Hecate said:

Persephone, submitting doesn't mean to leave your Self at the doorstep, actually quite the contrary. Unless you know who you are and what you want you will never fully be able to give the treasuredg gift of yourself to any Dominant. Domination doesn't mean to loose yourself ad just be "run" by someone else like a puppet on strings. Unless you know perfectly well who and what you are and what your value is you will not be able to serve with pride and joy, and exactly those streaks are the ones I as a Dominant adore in my pet.

Nevertheless - there is only "so far" that you can go on your own in your discovery of self - and just as I need a submissive to discover the full extend and capability of my Dominance, the submissive will need a Dominant counterpart to challenge, reflect, mirror those emotions and notions, those fears and hesitations that you can not conquer on your own.

All shades inbetween are possible - but that would be my perfect thought of submission... the gift of another person in its whole entity (not sure if that is the right word but it is darn late here and I can't be bothredt to get a dictionary )

Thank you Hecate! I appreciate all that you wrote. :) Especially at such a late hour. ;)

P. :rose:
As a switch I can say there is defintly a freedom to submission. Naturally all of this involves a Dom/me you can truly trust. But as a submissive you can just let go and ride the winds to pleasure. as a Dominant you must be aware and stay atleast somewhat focused on your subs needs.
wonderful thread here--

the masochist controls not by force but through persuasion

the masochist sets the term and the limits

this power i think can induce that feeling of freedom through submission

masochists are not weak, they simply act that way
Michael42 said:
wonderful thread here--

the masochist controls not by force but through persuasion

the masochist sets the term and the limits

this power i think can induce that feeling of freedom through submission

masochists are not weak, they simply act that way

~~~~~~~~~This is my kind of post: Brief, concise, easily understood. Sans the flowery adjectives. Well done!
And I happen to think you may be right.