From the eyes of the dedicated lurker..

Leaving solves nothing. I know how you feel and Zip is right we have a chioce to post or not.

I have stated before that I am not leaving and I am posting to those things that interest me and leaving the others behind.\

If I see that certain people have started a thread I won't even open them to see what they have to say.

I am not playing these stupid fucking games with these mean inconsiderate people anymore.

I truly believe that if you quit reacting they will go away and find something else to destroy!!

Now that is just my opinion... but I own it.
You go girl!

Rah Rah, Sis Boom Bah.

Ok, I suck as a cheerleader.

But, you are all right.

Dix, Zip, Cellis...thanks a bunch.

Bet ya look cute in that short skirt tho....:devil:


ps. I agree cellis, that's why I'm sticking around.
zipman7 said:


I completely understand what you are saying and I feel the same way. HOWEVER, leaving won't really solve anything. Take a look at the front page - all of those threads have one post to them. Some have none. Our refusal to post to those threads are speaking louder than any post ever could.

My first reaction was to post to them and to tell Rick to get lost. I was going to say many of the things that you said. Not posting and letting them sink like stones is better. The threads where he is the only one posting are even funnier. He looks like an ass, and that's that.

And as for Azzy, well, you have set a fine example here! Welcome to the BDSM board and thank you!


Dead on, Zip man! Exactly! Cool! Fer Sure!

*LOL* . . . how is that for encouragement.

Let them sink. Let's keep looking for and posting to those threads that bring us here.

~two post to great threads for me this morning, already :D Nemo has a great one, the library, check it out~
i, like so many others, was on the verge of leaving this place... the place that i have come to love as a second home, with so many people here that i consider part of my family now... but a very wise man talked me out of leaving, told me to come back here, and fight for what is ours, what we have worked so hard to accomplish thus far...(and, i thank you for that Zip :) ) i will not give in to the harassment that others are trying to bring in here... i am here to learn and talk about BDSM, and that's what i'm going to do.... along with hopefully welcoming others in here also,and making them feel like they are among family and friends......

You are all so fantastic, and i am glad to be part of this forum!!!

ok, mushy stuff over... let's get posting!!
More mush! More mush!

Nah, not really. I'm just glad to have such wonderful people chiming in!

Nowwwww, on with the show.

Oh, and Dix...never was a cheerleader. But, once upon a time I did look pretty darn good in a short skirt.
Azzy, welcome.

Flame wars and flame baiting have their place, and it's the GB. Some of the previous outbreaks of hostility *have* been relevant, as they're about the conduct of posters and the content of the forum. Lance and others have gotten stuck in the position of squeaky wheel, which has done much to create and prolong flame wars, but under the nasty tone there are real issues to address. I'm working toward addressing the legitimate issues they've raised.

The kind of immaturity and destructiveness, no matter the intent, that I see in repeated flame baiting is not helpful or appropriate to this forum.

My current plan is to give everyone 24 hours to read and respond to the revised Sticky situation. After that, completely off-topic flame baiting will be treated as trolling and will be removed. That's the best idea I've got for dealing with this situation. Other suggestions are welcome, and should be directed to cellis' "Comments on the New Stickies" thread, or added to this one.

Again, welcome.

Be well,
Forum Moderator