Fuck me hard..and I aint talking about a poem...

I want a nice hot bubble bath with candles floating in the water, champagne and soft music. a nice sexy guy to whisper sweet nothings in my ear while he paints my toenails bright red, and then after my bath wrapped in big white fluffy terry cloth robe I walk in to my bedroom and find it lightly glowing in the light from the fireplace and the 100's of candles spread around the room the bed covered in rose pedals, that same sexy guy on his knees by the foot of the bed whispering your every wish is my command.( oh and what commands I would have just for him) and all of them for my pleasure alone.

and to think yep I'm a sub but damn a girl can dream can't she.
Hard nuff to bruise


oh my, my... such a nice way to say it,

I like to leave finger print bruises on wrists, calves and hips..
and naughty bits swollen and achy from all the attention.

you piqued my interest ex post facto.

:kiss: :rolleyes: