Fucking Her While Spanking Her?

Re: Re: Re: Fucking Her While Spanking Her?

Temptress_1960 said:
Now this...

Sounds like a very good idea. :D

Glad you approve ... hope you try it soon with the partner of your choice. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fucking Her While Spanking Her?

AngelicAssassin said:
Glad you approve ... hope you try it soon with the partner of your choice. :)

I have... and I will. :D
ownedsubgal said:

yes, i doubt a spanking will take her there. i can be hurt very unpleasurably with a spanking but it takes an extremely severe spanking to get me there. the belt or the strap makes me reach that point of suffering far quicker. not to mention my Master's bare hands in a closed fist against all my boney parts...chest, back, arms etc. i am still suffering at this very minute from a fist blow he gave me to the middle of my spine over a month ago. i am starting to think it will never stop hurting! lol

Forgive me for stepping in here but I feel as if I have to say something. First of all I rarely post here anymore, even though I lurk a great deal.... Part of the reason is that I am frightened for people who post things like the above. I was mental health worker for many years, not unlike Miss T.... and when I see a post like this I am deeply concerned.

I am deeply concerned that you, ownedsubgal, seem to think that it is okay for your master (and I use that term very loosely) to use closed fists on the boney parts of your body, especially your spine, and for you to be suffering pain a month later.... On my book this has nothing to do with BDSM and everything to do with ABUSE.

I am also deeply concerned about the message that sends to new people who are entering this lifestyle and have little or no real life experiences. I think there needs to be another voice that says THIS IS NOT OKAY...

I realize that my post is somewhat inflamatory... I make no appologies for my own thoughts and opinions. Rather I want people to know that this is not every considered okay within the bounds of the communities in which I am associated.
and cellis, just as you would like newbies to know that people like myself and my Master are not openly accepted within the circles you know of/associate with, i would like newbies to know that people like myself and my Master are indeed openly accepted in the circles WE associate with. when first exploring this lifestyle, it was comments/statements like yours and others who claim to be voicing "concern" that made me feel strange/out of place/a freak...it seemed no one craved the sort of relationship that i did or believed that such a relationship could be truly loving and beautiful. people would describe what they considered to be abuse, and it would be something i'd want to be a regular part of my dream relationship. i started to actually believe this rhetoric and thought i was just effed in the head, and gave up all thoughts of ever having a Master/being in a committed union. thank goodness i eventually met some wonderful people who didn't find my needs/desires/thoughts/beliefs so crazy and i finally found my place in this lifestyle, and even better found the perfect Master for me. there could be another submissive like myself reading these posts now and maybe thinking that something's wrong with her for her desires because so many are calling what she needs/wants abuse, or sick, or twisted, or whatever. and for that submissive i just want it to be clear, that she is not alone, that everyone does not share such a limited view of what is and is not acceptable within a relationship.
I'm sorry for this hijack...


First let me preface this by saying I am not an expert at much. I know what's true for me, and even then I am learning new things every day. However...

From my perspective your relationship looks more like co-dependancy than D/s. It bothers me that your master is ok with the fact that you can't function without him. Let me ask you, what will happen to you if he ever is incapacitated?

when first exploring this lifestyle, it was comments/statements like yours and others who claim to be voicing "concern" that made me feel strange/out of place/a freak...

I dunno, I think you would be hard pressed to find a truly judgmental voice here (outside of discussing cetain subjects as adultry, pediphilia, or zoophilia).

I know you are happy, but that doesn't mean what you are doing is healthy.
redelicious said:
I'm sorry for this hijack...


First let me preface this by saying I am not an expert at much. I know what's true for me, and even then I am learning new things every day. However...

From my perspective your relationship looks more like co-dependancy than D/s. It bothers me that your master is ok with the fact that you can't function without him. Let me ask you, what will happen to you if he ever is incapacitated?

>>it is very true that i am entirely dependent on my Master, for us that is a GOOD thing, if i didn't NEED (not just want and desire) him as much as i do, something would be very wrong with our relationship. it is politically correct in the popular bdsm and D/s worlds these days to say that a submissive and even a sub who is a slave should know how to function on their own because that is "healthy", but believe it or not we all don't share those beliefs. with all that said, my Master has made arrangements for my care should anything ever happen to him. He is extremely responsible and considers possibilities that would have never even crossed my mind. i suppose that is partially what makes him such a wonderful Master.

"I dunno, I think you would be hard pressed to find a truly judgmental voice here (outside of discussing cetain subjects as adultry, pediphilia, or zoophilia)."

we all judge...and that is fine. the prob comes in when we judge too quickly, without knowing all the facts, and when we place our own values and morals on others.

"I know you are happy, but that doesn't mean what you are doing is healthy.

"healthy" by whose standards? for me to live in any other way would be torturous, scary, cruel. with my Master i feel endless unconditional love, security/safety, joy...i smile and laugh and feel true happiness, something that was denied me before. health and happiness go hand in hand in my view.
ownedsubgal said:
and cellis, just as you would like newbies to know that people like myself and my Master are not openly accepted within the circles you know of/associate with, i would like newbies to know that people like myself and my Master are indeed openly accepted in the circles WE associate with. when first exploring this lifestyle, it was comments/statements like yours and others who claim to be voicing "concern" that made me feel strange/out of place/a freak...it seemed no one craved the sort of relationship that i did or believed that such a relationship could be truly loving and beautiful. people would describe what they considered to be abuse, and it would be something i'd want to be a regular part of my dream relationship. i started to actually believe this rhetoric and thought i was just effed in the head, and gave up all thoughts of ever having a Master/being in a committed union. thank goodness i eventually met some wonderful people who didn't find my needs/desires/thoughts/beliefs so crazy and i finally found my place in this lifestyle, and even better found the perfect Master for me. there could be another submissive like myself reading these posts now and maybe thinking that something's wrong with her for her desires because so many are calling what she needs/wants abuse, or sick, or twisted, or whatever. and for that submissive i just want it to be clear, that she is not alone, that everyone does not share such a limited view of what is and is not acceptable within a relationship.

Be that as it may... I know abuse when I see it and if it makes you feel uncomfortable for me to call it that then perhaps you should look at it...

I am by no means judging you... I never called what you did sick or twisted... only abusive and that is what I still call it...
While it might be healthy for you, it's not for the vast majority of people out there.

I compare it to a workshop I saw on anal play and safety.

The person giving the workshop was giving the standard lines about lots of lube and patience and small to bigger items slowly over time, and how not to tear the rectum, etc.

Someone said "I like being torn, I like not being lubed, I like it to be painful."

Her reaction was, hey, that's fine, it's your body it's your kink. I'm gearing this toward people who want to avoid that happening.

So, for as long as I'm able to talk about safety to internal organs, to the body, to the spine, I will dissuade anyone from hitting there, and I will point out to a bottom being hit there what the risks she runs are. I will give someone the tools they need to avoid the damage. I think that is the appropriate way to deal with novices.

I also think that we can leave judgement out of it. "If someone hits your spine it's abuse" is not as useful as "if someone hits your spine it can cause serious nerve damage."

I hope it's occured to you and your master to get some medical attention for spinal pain that's not gone away after a month, but chronic back pain is also your right if that's what you want.
Netzach said:
While it might be healthy for you, it's not for the vast majority of people out there.

I compare it to a workshop I saw on anal play and safety.

The person giving the workshop was giving the standard lines about lots of lube and patience and small to bigger items slowly over time, and how not to tear the rectum, etc.

Someone said "I like being torn, I like not being lubed, I like it to be painful."

Her reaction was, hey, that's fine, it's your body it's your kink. I'm gearing this toward people who want to avoid that happening.

So, for as long as I'm able to talk about safety to internal organs, to the body, to the spine, I will dissuade anyone from hitting there, and I will point out to a bottom being hit there what the risks she runs are. I will give someone the tools they need to avoid the damage. I think that is the appropriate way to deal with novices.

I also think that we can leave judgement out of it. "If someone hits your spine it's abuse" is not as useful as "if someone hits your spine it can cause serious nerve damage."

I hope it's occured to you and your master to get some medical attention for spinal pain that's not gone away after a month, but chronic back pain is also your right if that's what you want.

You are right Netzach... perhaps my tone was not the most helpful... it is just that I hate seeing people equate this behavior with BDSM....
(Not sure if my posts will be welcome or not - hardly a regular any longer!)

I have read all this with interest ... but the thing that got my attention was the post by OSG saying about the pain a month later from a punch her Master gave her.

This made my eyes water and my toes curl.
Whilst I would be the first to defend anyone's right to do whatever they wish in their own relationship ... if we are talking about a D/s relationship (and I assume that you have one seeing as you refer to yourself as a slave and your partner as Master) then I feel I ought to say, in my mind, this may be consensual behaviour ... but it is hardly safe.

Such a blow - with a fist to the spine - could cripple a person for life.

Not even sure you could call it safe ... it is certainly edgy.

My main concern is that somebody thinking about taking those first tiny steps on their own journey will see the post and think ... no way can I do that/take that.

Whilst you may do whatever rocks your boat ... I think that all experienced lifestylers here have a duty to keep stressing the SSC that most live by.
Great comments, Netzach and WillowPuss.

That was exactly what I wanted to say, I just didn't know how to phrase it.

The safety issue concerns me, ownedsubgal.

What you and your master choose to do is between the two of you.

Just be aware of the risks, please, and don't do any irreparable damage.
ownedsubgal said:

"healthy" by whose standards? for me to live in any other way would be torturous, scary, cruel. with my Master i feel endless unconditional love, security/safety, joy...i smile and laugh and feel true happiness, something that was denied me before. health and happiness go hand in hand in my view.

Ok, I really do try to think along the lines of "whatever works," though it might not be apparent at the moment.


I'm having trouble coming up with the words to express what I want to say. Look, people much more experienced than myself have expressed concerns to you in various threads. I know you are comfortable with where you're at, but maybe you can at least consider what has been said to you.
Netzach said:
While it might be healthy for you, it's not for the vast majority of people out there.

I compare it to a workshop I saw on anal play and safety.

The person giving the workshop was giving the standard lines about lots of lube and patience and small to bigger items slowly over time, and how not to tear the rectum, etc.

Someone said "I like being torn, I like not being lubed, I like it to be painful."

Her reaction was, hey, that's fine, it's your body it's your kink. I'm gearing this toward people who want to avoid that happening.

So, for as long as I'm able to talk about safety to internal organs, to the body, to the spine, I will dissuade anyone from hitting there, and I will point out to a bottom being hit there what the risks she runs are. I will give someone the tools they need to avoid the damage. I think that is the appropriate way to deal with novices.

I also think that we can leave judgement out of it. "If someone hits your spine it's abuse" is not as useful as "if someone hits your spine it can cause serious nerve damage."

I hope it's occured to you and your master to get some medical attention for spinal pain that's not gone away after a month, but chronic back pain is also your right if that's what you want.

Netzach, it's always good to mention the potential risks and hazards of certain activities, i have no issue with that. as you said, the judgement is not necessary. however to "dissuade" someone from doing anything is in itself a judgement, because you're basically labelling something as bad because of the risks involved, and therefore sending a message to those who engage in those activities or simply wish to engage in those activities, that something is wrong with them. i try never to dissuade OR encourage someone to do anything i've done...i just give my opinions and feelings based on my own experiences, throw in some cold facts, and leave them to decide for themselves either way. i don't like things that cause division within the lifestyle (btw cellis, my/our lifestyle is not bdsm, it is D/s).

all that said, my Master's very experienced, in the lifestyle and in life, and is also a major sports/fitness guru, and knows far better than most just what the body (especially the body of his slave) can and cannot take. He knows how to hit me and where to hit me so that he gets the effect he wants without causing anything he doesn't want (a permanently crippled slave, he doesn't want). He knows my back is still tender and he says that's normal...my movements are not limited, i'm not in excruciating pain, it's just a dull soreness. so i'm okay, the back's okay, we're in very capable hands.
ownedsubgal said:
Netzach, it's always good to mention the potential risks and hazards of certain activities, i have no issue with that. as you said, the judgement is not necessary. however to "dissuade" someone from doing anything is in itself a judgement, because you're basically labelling something as bad because of the risks involved, and therefore sending a message to those who engage in those activities or simply wish to engage in those activities, that something is wrong with them.

I have to disagree. I would try to dissuade a person from walking across busy streets during red lights. It's not a judgement call on what I think of them if they decide to do it, it's basic information aiming at self-preservation. If they decide it's something they can't live without, they should also have the security in their decision to just shrug and know I'm wrong and go on their merry way. I think it's important to teach kids, though, who are completely new to the ways of traffic (to stretch the painfully bad metaphor) that one should cross with the light. Let them figure out when that's less applicable once they get a feel for things based on experience.

I think there *are* divisions in "the lifestyle" whatever that might be. I think that your life, my life, and the life of your average foot fetishist are three vastly different stories. That's pretty cool, actually.

i try never to dissuade OR encourage someone to do anything i've done...i just give my opinions and feelings based on my own experiences, throw in some cold facts, and leave them to decide for themselves either way. i don't like things that cause division within the lifestyle (btw cellis, my/our lifestyle is not bdsm, it is D/s).

all that said, my Master's very experienced, in the lifestyle and in life, and is also a major sports/fitness guru, and knows far better than most just what the body (especially the body of his slave) can and cannot take. He knows how to hit me and where to hit me so that he gets the effect he wants without causing anything he doesn't want (a permanently crippled slave, he doesn't want). He knows my back is still tender and he says that's normal...my movements are not limited, i'm not in excruciating pain, it's just a dull soreness. so i'm okay, the back's okay, we're in very capable hands.

Makes sense enough to me, I'd just be concerned about anything that dragged on for a month, but different bodies heal at different rates. I've done kooky things while occasionally bottoming to an acupuncturist, it's all good.
Hello OSG,

I do travel in the circles that I think your Master and yourself travel in. I am not putting in a judgement of anyone; I do feel that the continuos reminders of persons towards OSG about how they disapprove of her relationship leads to absolutely nothing. OSG has shown on more then one occasion that she has done research and she knows what she is doing and is happy in such. I for one have never, nor will ever use a closed fist to any body part on anyone, except in a situation where I want to do serious bodily harm, for example when fighting for my own life, but that is my decision for me.

I do feel that Netzach has brought up a different point, that of bodily harm to the body and educating persons about that. That is a good point to consider. I have done that myself to OSG in a different thread, but I have also realised that I was making the point to the wrong person according to lifestyle roles.

The one who needs to know this information is OSG’s Master, not OSG herself, though she has said he is well informed on many levels and acts accordingly to protect her. OSG has proven, and has shown to be a remarkable individual it is not for her to make any decisions or make any judgement on what her Master decides to do to her. To her and many I have known, her life is in the hands of her Master. If he would so desire she would lay down her life for him happily, she would let herself be crippled by him if that is what he would desire, like she would do pretty much almost anything he would ask of her. And he would only have to ask, not demand.

Please correct me if I am wrong OSG.

And for the people who seem to think they can convince OSG and then make her refuse certain things her Master wants from her, to those I say, in the kind of relationship OSG is in, it would make it only harder for her and not lead to anything positive or productive. Even if she would think it could lead to severe damage, and even if she thought it would all be bad, she would still undergo it for her Master. It would become even more attractive for her Master to put her through such ordeals since it would show her commitment and her level of devotion

This is extremely hardcore D/s, BDSM, SM or BDSm what ever you want to call it. There are legal issues and maybe for some moral issues, it is beside the point, this is OSG and her Master's life and they are the ones that have evaluated those risks and have found them to be acceptable for the both of them. I hope your Master is an experienced one and one that is worthy of such devotion as you are displaying to him OSG. From what you have said, at the minimum you think so, which is in realty all that matters.

We do have a responsibility to the new people who want to enter BDSM and we all want to help them reach their own place in the world. To me hiding the fact that there is such a hard core community, and it is not as small as certain people seem to think, leads to nothing but disillusion for the ones that are searching for exactly that, or even worse, does not prepare them for the possibility if it is not what they are seeking.

Important is that people know there are many differences in the BDSM community, that there are many ways to live your life and many ways to interact, that you do not need to live it according to certain restrictions put to you by others, but that you live it according to what you make of it.

Information about risk and health risk are important, knowledge on how to do things is even more important. But the most important message which in my humble opinion we can bring forward, is openness and acceptance towards anyone and everyone. Have we not had enough BS from the vanilla world, do we now also have to do the same in our own world?

Netzach said:
ownedsubgal said:
Netzach, it's always good to mention the potential risks and hazards of certain activities, i have no issue with that. as you said, the judgement is not necessary. however to "dissuade" someone from doing anything is in itself a judgement, because you're basically labelling something as bad because of the risks involved, and therefore sending a message to those who engage in those activities or simply wish to engage in those activities, that something is wrong with them.

I have to disagree. I would try to dissuade a person from walking across busy streets during red lights. It's not a judgement call on what I think of them if they decide to do it, it's basic information aiming at self-preservation. If they decide it's something they can't live without, they should also have the security in their decision to just shrug and know I'm wrong and go on their merry way. I think it's important to teach kids, though, who are completely new to the ways of traffic (to stretch the painfully bad metaphor) that one should cross with the light. Let them figure out when that's less applicable once they get a feel for things based on experience.

I think there *are* divisions in "the lifestyle" whatever that might be. I think that your life, my life, and the life of your average foot fetishist are three vastly different stories. That's pretty cool, actually.

i try never to dissuade OR encourage someone to do anything i've done...i just give my opinions and feelings based on my own experiences, throw in some cold facts, and leave them to decide for themselves either way. i don't like things that cause division within the lifestyle (btw cellis, my/our lifestyle is not bdsm, it is D/s).

all that said, my Master's very experienced, in the lifestyle and in life, and is also a major sports/fitness guru, and knows far better than most just what the body (especially the body of his slave) can and cannot take. He knows how to hit me and where to hit me so that he gets the effect he wants without causing anything he doesn't want (a permanently crippled slave, he doesn't want). He knows my back is still tender and he says that's normal...my movements are not limited, i'm not in excruciating pain, it's just a dull soreness. so i'm okay, the back's okay, we're in very capable hands.

Makes sense enough to me, I'd just be concerned about anything that dragged on for a month, but different bodies heal at different rates. I've done kooky things while occasionally bottoming to an acupuncturist, it's all good.

when dissuading someone from crossing a busy street, you're assuming that perhaps they aren't looking and don't realize there's heavy traffic so you're like hey, hold up a sec. of course, many people when dissuading others from engaging in certain D/s or bdsm related activities also assume that maybe that person just isn't thinking clearly, so they're like hey, don't do that, don't you know what can happen?! (with a silent 'you flippin weirdo!'). that's the kind of thing i don't like. there's never a need to dissuade, or even encourage, when educating someone. my Master serves as a Mentor, to both Dominants and submissives, and those who learn from him will never hear a judgement pass his lips. He'll simply say, if you do x, most likely y will happen. but he doesn't say or imply that y is bad or that anything is wrong with you if you want y to happen. He also makes sure that these people know that regardless their needs and desires, that there is a D/s community out there for them (and will lead them to it), so that they know they are not alone. He does his part to prevent/discourage divisions in this lifestyle. yes you, Daddy and i, and a foot fetishist will all have vastly different paths under the huge D/s + bdsm umbrella. but differences don't have to mean divisions. divisions to me come in when you say my way is the right or sane way, and i don't associate with those crazy freaks over there who do it THAT way. i could use jon jacobs for an example (who Daddy had to block from my email, he was such a pesky lil thing), he's alll about creating divisions, rather than any sort of unity.
catalina_francisco said:
Hello OSG,

I do travel in the circles that I think your Master and yourself travel in. I am not putting in a judgement of anyone; I do feel that the continuos reminders of persons towards OSG about how they disapprove of her relationship leads to absolutely nothing. OSG has shown on more then one occasion that she has done research and she knows what she is doing and is happy in such. I for one have never, nor will ever use a closed fist to any body part on anyone, except in a situation where I want to do serious bodily harm, for example when fighting for my own life, but that is my decision for me.

I do feel that Netzach has brought up a different point, that of bodily harm to the body and educating persons about that. That is a good point to consider. I have done that myself to OSG in a different thread, but I have also realised that I was making the point to the wrong person according to lifestyle roles.

The one who needs to know this information is OSG’s Master, not OSG herself, though she has said he is well informed on many levels and acts accordingly to protect her. OSG has proven, and has shown to be a remarkable individual it is not for her to make any decisions or make any judgement on what her Master decides to do to her. To her and many I have known, her life is in the hands of her Master. If he would so desire she would lay down her life for him happily, she would let herself be crippled by him if that is what he would desire, like she would do pretty much almost anything he would ask of her. And he would only have to ask, not demand.

>>Francisco Sir, you speak the truth. only with two slight edits...i would do anything my Master could ever wish of me; my Master has no need to ever "ask" me to do anything, he simply and calmly says, 'do it', and it is done. :) so yes my life is his, my body is his, and he has the right as my Master to do whatever he wills with what is his. a pretty simple concept really but as you know i'm sure, widely misunderstood.

Please correct me if I am wrong OSG.

And for the people who seem to think they can convince OSG and then make her refuse certain things her Master wants from her, to those I say, in the kind of relationship OSG is in, it would make it only harder for her and not lead to anything positive or productive. Even if she would think it could lead to severe damage, and even if she thought it would all be bad, she would still undergo it for her Master. It would become even more attractive for her Master to put her through such ordeals since it would show her commitment and her level of devotion

This is extremely hardcore D/s, BDSM, SM or BDSm what ever you want to call it. There are legal issues and maybe for some moral issues, it is beside the point, this is OSG and her Master's life and they are the ones that have evaluated those risks and have found them to be acceptable for the both of them. I hope your Master is an experienced one and one that is worthy of such devotion as you are displaying to him OSG. From what you have said, at the minimum you think so, which is in realty all that matters.

>>He is indeed worthy Francisco, and every second of every day i am just amazed that i have been so fortunate to be the daughter and property of such a perfect, loving, wonderful Master. i feel truly undeserving, but i suppose that is not such a bad feeling for a slave to have.

We do have a responsibility to the new people who want to enter BDSM and we all want to help them reach their own place in the world. To me hiding the fact that there is such a hard core community, and it is not as small as certain people seem to think, leads to nothing but disillusion for the ones that are searching for exactly that, or even worse, does not prepare them for the possibility if it is not what they are seeking.

Important is that people know there are many differences in the BDSM community, that there are many ways to live your life and many ways to interact, that you do not need to live it according to certain restrictions put to you by others, but that you live it according to what you make of it.

>>yes yes and yes!! You manage to express so much more clearly what i was trying to say earlier...there is no "right" or "wrong" way to live this lifestyle imo, one must find the right path for themselves, even if that path is what many would call "extreme".

Information about risk and health risk are important, knowledge on how to do things is even more important. But the most important message which in my humble opinion we can bring forward, is openness and acceptance towards anyone and everyone. Have we not had enough BS from the vanilla world, do we now also have to do the same in our own world?


>>all i can say to your final paragraph Sir is "amen".
I'm not sure I want to get involved in this converation, but there was a comment I wanted to make:

Somewhere along the line everyone agreed that once someone was an adult they can decide for themselves what is best for them. To me the claim that at age 18 people just become competent to foresee all the consiquences of their actions is nuts. Some people are never able to get their lives together on any level. I would bet most of us have known someone who is just flies from one moment to the next and their life is a shambles. Just being friends with someone such a this is a major emotional committment, let alone entering into a relationship (I did once and found it incredibly trying keeping two lives together - it was rewarding sometimes, not others).

As for ownedsubgal I'm not sure where she falls (no offense babe). She does do alot of extreme BDSM that I would personally never do, but while her posts do indicate a highlevel of dependence to me, I don't get the sense that her independent personality has been beaten out of her.
Re: Re: Fucking Her While Spanking Her?

AngelicAssassin said:
i prefer her on knees, shoulders and face; a hand wrapped in her hair and pinned between her shoulder blades; jack hammer and a metronome strike of the hand.

Damn... That is EXACTLY how He does it... and I love it, every bit. I think everyone is right... who cares if you are a minority? In theory, we are all minorities here. I think spanking means different things to different people. For me, (and it sounds like for you as well) the spanking IS a pleasure... so what matter if I receive yet more pleasure? It sounds as though with your pen-pal, spanking is not something pleasurable for the sub.
does 'jackhammer modify 'strike', or is the and disjunctive, in which case, it seems like a very out there toy.
Croctden said:
I'm not sure I want to get involved in this converation, but there was a comment I wanted to make:

Somewhere along the line everyone agreed that once someone was an adult they can decide for themselves what is best for them. To me the claim that at age 18 people just become competent to foresee all the consiquences of their actions is nuts. Some people are never able to get their lives together on any level. I would bet most of us have known someone who is just flies from one moment to the next and their life is a shambles. Just being friends with someone such a this is a major emotional committment, let alone entering into a relationship (I did once and found it incredibly trying keeping two lives together - it was rewarding sometimes, not others).

As for ownedsubgal I'm not sure where she falls (no offense babe). She does do alot of extreme BDSM that I would personally never do, but while her posts do indicate a highlevel of dependence to me, I don't get the sense that her independent personality has been beaten out of her.

nothing's been beaten out of me, i never had an independent nature to begin with. i have always been dependent and always been dependent on a man.
sirhugs said:
does 'jackhammer modify 'strike', or is the and disjunctive, in which case, it seems like a very out there toy.

Sorry, i meant to say, "i prefer her on knees, shoulders and face; My hand wrapped in her hair and pinned between her shoulder blades; My cock fucking her like a jackhammer and My hand striking her ass with the precision of a metronome.

Now ... if i could just find this building ...


yes indeed, it adds to the thrill of the moment, a little pleasure a lot of pain, seems to blend well