GB Domination

i love the covers of those books although i've never read one ... they do look corny but i would love to read one
I think the general consensus is that depoliticizing (which I will trust to be a word) is a good thing.
KillerMuffin said:
Did I miss the war?

I put on a leather corset and got out my bullwhip and everything.

Now, play nice. You're only allowed to spank the subs. And only if they like it.

Can i be the Countess of Spank?
AusTess said:
Just look at Penelope Pittstop and that whatshisname.
Someone help me here.

He SO wanted to screw her senseless.
And i reckon she woulda gone off like a cracker.

You mean Dick Dastardly?

So you think there's a sexual connotation there?

What's a GB?

*Asks inocently...* ;)

*edited to comply with stupid idiot rules*
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*Mutters about stupid idoit rules and wonders why the hell this is the only forum he's ever heard about that before?!*
I'm guessing ...

GB = General Board? Which is where the alien invaders came from?

... Just a shot ...
Kewl but I don't think I like the rules or.... the people I have been exposed to here.... I'm going elsewhere..... sorry never I would have came and looked at your threads...

*Glowers angrillY*

*Edited to comply with stupid ass rules made by .@@##$$@##'s*
Re: I'm guessing ...

SexySusan said:
GB = General Board? Which is where the alien invaders came from?

... Just a shot ...

You are correct, sir! Er, ma'am.


Just a little late night silliness. See, the alien invaders secretly miss cym and Risia and are jealous that they never join us for bodyshots any more.

Of course, should bodyshots become part of the entertainment, you all are welcome to join.
"So who was Snidely Whiplash?"

He was Dudley Dooright's arch nemesis. Dudley was a very stupid but good-natured Canadian Mountie.