Geez, guys give a girl a chance to get in the door...

I turned my PM's off the second day I was here. *shudders* Glad to know I wasn't the only one turned off by being repeatedly "flashed" every five minutes. :rolleyes:

Is it that bad? As you can see I'm new here and I'd love to get to know people but I don't want to come across like that. Well I like to think I'm looking for something a bit different.

I'll try and take all of your advice.
LOL - Sorry about you intro to Lit, but I think you really will enjoy it here!
I really think there need to be more people like you that berate the shit out of guys that send stupid PMs like that. Somehow even I get random PMs from time to time with guys trying to hit on me :confused:.

I got a random PM from some dude wanting me to show him my nonexistent pussy. At the time I was too new for an AV, but still! Thankfully those have stopped.

I've heard some horror stories from some female friends I have here about creepy PM's they get, and it's just mind boggling.
I got a random PM from some dude wanting me to show him my nonexistent pussy. At the time I was too new for an AV, but still! Thankfully those have stopped.

I've heard some horror stories from some female friends I have here about creepy PM's they get, and it's just mind boggling.

I still get them occasionally, since I'm not one of the cool kids that likes to show off their cock in their avatar :rolleyes:.
It takes a certain kind of woman to enjoy modified cars. The ride quality is generally "harsh", with a "loud" exhaust, and an "aggressive" clutch enagement, with diff clunks on slow turns, "uncomfortable" seats, etc. Most girls turn the other way and run. Clearly you're not that kind of all! The gearhead in me wants to hear you talk a little more about cars.
I've had way too many of these messages in the past, not about older women, as I am not one, but the mommy ones, and guys complaining and bitching when they don't get what they want.
I've had way too many of these messages in the past, not about older women, as I am not one, but the mommy ones, and guys complaining and bitching when they don't get what they want.
Thats just it..I'm getting 'older woman' fantasies..Im 21!!!!! what are they 4?

Ride quality "harsh", "loud" exhaust, "aggressive" clutch enagement, with limited slip diff, "positive control" seats, etc. .
Stop it you are exciting me.

my favorite new one after mentioning I almost dont open pms with hey or hello in the title only.

I get one titled hey, hello.

I thought maybe he was being ironically clever.


Content was basically, So, what are you into? WTF?