GG's Coffee Corner

Good morning, NewGame!! I slept very well thank you and hope you did also. :rose:

Wonderful, looks like someone was giving bfg a bit of a problem yesterday and won’t last long here with you looking out for the coffee corner.
I slept very well, thanks Boss Lady.

I am sorry to hear that bfg had some problems yesterday. I will take my seat and keep an eye out for her. Can't have that here.
Walks in the door, takes a big breath in, lets out a deep size.

It has been far too long since I've been here, and it smells even better than I remember.

"Good morning, might I trouble you for a nice pull of espresso and a croissant?"
Happy Wednesday/Hump day, everyone :rose: :coffee:
Happy Wednesday, GG and all here

The usual black coffee and tea for later along with a cinnamon bun please.

Need a quiet corner today.

thank you