Ginger figging

This is a guess as I've never tried this (and I am NOT calling this thread to T's attention, either!), but it seems logical that because it burns so godfreakinouchy much, you're not gonna want to hold that painful thing even tighter.

And if T ever pulls a piece of ginger out next time we meet, I'm gonna be having words with some of you people...
I think I'll have to put that on my shopping list next time I go to the grocery store. With any luck, M will figure out what to do with it and I won't have to admit I'm really, really curious.
I use ginger all the time for *cooking*! Yesterday I was at the grocery store and saw some in the produce section and found myself mesmerized by it. I must have stood there for 2 minutes thinking. And it wasn't about what I could cook with it either. You are even starting to creep into my grocery shopping. Egads this place is insidious. :D

Hmmm...kinda gives ya a warm fuzzy thinking about it but I'm still not sure I want my playmate finding any of this ginger root stuff...

Interesting...I have read stories featuring ginger suppositories, but have never encountered this specific practice.
Love the earlier posted idea of applying the ginger to a butt plug.
What a great, "harmless" torture.
Wow. I've never hear of this before. I don't think I could handle it.

There was an unintentional Cayenne pepper incident last night that I never want to relive. :eek:

Hmm although trying figging on someone with a higher tolerance for internal pain sounds like fun.

Helia :rose:
Re: I can't help it.... this topic reminds me of a song from my childhood

Desdemona said:
Ring Of Fire ...
congrats ... i haven't laughed that hard in a while.
I finally got to try this ginger figging a couple of months ago. I gotta say, I was very disappointed. It didn't burn at all. All I felt was a vaguely warm sensation. But then... I seem to be wired a bit different down there.

Since the ginger experiment, we've tried hot sauce (nice little sting), hot mustard (pleasant burn) and cinamon oil (now that stuff kinda makes you squirm). Sir is still trying to find something hot enough to make me really scared. He mentioned something about those super-hot mexican chillies recently - it sounds like habayeros but I know it's not spelled that way - and I'm such a huge fan of the burning sensation, I just might put those on my shopping list.
Red... "I told you so" in the original thread, ha! I'm wth you- it was a pleasant warm maybe slightly stingy sensation, no more. Funny how different folks have different reactions, no?

- justina
Re: Re: I can't help it.... this topic reminds me of a song from my childhood

AngelicAssassin said:
congrats ... i haven't laughed that hard in a while.

LOL. I'd forgotten about this. Now I've got that damn song running through my head. Glad you got a good laugh.
Re: Re: Re: I can't help it.... this topic reminds me of a song from my childhood

Desdemona said:
LOL. I'd forgotten about this. Now I've got that damn song running through my head. Glad you got a good laugh.
Better than raging on top of a mountain as the last man standing.
Red Menace said:
I finally got to try this ginger figging a couple of months ago. I gotta say, I was very disappointed. It didn't burn at all. All I felt was a vaguely warm sensation. But then... I seem to be wired a bit different down there.

Since the ginger experiment, we've tried hot sauce (nice little sting), hot mustard (pleasant burn) and cinamon oil (now that stuff kinda makes you squirm). Sir is still trying to find something hot enough to make me really scared. He mentioned something about those super-hot mexican chillies recently - it sounds like habayeros but I know it's not spelled that way - and I'm such a huge fan of the burning sensation, I just might put those on my shopping list.

Just a friendly warning... habernero peppers are one of the hottest substances naturally occuring on Earth. If he is trying to scare you, you should let it work. I used to work in a grocery store, and once accidentally touched my face, near my lips, after handling some... it was NOT at all pleasant, and I felt the burn for a day or two. I would run, and I am talking full out, at the idea of having straight juices applied to any tissue as sensative as the anus. Just an FYI.
Best wishes, Niteshade
Red I might add that the older the ginger root is the more potent it becomes... you might want to just peel some and put it in a plastic bag for a couple of weeks and then see what happens... I do not have practical experience from this but it is what I have been told.
niteshade said:
Just a friendly warning... habernero peppers are one of the hottest substances naturally occuring on Earth. If he is trying to scare you, you should let it work. I used to work in a grocery store, and once accidentally touched my face, near my lips, after handling some... it was NOT at all pleasant, and I felt the burn for a day or two. I would run, and I am talking full out, at the idea of having straight juices applied to any tissue as sensative as the anus. Just an FYI.
Best wishes, Niteshade

Haberneros are also what they make pepper spray out of. I cook with them and once got the juice in my eyes - one of the most painful experiences of my life.