Graphic Poem Challenge

So today is the 18th

and we have thus far a wonderful submission from Eve. The 23rd is next Friday--just a reminder for those of you interested in participating. :)
Time Zone

Thank you!

What happened to Time Zone? It wasn't posted yet?

None of the graphic poems I want to submit here (including Time Zone) can be reduced to meet the size (dpi and kb) requirements for submission without--to my thinking--a significant loss in image quality. :( That, by the way, is true in both of the accepted formats. I'll post them here in threads if I can; if not they'll be appearing on one of my sites.

And here's my new one Joisey Threat Poem, done for the this thread's challenge (unfortunately, it needs to be magnified some when viewed--I had to shrink it to make it fit). (And thanks Homer for the "Voices" thread that inspired it. :) )
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My graphic poem was posted one day early:

Neverending Signs

PS: I'm sure Rybka's earlier persistence had a lot to do with it, but I'm amazed at how fast and uneventful the posting of this poem was. For the record, my procedure was:
  1. I sent the image as an attachment to with "Neverending Signs - ARTWORK" in the subject line and saying "In attachment: billboard.jpg - Artwork to be added to "Neverending Signs" submitted by Lauren.Hynde through the regular submission form."
  2. I submitted a poem in the regular fashion, but instead of a poem, I wrote:

    - artwork billboard.jpg submitted via e-mail;
    - please note that the poem is entirely an image and that no text is involved.
    Thank you.]

    I wrote this both on the body of the poem and the note box.[/list=1]
Re: Time Zone

Angeline said:
None of the graphic poems I want to submit here (including Time Zone) can be reduced to meet the size (dpi and kb) requirements for submission without--to my thinking--a significant loss in image quality. :(
Time Zone, 431 pixels wide, 40KB:

You are my favorite genius! Get your very attractive butt on yahoo and teach me how, lol. Can we do this with the graffiti poem? :D

I would love to give this form a try, but I need a huge block of time by myself to work on it. And, as you are a mom too, you understand my quandry.

One day I'll try it. I promise.

You really should someday, Cordie. Someone with your taste for numbers will love the way one must think to make this work. ;)
Anytime, Cordie. I agree with Lauren--these things are fun to do, and I'd love to see what you could make of this form. :rose:

This is harder than I thought. I suggest you give this challenge another spin after tke critics
roll in with advice.
hmm...I may have missed the deadline I submitted this afternoon, and it's the 23rd. Who knows if it will get up today. Anywho, I'm smacking it down here just 'cause. :p
The graphic poems are great

and we're all doing them slightly differently, which I think is wonderful because we'll learn from each other. (And Lick, your poem is amazing--I have to visit your site more often and keep up with what you're doing :) ).

By the way, I posted Time Zone yesterday, so I have no idea when it will show up. The graffiti poem I'm going to redo as a Tif file so the image is clearer (and thank you Ms. Hynde for lessons and stuff).

I hope we can continue to use this thread as a forum to critique and discuss these poems as we create them. I'm interested in hearing what people think, especially on the more experimental stuff. How is the image quality of these on your puter? Are some poems too hard to read in this format? I'm finding--at least for the way I'm doing these--that they work best with short poems. What are you thinking about to get ideas for how to integrate words and images? Are you getting more reads/votes on these poems?

Thanks again those who have participated (and/or will continue to do so).

:) :rose:
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Re: The graphic poems are great

Angeline said:
(And Lick, your poem is amazing--I have to visit your site more often and keep up with what you're doing :) )

Aw shucks Angeline, you just made me blush! I really liked both of yours, and can totally hear the Yeah Yeah Yeahs singing Time Zone in my head as I read it!

Angeline said:
Given the concerns you've raised I've modified my post a bit to suggest that no one *has* to submit a graphic poem unless they want. Beyond that I still contend that if there is concern about us using too much bandwidth, there will be an announcement. After all, there are an awful lot of photos posted every day at lit. Scores of them are posted daily on the amateur pic thread alone. How many poems will we post for this challenge over two weeks--10, 20?
I'm lucky if I can submit a coherent poem..sans graphics! I will sit back and watch this one, since I am not in the same league with some of the talented poets here.
New one

Not sure whether I'll submit this here as an illustrated poem (the poem without illustration is submitted), but here it is.
You people are way out of my league. I bow to your superior computer skills. :rose:
I Second the Emotion! - Mighty Sparrow

guilty pleasure said:
You people are way out of my league. I bow to your superior computer skills. :rose:
I can scan something (if I have access to a scanner), and I can resize and adjust some properties, but when it comes to colorizing text, or combining words in pictures I am lost. I cannot even change haircolor and leave it looking like hair, nevermind moving faces or people from one picture to another. :)

Regards,                                 Rybka
The graphic/illustrated poem thing is not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but lest you think I had any special graphic arts knowledge, think again lol. Until a few months ago I never drew or painted on a computer or anywhere else. Learning has been pretty much trial and error (and advice from Lauren :D ). I just play around with these things until they look right to me, but I'm learning as I go. Trust me, if I can learn this, you can!

If anyone wants to try and has questions, pm me or email. I'll help if I can. :)