Group Names

Kajira Callista said:
im gonna have to agree with you on where do we start?
I got the CWB farmers, you cover for the American lobby to start getting this passed. A big problem is most of the sheep are not in Canada nor the US but rather New Zealand and Australia, but that's ok. We have to start somewhere, you know?!
landcruisergal said:
Maybe A.A. could provide some military collectives.
Military groups work together to achieve an objective.

i think PYL's would work loosely at best.

In the animal world however ... my choices below based on how PYL's would probably work

and note the choices for sheep.

Apes A shrewdness
Asses A pace
Badgers A cete
Bats A colony
Bears A sloth, sleuth
Buffalo A gang, an obstinacy (I suspect these refer to old world buffalo; use "herd" for American bison)
Cats A clowder, a pounce; for kittens...A kindle, litter, an intrigue
Cattle A drove, herd
Deer A herd, bevy (refers only to roe deer)
Dogs A litter (young), pack (wild), cowardice (of curs); specific to hounds...A cry, mute, pack, kennel
Elephants A herd
Elk A gang
Ferrets A business
Fox A leash, skulk, earth
Giraffes A tower
Goats A tribe, trip
Gorillas A band
Hippopotamuses A bloat
Horses A team, harras, rag (for colts), stud (a group of horses belonging to a single owner, string (ponies)
Hyenas A cackle
Kangaroos A troop
Leopards A leap
Lions A pride
Martens A richness
Moles A labor
Monkeys A troop, barrel
Mules A pack, span, barren
Otters A romp
Oxen A team, yoke
Pigs A drift, drove, litter (young), sounder (of swine), team, passel (of hogs), singular (refers to a group of boars)
Porcupines A prickle
Rabbits A colony, warren, nest, herd (domestic only), litter (young); specific to hares...A down, husk
Rhinoceroses A crash
Seals A pod, herd
Sheep A drove, flock, herd
Squirrels A dray, scurry
Tigers A streak
Whales A pod, gam, herd
Wolves A pack, rout or route (when in movement)

Birds in general A flight (in the air), flock (on the ground), volary, brace (generally for gamebirds or waterfowl, referring to a pair or couple killed by a hunter)
Bitterns A sedge
Buzzards A wake
Bobolinks A chain
Chicks (of many species) A brood; clutch
Coots A cover
Cormorants A gulp
Cranes A sedge
Crows A murder, horde
Dotterel A trip
Doves A dule, pitying (specific to turtle doves)
Ducks A brace, flock (in flight), raft (on water) team, paddling (on water), badling
Eagles A convocation
Finches A charm
Flamingos A stand
Geese A flock, gaggle (on the ground), skein (in flight)
Grouse A pack (in late season)
Gulls A colony
Hawks A cast, kettle (flying in large numbers), boil (two or more spiraling in flight)
Herons A sedge, a siege
Jays A party, scold
Lapwings A deceit
Larks An exaltation
Mallards A sord (in flight), brace
Magpies A tiding, gulp, murder, charm
Nightingales A watch
Owls A parliament
Parrots A company
Partridge A covey
Peacocks A muster, an ostentation
Penguins A colony
Pheasant A nest, nide (a brood), nye, bouquet
Plovers A congregation, wing (in flight)
Ptarmigans A covey
Rooks A building
Quail A bevy, covey
Ravens An unkindness
Snipe A walk, a wisp
Sparrows A host
Starlings A murmuration
Storks A mustering
Swallows A flight
Swans A bevy, wedge (in flight)
Teal A spring
Turkeys A rafter, gang
Widgeons A company
Woodcocks A fall
Woodpeckers A descent

Crocodiles A bask
Frogs An army
Toads A knot
Turtles A bale, nest
Snakes, vipers A nest

Fish in general A draft, nest, school, shoal (some authors claim that the common "school" is a corruption of shoal, and therefore incorrect)
Bass A shoal
Herring An army
Sharks A shiver
Trout A hover

Ants A colony
Bees A grist, hive, swarm
Caterpillars An army
Clams A bed
Cockroaches An intrusion
Flies A business
Gnats A cloud, horde
Grasshoppers A cloud
Hornets A nest
Jellyfish A smack
Locusts A plague
Oysters A bed
ok Xelebes there are too many choices..a drove a flock 'n a herd. this is much too confusing to me. are we still flockin' or what?
Xelebes and KJ perhaps it would solve the flock question if it were pronouced' flogged' instead :p

AA so many choices ~
I like the idea of an unkindness(ravens) of Dom/Mes, or, for those on the lazy side (a thread on here somewhere) a sloth(bears) of Doms ...I just can't believe any Domme would be lazy:)

Sometimes my Master would fit into a group called an obstinancy (buffalo) of Dom/Mes.
*quick look around to check He is not here lol*

As for subs ~ I don't actually know what a bobolinks bird is but i love the idea of a chain of subs.
For those who enjoy swallowing a gulp(cormorants) of subs works for me to :D
Although the subs on here would obviously fit into a charm (finches) of subs, more than any other group, wouldn't they??

Actually some of the Dom/Mes on Lit would probably fit into the terms shiver(shark)and smack (jellyfish) as well.
Can't imagine refering to a group of Dom/Mes as jellyfish

*another look round to check where Shadowsdream is, but no laughing this time !!*

Great list AA :kiss:
shy slave said:
Xelebes and KJ perhaps it would solve the flock question if it were pronouced' flogged' instead :p

I'm not sure the sheep would take too kindly to that with the exception of a few.
shy slave said:
Can't imagine refering to a group of Dom/Mes as jellyfish ...
Don't get caught up in the "spine of a jellyfish" mentality.

The jellies appear as some of the most graceful animals in their natural state.


or in a loosely associated group,

not many things appear so beautiful, yet pack such a deadly caress.

As usual your right again.
So now I can sleep at night knowing that dom/Mes will not be offended to be looked on as jellyfish

Graceful, beautiful and with a deadly caress.
Xelebes said:
The problem with jellyfish is that they are spineless.
That is the definition of invertebrate.

It doesn't take a spine to do what God/evolution/your belief system intended them to do ... look absolutely harmless until you take the first smack.

Jackals, can take a meal away from big cats, and generally run rampant over most big predators, or prey animals if they choose to run in a pack.

i'd rather lack spine than laugh like a jackal any day.

And some would prefer to be woolen or cotton refuse used for stuffing furniture and mattresses.
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AngelicAssassin said:
That is the definition of invertebrate.

It doesn't take a spine to do what God/evolution/your belief system intended them to do ... look absolutely harmless until you take the first smack.

Jackals, can take a meal away from big cats, and generally run rampant over most big predators, or prey animals if they choose to run in a pack.

i'd rather lack spine than laugh like a jackal any day.

And some would prefer to be woolen or cotton refuse used for stuffing furniture and mattresses.

I was trying to make a curt funny. However, the humour was not instilled in that curt funny as I had hoped. :(
Xelebes said:
I was trying to make a curt funny. However, the humour was not instilled in that curt funny as I had hoped. :(
I caught the humor in your funny. I'm guessing I wasn't the only one. We were kind of like the silent us "the silent (but laughing) non-posters", for lack of a better name. See? Still smiling ---> :D
DVS said:
I caught the humor in your funny. I'm guessing I wasn't the only one. We were kind of like the silent us "the silent (but laughing) non-posters", for lack of a better name. See? Still smiling ---> :D

Probably cuz your still laughing that you cannot post, right?... RIGHT?
Xelebes said:
Probably cuz your still laughing that you cannot post, right?... RIGHT?
Ummmm, yeah. Yeah, that's it. I'm laughing so hard, I can't see the keyboard, because of the tears in my eyes. I can't hold my hands steady enough to type. Yeah, that's it. got it!
:D <----- STILL laughing, even.
DVS said:
Ummmm, yeah. Yeah, that's it. I'm laughing so hard, I can't see the keyboard, because of the tears in my eyes. I can't hold my hands steady enough to type. Yeah, that's it. got it!
:D <----- STILL laughing, even.

O goodie

*does a cute clap of the hands together with face aglow*