
Cake Gent w/Santa diver: you gave me a larf.

Re. your query about what to do, I hope Gauche or another writing ex-actor might have good suggestions. Me, I'd suggest looking at some excerpts that are big on expletives then trying to rewrite without them, or most of them. It may require changing phrases, sentence structure, but it could prove interesting. I can't emphasize enough how distracting it is. I really must skim such passages and then if I can't get the story from the rest I just quit.

regards, Perdita
Perdita, you can't be serious?! You man I actually have to THINK about how I write stuff? ;) Oh well, I shall heed to your advice and take on that mountain of a task with relentless vigor.

perdita said:
"relentless vigor", I like that in a man.

Perdita :p
I was going to write "", but I suspected that you might use just that to bury me even deeper in my cake. ;)
Aw, Cake hombrecito, I'm not as tough as I post; I'd keep hold on your boots. You make me smile often, can't do without grins and larfs.

Perdita :heart: