~~Haiku River~~

True love can never be lost
it might me misplaced for a moment
but it always finds it's way back

mrs. art campbell
Unbridled_Passion said:
some say love never
dies, but I think that sometimes
it is redirected

part of it maybe
but the best
part lives on
in the heart

and there are all kinds love
enough to go around
love each and everyone
in your
own way
love can't be redirected
for it lives in the heart
but the heart can always
make room
for one or more :rose:
various haiku, all by me

Like stars in water
Like moonlight silvers my skin
Love overfills my glass


Sleek tabi ankles
Kimono in winter styles
Winter white Noh mask.


Three times three cups shared
Oka~san, maiko, patron.
Turning her collar.


Small, cold, kitten paws,
Warming purrs against my feet.
Cold nose teases my toes.
mysticmoon said:
Like stars in water
Like moonlight silvers my skin
Love overfills my glass


Sleek tabi ankles
Kimono in winter styles
Winter white Noh mask.


Three times three cups shared
Oka~san, maiko, patron.
Turning her collar.


Small, cold, kitten paws,
Warming purrs against my feet.
Cold nose teases my toes.

thank you for posting, I enjoyed these very much!
I am marked
for life
as his wiife

no regrets
just happiness
with no love less

my heart
was given away
and he still has it today :heart: