Hail the Pantload

love those sweet potatoes

English Lady said:
Quasimodem...hey i never thought of it that way...so do you have brussel sprouts or turnips?;)
LOL, Lady :rose:
On wedding tackle

Ah bustles. A big arse is probably the sexiest thing on a woman, why oh why oh why do they all think it's too big whenever they try on something new. "Does my bum look big in this?" Yes it does and it's gorgeous, stop worrying.

The same as wanting legs so thin they daren't wear skirts. A minimum of 2cm of inner thigh contact whilst walking, delectable and if it forms a trianglular space there so much the better.


I must say pub[l]icly (haha); no seriously, your appreciation of the female body is outstanding. Good to know such expertise is walking about, or lurking, on Lit.

gratefully, Purr