Happiest of Birthdays DarkSimian

Happy Birthday sweet DS. Hope you will have a wonderful day and that all your dreams and wishes will come true.
The well wishes aside, I'm demanding a do over at a later date....

(see, also the What Made You Say Fuck thread)
Happy Birthday to a wonderful guy...

I hope your day has been very special...

Wishing you a beautiful year ahead... filled with so much love and unexpected blessings...

The well wishes aside, I'm demanding a do over at a later date....

(see, also the What Made You Say Fuck thread)
You definitely need a do over. Thanks for staying out there on the front lines to help the rest of us.
Happy Birthday, little bro! I'll send you some boobies, just not mine. Cuz that'd be weird. :D (P.S. I want the bra when she's through with it!)

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. When this Corona bullshit is over, I'm gonna have a proper party, with cake, and beer, and strippers :p
Happy Birthday dear DS.
I hope it was a good one. 2020 is a weird time for celebrating

*throws a paper airplane at you and sends virtual hugs!

Another trip around the sun and another birthday for our dear DarkSimian! I know you aren't here much anymore, but I wanted to show you some love on the place we met!!

Happy Birthday, baby! I love you! Always!