Happy Anniversary Angeline and eagleyez

WickedEve said:
It's only a 4 or 5 pound difference from last year. I guess it all went to the tummy. I wish it would go to my ass. I need more ass. I probably should keep that to myself, shouldn't I?

I've written 5 different comments and deleted each one in either discretion or fear, not sure which

WickedEve said:

I was striving for gentleman but I guess coward works too.

None of the comments were insulting....they were alternate understandings of some of your statements. For instance...I need more ass. ...I can't tell you how many times I think the same thing...daily. Now, this is also combined with I guess it all went to the tummy. I wish it would go to my ass. and they then became many thoughts about your ass, and belly too, going straight for them or dawdling while on the way from one to the other.... and well, I was overcome.

Next I saw I probably should keep that to myself, shouldn't I? and thought that you just might do that if you took my comments the wrong way so I discreted to posting no comment at all.

ruminator said:
I was striving for gentleman but I guess coward works too.

None of the comments were insulting....they were alternate understandings of some of your statements. For instance...I need more ass. ...I can't tell you how many times I think the same thing...daily. Now, this is also combined with I guess it all went to the tummy. I wish it would go to my ass. and they then became many thoughts about your ass, and belly too, going straight for them or dawdling while on the way from one to the other.... and well, I was overcome.

Next I saw I probably should keep that to myself, shouldn't I? and thought that you just might do that if you took my comments the wrong way so I discreted to posting no comment at all.

I should be more like you and not type the first thing that pops into my head.
Personally, I think you're horny.
ruminator said:
I was striving for gentleman but I guess coward works too.

None of the comments were insulting....they were alternate understandings of some of your statements. For instance...I need more ass. ...I can't tell you how many times I think the same thing...daily. Now, this is also combined with I guess it all went to the tummy. I wish it would go to my ass. and they then became many thoughts about your ass, and belly too, going straight for them or dawdling while on the way from one to the other.... and well, I was overcome.

Next I saw I probably should keep that to myself, shouldn't I? and thought that you just might do that if you took my comments the wrong way so I discreted to posting no comment at all.


And that's where ruminating will get you. :D


happy anniversary, merry everyday, to each of you, to both of you.

where in the hell did you find rumi?

happies and merries to you, too, rumi.
CrackerjackHrt said:

happy anniversary, merry everyday, to each of you, to both of you.

where in the hell did you find rumi?

happies and merries to you, too, rumi.

Jackie! What a joy to hear from you! Thank you dear man from us both.

And thank you, too, lovely WSO.

CrackerjackHrt said:

happy anniversary, merry everyday, to each of you, to both of you.

where in the hell did you find rumi?

happies and merries to you, too, rumi.

dude...I've been looking for you. Glad you showed up here.

How the hell have you been?

I've missed your voice of reason in matters of politics and life...oh yeah, and the other ones too...the scream at idiocy....the shriek at injustice...

Angeline said:
And that's where ruminating will get you. :D


Indeed...straight for the belly, then to the ass and every spot in between.

Im a diddlin' dawdler....or a dawdlin' diddler...and part time coward.
Angeline said:
Heh. I just got back from grocery shopping, so he's into the cookies and the rosemary/olive oil bread, which I was going to hide. :D

Thank you all. You are dear friends truly.

He is the light of my life and, yes, rarely speechless, but then neither am I. You could float the Hindenberg with the hot air around this place. Tess teasingly said a few years ago that ee had found his soul mate. We both did. We're living proof that the best possible love--lovers and best friends--can be found in this place. Rare, but it can happen.

(And yes I love Eve, too).

Blessings to you both, sweet Sister.

I remember when you werent happy. I hope you do not remember .

may you and EE have nothing more thanthe bliss and comfort that being whole can bring to the soul.... for many, many years to come


WickedEve said:
words words words words words
Personally, I think you're horny.

Next you'll be saying I only hear what I want to hear


I think you're right. I have Spring Fever bad,bad,bad.
CrackerjackHrt said:

happy anniversary, merry everyday, to each of you, to both of you.

where in the hell did you find rumi?

happies and merries to you, too, rumi.

Well, by cracky, Ive got Los Lobos on the box. Nice to see you barrister. ;)
Maria2394 said:
Blessings to you both, sweet Sister.

I remember when you werent happy. I hope you do not remember .

may you and EE have nothing more thanthe bliss and comfort that being whole can bring to the soul.... for many, many years to come



Thanks so much Maria. I remember when she wasnt happy too. I guess you cant keep a Jersey girl down. ;)
Angeline said:
And that's where ruminating will get you. :D


and that was a damn fine poem today, Miss Maine.

just wanted to say.

you can carry on with the mushies now.

The third anniversary is silicone and vibration. Just incase presents have yet to be purchased...
WickedEve said:
The third anniversary is silicone and vibration. Just incase presents have yet to be purchased...

Yes, last year, I recall, was batteries. :p
Before I start with the digressions, first let me say that I am smiling at the thought of you two being happy. The fact that it has been three years is a little startling, but I will get over it. Time flies whether fun is involved or not. With the two of you, it goes beyond fun, it is about caring and sharing. With each other and with the rest of us. Each day is different but live them all the same. With love and respect. Just remind me when it is time for number four.

Oh yeah, my condolences, ee. :D
Y'all know I'm gettin old... how long have you been together now? I forgot.

I'm glad you two are one. You give one hope. I think you're both beautiful, and I wish you a bazillion more anniversaries. Well... at least 100!

Love you both for real so much. :rose: :rose: :rose:

*edited to add...

Wow! Just read Foolies post. 3 years?!?! Time is flying too fast.
WickedEve said:
I can be wicked to Ange since I love her. I'm just wicked with the rest of you for my own personal amusement. :D


I need a raised eyebrow emote.
WickedEve said:
It's only a 4 or 5 pound difference from last year. I guess it all went to the tummy. I wish it would go to my ass. I need more ass. I probably should keep that to myself, shouldn't I?

I think you have a fine ass...
The_Fool said:
Amuse or abuse?

Have I tugged on your hair lately?
No, you haven't!

That's another thing Ange and ee can do tonight. After 3 years, they do need suggestions. :D