Happy Birthday, Angeline


Angeline said:
Hugs back baby. To Rainman too for wishing me a 19th birthday! Not too much younger now folks--I don't want to have to go back to high school, perish the thought.

Every day with eagleyez is the best. Really.

And yeah closer will be wonderful. We can have a southern poetry slam. Me, you, ee, evevie, tungtied, ruminator. . . who else?

Dont forget Boo!!
I miss Boo.

and Sandspike, he lives in NC, I think. near the beach
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Happy birthday toots !
Next year, we celebrate by taking you out to a nice little Italian Restaurant, then on to a jazz club, then back to the restaurant and close it down by the piano bar...

that gives you a year to get here, or I'm cming to bring both you guys down myself !

Hugs and kisses.... :rose:
tungtied2u said:
Happy birthday toots !
Next year, we celebrate by taking you out to a nice little Italian Restaurant, then on to a jazz club, then back to the restaurant and close it down by the piano bar...

that gives you a year to get here, or I'm cming to bring both you guys down myself !

Hugs and kisses.... :rose:

Maybe we should have a Lit get together out your way, that way they're sure to come. :nana:

Happy Birthday Angeline !!!!

Hoping this year brings you, your hearts desire.

:heart: :rose: :cathappy:
Happy Birthday lovely lady! i hope you have had a wonderful day and that you enjoyed every moment. *hugs*

:kiss: :rose:
I thought of all your perfect poems
then thought of all of these
the ones that wait for bookshelf homes
stuffed full with love and melodies.
They share a space with two
whose lives fortuituously met
together, for without the other, who
then holds the heart of you, a perfect set?
Although each year brings different tasks
to trip you at your door
I know your love is there to ask
for help up off the floor.
So, drink up and don't worry if you fall
birthdays are for wishes and we want to grant them all.

Happy Birthday Angeline (aka SF)!
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Thank you all again. Blues, sonnets, good wishes and naked men: my cup runneth over!

I can't think of a finer bunch to celebrate a birthday with than all of you.

The droning Piano rings the dinner bell
And all thru the wood, Crow, Meadowlark, Jays, Sparrows, Kestrels, Junkos, Gulls
Swallows, Blackbirds and Finches circumnavigate the pale sky, drawn to the bellows of the sound.

Tides lap inward on shores, wind eases to a standstill, stars shine ever bright while a green hue rises up from lands otherwise pale.

Memory of things gone are present, clear glimspes of reason and recognition as frozen lakes act as looking glasses into a labyrinth of deeper blues.

Here we sit, gifted by the turning of things, not on just any day, but in the chance and the folly of such meanderings, this day this connection here and now.

And finally our incessant talks of past, present and to come cease to move as under the twisted giant spruce trees, our talks turn to lips brushing ever so gently.

Shoulders mingle, bottoms of feet meet, hair drapes from her head over mine, talks turn to lips brushing ever so gently. Her breasts rustle against my flat chest, her back stands staight and tall, and our talks turn to lips brushing ever so gently.

In centers and middles power engines purr and we mingle, our talks turned to lips brushing ever so gently.

The promise of a life, timeless, long and short in the moment, made of edifice, as constant as smoke dancing, all at ease, all at ease, as our talks turn to lips brushing ever so gently.

Whispers ever so faintly, I love you, dear one, dear heart, as the ocean swells and the flying creatures circle higher and higher, until disappeared behind the black veil where the stars dance in your eyes in a promenade of love, devotion, surrender.

:heart: :heart:
Happy Birthday, Angeline!

Enjoy! Because one is exactly 20y old only once per year!

In addition to birthdays, we should also celebrate each participant's LBD, which is the Literotica BirthDay, which on this board means the day of the year of the very first post of a poem to Lit archive, or of the post on this here board.

Sto lat, Angeline, i jeszcze sto!

Senna Jawa
How did I miss this?

Happy Birthday, gal!
Senna Jawa said:
Enjoy! Because one is exactly 20y old only once per year!

In addition to birthdays, we should also celebrate each participant's LBD, which is the Literotica BirthDay, which on this board means the day of the year of the very first post of a poem to Lit archive, or of the post on this here board.

Sto lat, Angeline, i jeszcze sto!

Senna Jawa

Thank you all again.


And Senna:

Każdy rok jest darem (did i say it correctly?) :)