Happy Birthday, Boo.

BooMerengue said:
I was my Mom's 31st B'day present! Can you imagine that? Poor Mom, God bless her!

Greatest day of her life! She blessed us with you. ;) :kiss: So happy you had a great day Boo.
I am in Gulfport, and I am nearly knocked silent. The devastation looks much different from the TV News. It's overwhelming. It looks like a war zone, and the area where I'm at isn't as bad as a lot of others.

But I see opportunity in every direction. This is going to be a true challenge for me!

Love y'all!!
BooMerengue said:
I am in Gulfport, and I am nearly knocked silent. The devastation looks much different from the TV News. It's overwhelming. It looks like a war zone, and the area where I'm at isn't as bad as a lot of others.

But I see opportunity in every direction. This is going to be a true challenge for me!

Love y'all!!

Challenge is the best lesson, Boo! Much luck, babe. :) :rose:
CharleyH said:
Challenge is the best lesson, Boo! Much luck, babe. :) :rose:

Thanks, babe! This is a real challenge and I'm saddened, but I'm really glad I'm here!!!

I feel good things coming. You gonna come to New Orleans and visit me when it's time?? We'll have a very good time, I assure you!! lol
BooMerengue said:
Thanks, babe! This is a real challenge and I'm saddened, but I'm really glad I'm here!!!

I feel good things coming. You gonna come to New Orleans and visit me when it's time?? We'll have a very good time, I assure you!! lol

Pretty sure you saw the rest of what I said and leaving:

Fun with you? Never a doubt. NEVER :D No matter what it is. ;)

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CharleyH said:
I am lucky, I have a job that I can go anywhere with ... except the US LOL. But as I tell you!!!! I know there are great things, not simply good ... one only needs to know it in themselves. :) If I am there! LOL ROFLOL. I am not sure you are prepared for the likes of me though. I doubt anyone in N'awlins is ready for me and my opinions, yet LOL ;) But have fun, will travel!

Edit to add: fun with you? Never a doubt. NEVER :D

I guess you don't know about N'awlins, then! The bawdier, the brassier, the bolder you are- the more they love you!!

I realized riding in here I could never settle permanently here. The earth isn't deep enough. But it'll be a good place to work and meet people and write for awhile. Tomorrow I'm going to try to wrangle a helicopter ride. If I do I'll try to get some photos.

I'm goin to bed soon. Love you mucher, baby!
BooMerengue said:
I guess you don't know about N'awlins, then! The bawdier, the brassier, the bolder you are- the more they love you!!

I realized riding in here I could never settle permanently here. The earth isn't deep enough. But it'll be a good place to work and meet people and write for awhile. Tomorrow I'm going to try to wrangle a helicopter ride. If I do I'll try to get some photos.

I'm goin to bed soon. Love you mucher, baby!

I changed my post LOL. I am not immune to hard work :) But it depends ...

Adding love you up Boo, dream sweetest.
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I walked outside early this morning w/ my coffee and cigs. The streets here are lined w/ a six foot wall of the mangled remnants of trees. Empty lots are piled high w/ refridgerators, and other appliances and other spots are piled w/ furniture. Its all very friendly- everyone waves and shares water and whatever they've been given that they don't need. It all just keeps flowing- you take what you need- add what you don't and pass it along.

But I can't get used to the Military vehicles patrolling. Here. In America. We are truly spoiled here.

We went to the beach. Such a simple thing. If you look straight at the horizon all looks normal. But you have to have a pass to walk on the beach. They are still being patrolled for bodies. And the flotsam and jetsam (I think there's both) is wild. Cars, desk chairs, baby toys, garbage bags... you name it- it's out there bouncing in the waves.

The one thing I do see no matter where I look are the open doors. For new jobs, homes, business. This coast will survive this. And be so much better for it.

But I have yet to see New Orleans...

Oh, yeah! I had my 1st MRE tonight. It wasn't too bad; beef ravioli, chocolate fudge brownie, fruit cocktail, Gatorade type drink etc. Thank God we don't have to eat them all the time but they're not bad! lol
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I know the feeling

I lived in Charlotte when Hurricane Hugo passed thru. My wife, kids and I spent the night in a closet. I remember looking out the window at daydreak, the windows were plastered with leaves, and all that was visble was driving rain going sideways.

When it had finally passed, I walked outside to roads littered with trees...one had missed my truck by inches. We lost aout seven trees in our yard alone...one an old elm split right down the middle. As you say, looked like a war zone.

The feeling of comraderie ran high tho. Everyone just glad they had survived. We had nowhere near the damage, of course they have on the Gulf from Katrina.

And last fall, I witnessed the flooding caused by Charlie, Ivan and Glenda in Asheville...I wrote a poem "God's Pissed", about it. Such cataclysmic destruction is gut- wrenching and heartwrending. The amazing thing is how people pull together in these crises. Yhe only sadness is that we forget to soon.

Thnak you Boo, for your post, and being the wonderful woman you are. The Gulf is lucky to have you, as are we at Lit.

You know exactly how it is, Tung. A big pot of mixed blessings. Its a good memory to share. Thanks.

Didn't do much today but babysit. Hopefully have 2 more kids by Monday. I'm going to try to help w/ the reopening of Books A Million. But it was right on the beach... it has no walls and only part of a ceiling.

I wish I had lots of money. Theres a patch of land directly on the beach for sale- about 100 x 100 feet- maybe a bit bigger. I'd buy a Merry Go Round- one of those really cool ones with pretty horses that goes really fast like the one that used to be on the Mall in DC. And I'd have painters and jewelers and crafty people exhibiting their stuff. It would be so cool.

*sigh Wish in one hand Boo, and ...well, you know the drill! LOL
Boo honey, i am like a sponge with the little tidbits of information you are able to pass on here. please if possible, continue to post. :kiss:

a friend of mine has managed to help tsunami victims. it is wonderful to hear there are people in the world who are able to give of themselves to help others.

Belated birthday wishes, sweetheart.

I've subscribed to this thread to keep up with your Katrina efforts. Thank you for posting, it's encouraging to hear on the news that businesses are being allowed to return.

(Hiya WSO!)
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and so wonderful what you give of yourself but then you have always been the sun inside out, glowing :heart: :heart: :heart:
Thanks Lauren, Tris and Echoes! I was hoping to forget about my B'day, and was surprised w/ a party tonight! I personally don't think b'days between 45 and 60 should be celebrated- just forgotten- and then at 60 you start again, to celebrate making it that far!

Let's see if I can tell you my life...

First of all- I had forgotten how unforgivingly hot it is here.I don't do well in the heat anyway, but when I can't stand it I step outside and look at all the houses with no A/C. And I shut up. The smell has abated somewhat, but it'll be awhile before the crispy ocean smells dominate. We still can't go down to the water because of the risk of bodies washing in. Or body parts. The water is still undrinkable- you forget how many times a day you need water from the faucet. We've been using it for cooking and bathing, but only when necessary. Main meals are the MRE's I told you about. They really are pretty good, and since my nephew is retired military we have plenty, but it's not the same as a home cooked meal. The grocery store near us just opened up today- and nearly sold out, but more trucks are due in, so thats good.

My niece is the most wonderful woman in the world. She got on the phone today since she was able to shop, and invited 30+ of her friends who either have no home at all, or are in their homes but w/ no power, and she cooked baked chicken and all kinds of other stuff. We had a feast, not just of food, but of the most incredible love and sharing. People w/ nothing asking others what they can do for them... its mind blowing!

I have 2 to babysit for now and 2 more starting next week. I'm trying to find a way to care for a neighbors adult daughter who has something similar to Downs. Pray I do, because her Mom is desperate.

Hope is running high here and were progressing fast. Not so in so many other neighborhoods though. Pas Christian and Bay St Louis are trashed, along with so many other places. Slidell is desperate for housing. I haven't been able to get near New Orleans, but I will. I hear her calling to me and I know I will go when it's time. How many times I have drunk homemade liquor in Bay Minette and Bayou Bernard. And it's all nearly gone.

I don't know if I've said- I was a Mississippian from 1973 til 1979- time enough to have a baby and make an awful lot of friends from all over the state. My greatest love is in this state- he doesn't know I'm here... yet! I wrote this one about him, and the feeling of Mississippi- it's like no other.

Down dusty country lanes
in Mississippi hazy heat
silently popping another Bud
and lighting two cigarettes
mine and yours
as we watch the storm approach

a barn comes round a corner
gray and weathered like the sky
we jump grabbing blanket and beer
running for shelter
never speaking a word
laughter spilling from us in waves

clothes soaked as we hit the loft
winding towards the back thru
a jungle of hanging tobacco
finding a cloud of straw drawing us
turning to you in anticipation
of bodies known like favorite songs

moving together with no hesitation
breasts and hips no longer needing a script
tongues searching as bitten lips swell
and hormones lighting up a step by step path
the horizontal bop a dance done many times
with minor variations leading to the ultimate finale

the gunshot raindrops lessen
sun eases back thru the slatted
walls to finish its sleepy work
he pulls out two cigarettes
not in a barn I say and grabbing my boots
I back down the ladder; he follows

cattle lowing in the trailer needing milked
he starts the truck and in
silence lights two smokes
I ease over to him hand on his thigh
head on his shoulder
sudden passion silently forging a silent bond.

You guys here are terriffic. My family, in lieu of any other. Thank you all so much for being here and listening. It makes my day!
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Boo I'm sorry i missed your birthday. I thought about you but didn't know if I could call you at your daughter's since I knew you were heading for Gulfport! Love you Doll and be safe down there!!
carrie-on said:
Boo I'm sorry i missed your birthday. I thought about you but didn't know if I could call you at your daughter's since I knew you were heading for Gulfport! Love you Doll and be safe down there!!

Carrie, you know I will always love you no matter how you fuck up! lmao! Kidding, sweetface! You win- I'm on AIM and Yahoo now. What happens next? Is my world gonna change? No, my computer will probably crash. Ahhh, Boo, you oh-so-positive bitch, you!

Hey everyone!! Meet my oldest bestest Lit friend! Maybe someday she and I will share some naughty chat stories!! I know she's a poet- she disagrees. Well, at least I got her over here.
LOL Hello everyone...Nice to meet you all! I have heard a lot about some of you and some about a lot of you. Boo is wrong though (gasp! Imagine that!) ,I'm not a poet though I like to read it.
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