Happy Birthday Ruminator

Well Hell, Happy damn Birthday and hopes that you have a great year, my friend.

My turn!

hey guy... Hope your birthday is/was a good one. 46 Huh? Wish I could say that... mine is in a couple weeks, and 46 would be nice! Sorry... no dancing bananas here!

BUT, I always enjoy the interaction with my brother!

ruminator said:
hey,.....hmmm,....isn't there a secret surprise seduction option or does that just come with the spankings?


Weeeeeelllll......since it's your birthday 'n all maybe a little seduction is in order..

eagleyez said:
Well Hell, Happy damn Birthday and hopes that you have a great year, my friend.


Thanks ee....I'll take a double shot of wisdom to see me through the haze of old age.


quietpoet said:
hey guy... Hope your birthday is/was a good one. 46 Huh? Wish I could say that... mine is in a couple weeks, and 46 would be nice! Sorry... no dancing bananas here!

BUT, I always enjoy the interaction with my brother!


absolutely!....kindred spirits all. 46 doesn't hurt a bit and actually 40 didn't sting too bad.

30 was a hard one....guess it was all downhill from there... :D

Tristesse said:
Weeeeeelllll......since it's your birthday 'n all maybe a little seduction is in order..


Did I metion my mother had the most unusal delivery in that the labor lasted slightly over 5 days,....

.....;)......so, I was thinking in honor of a 5 day birthday....