Happy Birthday, Wicked Eve!

I can tell Hugo's got you head-over-heels in lust - I mean love - so.....

So I've started purchasing beer at the grocery store. New experience for me. I was practically traumatized when they didn't card me. Sure, they know me at the store and they know I'm a divorced mom with kids.

But they could have carded me...

Bastards!!!! I wrote a poem about not getting carded once I think.

HEY Happy Birthday Eve! I hope you get all you wish for....

Here's what I figured out about the 40's:

You're finally old enough to have some real authority and to actually know some shit.

And you're still young enough and hot enough to get laid pretty much whenever you want.

Bright blessings for your coming year! I hope you got lots and lots of amazingly kinky presents...

You know both you and tungtied have said "bless you heart" to me (although he probably didn't want to smack me when he said it). I have to practice saying it for when we move south this summer. And I can get the senior special before you, so there a happy birthday thought for you. :D

Something else you need to research is how you want your grits.....
with red eye gravy,
with cheese,
with pepper and butter

or just plain kissed....:D
"Age cannot wither her nor custom stale
her infinite variety":) WS.
happy birthday, mz poet. many many more. birthdays, and poems.

Yes we are (predictably porny, that is), and yes I did take it with the new camera. It's still snowing like crazy. I'd post a pic of ee cleaning off our car, but I don't want him to regret giving me the camera until at least January 2.

(And you should have stuck with 39. Everyone would have believed 39!)

I agree with Ange. I mean, here I thought for sure I was older than you (not by much, mind you), and now I discover I'm almost six months younger? I'd never have believed it. :)

I agree with Ange. I mean, here I thought for sure I was older than you (not by much, mind you), and now I discover I'm almost six months younger? I'd never have believed it. :)

6 months younger? Good for you. Now shut up. :D

hell, Im just gonna say it. Please dont let the 40's make you feel badly. I am 45 and actually....things, umm, "things" have just gotten better since I hit that funky 4-oh. You gotta let yourself just accept that your libido is probably the best its ever been, you look the best you ever have, you're smarter than you gave yourself credit for in so many ways. don't lament the 40's, sweets, they're the new 20. I wouldn't go back for nuthin'

Happy Birthday!!
Well, I am getting more sex now... Yeah, the 40s are good. :devil:

Happy birthday, youngster.
Thank you, grandpa.

Wow, you look fantastic!

BTW, age has nothing to do with it.

Happy Birthday anyway....
Sloppy kisses for you. :kiss:

I can tell Hugo's got you head-over-heels in lust - I mean love - so.....​

He's been installing garbage disposals, ceiling fans, putting together computer desks, and the list goes on. Oh, I'm a lustin'. lol

happy birthday, Virginia.
Oh, thank you. :)

Bastards!!!! I wrote a poem about not getting carded once I think.

HEY Happy Birthday Eve! I hope you get all you wish for....

Is that baby here yet? Hurry up. I want baby pictures and baby stories. No, I don't want a baby. I just want to hear all about one!

Here's what I figured out about the 40's:

You're finally old enough to have some real authority and to actually know some shit.

And you're still young enough and hot enough to get laid pretty much whenever you want.

Bright blessings for your coming year! I hope you got lots and lots of amazingly kinky presents...

I bet you're 20. Right? Okay, okay. Women in their 40s are hot, too hot, practically ashes before they hit 50.

Don't forget "Bless your cotton socks'. Or is that "Kiss my sodding cock"...

Either way...Happy Birthday Evie!! Long live your yummy yams and glorious gams...
Bless your heart! :heart:

And thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes. :rose: