Harvey Weinstein's 23 year rape sentence thrown out on appeal

That's to be expected because, you know....Trump paid off a whore! What's a few...dozen...sheckshual assaults when you got a HUSH MONEY crime to criminalate!
That's to be expected because, you know....Trump paid off a whore! What's a few...dozen...sheckshual assaults when you got a HUSH MONEY crime to criminalate!
you're good, your orange idol loves the uneducated
Looks like he has a host of health problems and is in the hospital.
Slogged through a lawyer's pedantic analysis yesterday explaining why Weinstein's conviction was overturned in NY, to make an hour-long presentation down to three paragraphs or so, it appears the trial judge exercised very poor judgment when he found out that Weinstein would NOT be testifying. The judge permitted random articles introduced into evidence that had NOTHING to do with the trial (Weinstein lied on his passport application, for instance).

The biggest fuckup was allowing testimony of three women who chose NOT to sue Weinstein for sexual assault about his sexual assault of them. This might appear to be corroboration of the three women who WERE suing Weinstein for sexual assault, but the legal premise for this testimony was created a few years back by the New York judiciary itself.

The NY Supreme Court ruled, probably correctly, that that was the job of the NY state legislature not the judiciary (many states have legislated the allowance of victim testimony to corroborate, NY did not see a need as they judiciary had ruled earlier it had already decided. Oops!)

The NY Supreme Court then had to rule if this was tainting the conviction enough to overturn, and they decided 4-3 to overturn. Three conservative justices voting yes, three liberal justices voting no. The tie breaker was center-liberal chief Justice, who had previously clerked for Sotomayor at the US Supreme Court.

Since all three of Weinstein's victims are willing to testify again, I believe we'll see a similar verdict of guilty on re-trial, which evidently has 90 days to begin again under the Constitution's "speedy trial" clause.

BTW, the decision was exceptionally harsh towards the trial judge, and he was not re-appointed as a judge earlier this year.

Harvey Weinstein tested positive for COVID-19 and contracted double pneumonia, an authorized representative confirmed Thursday.

Weinstein, who is awaiting retrial in his New York criminal case and is appealing his California conviction, is also dealing with diabetes, high blood pressure, spinal stenosis and fluid on his heart and lung, the representative said. He's currently at the Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward, according to New York City Department of Correction records.

oh well...

"Harvey Weinstein was used to drinking champagne and eating caviar and now he's at the commissary paying for potato chips and M&Ms," Aidala said in May. "Mentally, he's fine. He's sharp as a tack. But physically, he's been breaking down for years."

Weinstein remained behind bars after his New York conviction was overturned because he was convicted in a separate case in California.
Read an interesting story yesterday, it basically said every year spent in prison is the equivalent of two years of living outside of prison. There are so many prisoners doing so many long sentences that a 50-year-old in prison could legtimately be called a "geriatric". They have mobility issues and body organ failure issues that are normally seen in people 65-70 years old and up.

Worst of all, prison medical wards are the bastard children of hospitals.

Bottom line: try and stay out of prison.
Read an interesting story yesterday, it basically said every year spent in prison is the equivalent of two years of living outside of prison. There are so many prisoners doing so many long sentences that a 50-year-old in prison could legitimately be called a "geriatric". They have mobility issues and body organ failure issues that are normally seen in people 65-70 years old and up.

Worst of all, prison medical wards are the bastard children of hospitals.

Bottom line: try and stay out of prison.
yeah, but on the upside at least he's getting free medical care, right?

srsly, i am 100% behind prison reform; it is terribly overdue.
Karma is one cruel, wonderful bitch - I love her soooooo much.


The fact that Katma is giving that POS a slow, lingering, horrific end only solidifies my belief in, respect for, and love of that cruel, wonderful bitch. (I can only imagine what she has in store for the rapey, racist, misogynistic, corrupt orange traitor - beyond the misery she is already inflicting.)

can't say i'm really a believer in karma, though it's tempting at times.

my reticence comes from the notion being used to minimize so many things that happen to children, or beaten spouses, the terminally sick people as if these things happen because of something they must have done in a previous incarnation—laying the blame at the feet of the suffering rather than addressing the real-life causes through common sense, science and law.

anyway, i can't say i'm crying for him; he's definitely one of life's pieces of —> :poop:
can't say i'm really a believer in karma, though it's tempting at times.

my reticence comes from the notion being used to minimize so many things that happen to children, or beaten spouses, the terminally sick people as if these things happen because of something they must have done in a previous incarnation—laying the blame at the feet of the suffering rather than addressing the real-life causes through common sense, science and law.

anyway, i can't say i'm crying for him; he's definitely one of life's pieces of —> :poop:

Don’t get me wrong, butters, I also believe that cruel fate visits pain and suffering on the innocent - and cruel fate is a bitch that I have zero love for. (I can’t say I have any real hate for fate either - it’s just fate.)

Karma, on the other hand, (in my personal opinion) visits her extreme level of negative retribution on those who actively attract her attention with their evil deeds: Along the lines of a guilty conscience (sub-conscience?) eating away at a rich, evil, lecherous POS sociopath so much that it negatively affects their life and health - and though their wealth allows a rich, evil, lecherous POS sociopath to delay their end, it simultaneously prolongs their suffering - and that of those who willingly engage in relationships with them.



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A New York grand jury has indicted disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein on Thursday, prosecutors with the Manhattan district attorney's office said in court.

The new indictment remains sealed until arraignment, so the charges are not yet known. As ABC News previously reported, prosecutors presented evidence of three alleged sex assaults from varying time periods that were not part of his previous case.
Court of Appeals in New York threw out the conviction of sexual predator Harvey Weinstein.
He is a free man as of today.
Court held judge improperly allowed accusations that were not part of criminal charges to be introduced as "evidence".
DA office vows to retry the case.

Rightguide and Chobham will be hosting a Rape Apologist happy hour tonight.
You lie. That sick grubby looking asshole is a stain on American manhood. Lacking manhood yourself you wouldn't know that.
Read an interesting story yesterday, it basically said every year spent in prison is the equivalent of two years of living outside of prison. There are so many prisoners doing so many long sentences that a 50-year-old in prison could legtimately be called a "geriatric". They have mobility issues and body organ failure issues that are normally seen in people 65-70 years old and up.

Worst of all, prison medical wards are the bastard children of hospitals.

Bottom line: try and stay out of prison.
Generally good advice, I would have to agree. Prison rarely actually rehabilitates anyone. Sometimes, but not nearly enough. It tends to traumatize and harden most people. It should mostly be reserved for violent and other serious felons. Like Harvey Weinstein.
You lie. That sick grubby looking asshole is a stain on American manhood. Lacking manhood yourself you wouldn't know that.
But so is his protege Tarantino and oh, don't the "women's rights me too" squealers on the left love to fawn over his trash movies because its so cool to do so!
But so is his protege Tarantino and oh, don't the "women's rights me too" squealers on the left love to fawn over his trash movies because its so cool to do so!
There are a whole host of characters who love basking in the putrefied moral climate of Hollywood and the debauchery they enjoy in its immoral social order.
There are a whole host of characters who love basking in the putrefied moral climate of Hollywood and the debauchery they enjoy in its immoral social order.
You'll be telling us next that's why the felon was so pleased to have a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.
You'll be telling us next that's why the felon was so pleased to have a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Okay, that is a valid counterpoint. For all of the outrage directed at Hollywood from the right, justified or not, Trump views himself as a celebrity first and a public servant second or maybe lower than that. It's quite clear that he was cozy with them and they with him until roughly eight to nine years ago, a rather recent turn of events, in fact.