Have I been banned?

Lol, closing a room because of a political argument?? Yet people are openly offering foot pictures for sale on the site and that's totally ignored.
Multiple complaints were received and contributors opted to ignore the direction to stop, so the room was closed. If people are openly violating literotica's policies, you are encouraged to report it.
Translation: The explicit reason is so dumb that we're afraid we'll be mocked and denigrated if we share it.
I have not been able to login to my lit chat since 4 days now. Is there anything wrong with the lit chat server or is it just my account? what can be done!? please help


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Dear Quip,

Thank you for your kind reply.

I can't remember exactly the day I was banned but I think it was the first week of December 2023, or withing the first two weeks of December 2023.
I can't remember the time either.


I am convinced that what I did was not flooding as I only sent a couple of times a message talking about the kind of woman I am looking for. The message was just one or two lines long. It wasn't the usual constant flooding from people who send again and again very long messages to disrupt the chat,. I would never do that.

I would love to come back to Literotica, where I made some good friends.

Thank you so much and Happy Christmas and New Year

My nick in at Literotica: SUBLEONARDO
I am not currently finding a record of you being banned Leo.I have gone back in the records a few years and I am not finding anything but a post where we warned and kicked you for spamming last august.
Dear The Sunamy,

I hope you had a good start of the year, and thank you for your kind reply.

Considering that my problem to access the chat is not that I have been banned ( you wrote " I am not currently finding a record of you being banned") could I get some help from technical support or customer support in order to be back at Literotica? I definitely cannot access the chat.

I hope you can help me to be back with my old pals.

Thank you so much!

My nick: subleonardo
Again I am not finding any record of either name in the ban logs for last year or this year. It is clear you made another account and so this leads me to believe it is something with your connection or browser that is causing the block. The only things I can suggest is clear your cache and cookies on your browser and make sure it is up to date
Try connecting to the site on a directly wired connection instead of mobile or wireless
or you can also try using a different browser

Failing that you can try to go here https://forum.literotica.com/forums/lit-tech-support.68/

I am afraid we are not able to fix any technical issue that might be happening with your connection to the chat but I can tell you..it is not because you are banned as you have 2 different accounts with different names and profile numbers having the same issue. It is sadly not something I can suggest other than some limited stuff on browsers and connections as I have worked as technical support for multiple internet providers in both my own country and the USA. So good luck but sadly there is nothing more anyone on the chat mods team can do for this. Something is not connecting and I don't have the access to see what that is as you are able to connect to the forum clearly with both accounts...
Ooops! Eventually turned my PC off and back on again. Back in business. Sorry about that.
Its sadly sometimes also a tracking cookie that can cause problems. Its fine it happens to alot of us. Glad you are able to log back in.
I went into the Taboo chat a few minutes ago and simply stated I had the hots for my 13 year old sister when I was 16 years old. I didn't say I had sex with her - I simply said I had the hots for her. That was 50 freaking years ago! It was a conversation starter for. A ban for a simple statement like that? Seriously?
That would cause you problems here on the forums too. We delete any posts like that and caution the member. It would also get any story you might submit with the kind of reference rejected.
I wasn't cautioned. I was BANNED. No warning whatsoever - and I STILL don't understand what the problem is.
you were indeed banned...and apparently telling everyone on the forum why...so...yeah. Guess we can do this here? (i keep a lil ban letter because its easier to do so than writing this up every single time)

The reason you have been banned is because of the following log
which you have posted already, (makes my job easier)

The chat rules can be found here https://forum.literotica.com/threads/new-chat-rules-update-2021.1544346/

Take a gander at your chat log and at rule 3 B and C but just in case a refresher is needed

B. Discussion of any sexual activity below the age of 18. Ageplay below 18 is strictly and explicitly prohibited in any form or context, erotic or otherwise. (real life or roleplay)

C. Discussion of any sexual activity (or grooming towards activity) with family members of blood relation or inherent power dynamic. (real life)

they are also pinned at the top of the chat help thread...as well as in the banner of most of the larger rooms including the lobby which you have to pass through to get to any other room or to pm any chatter. There is also a rule written on the front page of the chat when you log in that was written by the site owner herself Laurel and it says as follows

  • Any chatter discussing illegal activities - and/or creating rooms dedicated to such activities - will be banned instantly and permanently from Literotica Chat. Prohibited content includes (but is not limited to) underage activity (under 18 years of age), snuff, extreme violence, sexual abuse, and bestiality. We repeat - there will be no warnings and “discussions of illegal activity” bans are not appealable. Please report anyone you notice breaking this rule.

Again take a peek at the bolded section where it says we do not have to warn you we will simply ban you.

I am also saying now...I am in serious awe that...you thought you would get any kind of...support against your banning here. This seriously has to be in all the years I have been here one of the few things I just want to sit back and just stare at the sheer audacity of it. Just...wow.

Normally I try and have some what of a professional attitude to things I am not as eloquent and diplomatic as some (Quip) but I do really try. But this...is...just...there are no words...Forgive me every one but just....wow
As well as I would send you a message but I am not able to but thank you Jafo for answering the....inquiry. We do appreciate your help as always.
So I want you to read again what I originally posted and tell me what was said that breaks your rules B and C. I said I had the hots for her. I never said we had sex nor inferred that we did.
Expressing a sexual interest in your underage, familial relation, violates Literotica's TOU, and stated rules. Your account will not be reinstated.
As @Thesunmaid said above, you are banned from the chat -- as chat moderators that is the limit of what we can do.

Whether or not you are further banned from the Forums will be up to Forum moderators, but as @jaF0 pointed out, what you are repeatedly discussing, and inexplicably defending (seriously, dude, do you not see the problem with this?) -- is also against forum rules. Exiting quietly is really your only move at this point.