Have the Republicans figured out why they lost yet?

So exactly how far will the GOP have to self-destruct before they finally get serious and reinvent themselves for the 21st century?
Those who take the mantle of "no anal, no oral" are probably some combination of repressed and confused.

Just another Republican who works in the State Capitol.

When the GOP self destruction is complete, you can feel proud of your own contributions.
Sadly, my only contribution to the cause involves offering Ishmale and vetteman to them for oral and anal gratification.
Fuck you! :mad:

Im an angry white man. There are millions of us. We are filled with hate because we can't take it any more. If the Repubs want to start winning again they need to help us take America back.

When they run a real American like Reagan they win big time.

America should be a country for white men. Why cant you understand you liberal communist? :confused:

Look, bubba Busybody, you're going to have to stand in line like everyone else. Get used to it. Your group has the least to bitch about. Geeze. :rolleyes:
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Look, bubba Busybody, you're going to have to stand in line like everyone else. Get used to it. Your group has the least to bitch about. Geeze. :rolleyes:

This used to be a white man's country. Its not anymore. It used to be possible for a white man to get a good job. Now the blacks get the best jobs because of affirmative action. We are trying to build up America. Blacks, liberals, and sex perverts are tearing it down. :mad:
Those who take the mantle of "no anal, no oral" are probably some combination of repressed and confused.

Ah so you're saying that anal sex is OK and therefore Lawrence v. Kansas is a fine ruling. And therefore allowing gay people to get married is fine too.

Now imagine if you had a major political party saying that none of those things are fine. You'd have the GOP. Congrats jen you're a liberal!
This used to be a white man's country. Its not anymore. It used to be possible for a white man to get a good job. Now the blacks get the best jobs because of affirmative action. We are trying to build up America. Blacks, liberals, and sex perverts are tearing it down. :mad:

Are you serious? Do you walk around whining all day? I'm white and I have good job. The problem is you. Lol
Ah so you're saying that anal sex is OK and therefore Lawrence v. Kansas is a fine ruling. And therefore allowing gay people to get married is fine too.

Now imagine if you had a major political party saying that none of those things are fine. You'd have the GOP. Congrats jen you're a liberal!

Not jen.
The last election was too close to draw many conclusions from it. Romney was ahead in the polls a few times.

George W. Bush inherited peace and prosperity from President Clinton. He started two expensive wars he could not win. The War in Iraq at least was unnecessary. He turned the Clinton surplus into a large and growing deficit. Most Americans lost ground economically during his presidency.

Nevertheless, the election of 2008 was close. John McCain was ahead in the polls a few times, despite the obvious fact that Sarah Palin was an unqualified air head.

All this indicates that the Republican Party still has a lot of power.

Since the Republican Party became the party of the white majority it has had the win at its back. The Democrats have had the wind in their faces. The Republicans should not have won both houses of Congress in 1994. The economy was improving. Nevertheless, they did. Al Gore should have won in 2000 easily, but he lost in the electoral college.
Ah so you're saying that anal sex is OK and therefore Lawrence v. Kansas is a fine ruling. And therefore allowing gay people to get married is fine too.

Now imagine if you had a major political party saying that none of those things are fine. You'd have the GOP. Congrats jen you're a liberal!

Are you a bot?
Are you serious? Do you walk around whining all day? I'm white and I have good job. The problem is you. Lol

When I read this I literally laughed out loud. :D

Anyone who defines himself by his hatreds is a deficient human being. Even the wingnuts here try to ignore Bill_S.
The last election was too close to draw many conclusions from it. Romney was ahead in the polls a few times.

I am reading a very cool book right now called Panic 2012: The Sublime and Terrifying Inside Story of Obama's Final Campaign.

It has some very wonkish stuff that clearly shows Obama never truly trailed in any of the polls raw data (the closest Romney ever got was after Obama's first poor debate). The reason some polls showed Romney ahead was the bullheaded insistence by almost all polling firms that 2008 was an aberration insofar as young voters and minority voters were concerned, and adjusting their proprietary algorithms to show much less younger voter/minority voter turnout.
I hope the next President is this much fun. I remember when the Wingnuts were talking about how the Democrats wanted to impeach Obama so they could be rid of his stench by 2016. :rolleyes:
When was that?

It was a gradual process, beginning with the Congressional election of 1966. The Republicans gained 47 seats in the House of Representatives, and 3 seats in the Senate. It accelerated with the election and reelection of Richard Nixon, and may be said to have solidified with the election and reelection of Ronald Reagan.

According to a Washington Post article printed October 25, 2012, "Obama has a deficit of 23 percentage points, trailing Republican Mitt Romney 60 percent to 37 percent among whites, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News national tracking poll."

It's got the same screen name. I did report a bunch of her posts as spam. So I don't know nor do I care all that much.

I am reading a very cool book right now called Panic 2012: The Sublime and Terrifying Inside Story of Obama's Final Campaign.

It has some very wonkish stuff that clearly shows Obama never truly trailed in any of the polls raw data (the closest Romney ever got was after Obama's first poor debate). The reason some polls showed Romney ahead was the bullheaded insistence by almost all polling firms that 2008 was an aberration insofar as young voters and minority voters were concerned, and adjusting their proprietary algorithms to show much less younger voter/minority voter turnout.

This is much closer to the truth when you consider Mittens polesters didn't know what they were doing.
It was a gradual process, beginning with the Congressional election of 1966. The Republicans gained 47 seats in the House of Representatives, and 3 seats in the Senate. It accelerated with the election and reelection of Richard Nixon, and may be said to have solidified with the election and reelection of Ronald Reagan.

According to a Washington Post article printed October 25, 2012, "Obama has a deficit of 23 percentage points, trailing Republican Mitt Romney 60 percent to 37 percent among whites, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News national tracking poll."

So what? I'd say the Pubs are in a sad state indeed, if they are going to take their strategies/talking points ("Chase the white vote!") from the Center for Immigration Studies.