Have you been abused in the name of the "BDSM Lifestyle"?

I'd say your missionary efforts aren't going well, but no doubt your suffering 'slings and arrows' will go over well with your handlers and co-religionists. You don't quite qualify, however under the "Blessed are the meek" category, imo.


Let me guess. You are male, and a "dom" as well?
That seems to be far and above the group which as been trying to discourage my presence here.

Let me guess. You are male, and a "dom" as well?

M yes, 'dom' no. Your guesses aren't too good, LM, notably also about LarkSparrow.

That seems to be far and above the group which as been trying to discourage my presence here.

That's not my impression, LM; it's a majority 'subs' and assorted others like myself.

I like your presence since it licenses a morally justifiable sadism--all in the search for truth, of course.

What are your religious connections?

Lance M said

The DSMV (Diagnostical and Statistical Manual) used by the psychological profession lists your "lifestyle" as a deviance, and mental illness.

I'm puzzled, on your thread


"Who wants to fuck my ass
Taking on all cummers, male or female....."

Surely you know that DSM II -- the psychiatrists' diagnostic manual of the 60s--lists the practice of anal sex between males as a sexual deviance or 'mental disorder'.

This DSM is a little old, granted, but unlike DSM V, at least it exists.

Do you think having one deviation has given you insight into other deviations?
lancemanyon said:
Sorry to barge in here with yet another controversial thread, but.....I came across this article on a bdsm site. It is written in a research manner, in that footnotes refer to scientific literature. My question for you is, does this describe your bdsm relationship? Have you worried that your bdsm lifestyle would lead to a bad end? If so, please read carefully.

<snipped for lenght reasons>

Whoa! I read the whole two pages and my head is spinning..... I must be honest this is the first thread that I've read that has so much debate on it... As for the article describing my BDSM relationships...um no... Have I worried if it will lead to a bad end? Um no...Alright I'm done here.... and if I am deviant for my actions.... ah well, I could be labeled worst things...::smirks::
Yanno. back in the day... it was (and is still y some) believed that sex should be only done in order to have children. It was an act of reporduction and not meant to be anything more. In all fairness the point of sex really is jsut to have children. The fact that it feels good is just a perk. In all truth than having sex for the purpose of pleasure is a deviation in itself. Not to mention any sort of sodomy, which ranges from oral to anal or any other sexual uses of the genetalia besides fornication. That too is a large deviation from the purpose of sex.
Perversion- \Per*ver"sion\, n. [L. perversio: cf. F. perversion. See Pervert.] The act of perverting, or the state of being perverted; a turning from truth or right; a diverting from the true intent or object; a change to something worse; a turning or applying to a wrong end or use. ``Violations and perversions of the laws.'' --Bacon.
When you look at the definition of perversion it means any deviation from the meant use of an object. Honestly... when i'm whipped in no way shape or form is my boyfriend being perverted... he is using his arm to move an oject... normal use. He is using a whip to whip... normal use. My skin is being hurt as would anyone's skin when an object strikes it and it covers my innards as it should... normal reaction and use.
Some part of me got very frustrated at reading the first lines in the artical, and i needed to make these clarifications.

I have my little bsdm/sub tendencies and well.. honestly i was probably raised in one of the most loving homes... mom dad sister... great relationship with all of them. I was a prom queen for heaven's sakes. I would swerve for even little animals and i'd feel bad even stepping on ants. I had one of those sitcom perfect lives, and yet i still enjoy this. People have different reasons for doing whatthey do. Don't generalize or else you'll find yourself pitted against a bunch of mad steriotyped people.
//In all truth than having sex for the purpose of pleasure is a deviation in itself. //

ammre, that's a good point. not far from old RC teachings. further, in Freud, any significant detour to actual intercourse-- even too much kissing-- is tending to perverse, and is definitely so if orgasm usually occurs that way.
lancemanyon said:
Let me guess. You are male, and a "dom" as well?
That seems to be far and above the group which as been trying to discourage my presence here.

*lifting up her skirt and looking down* well damn. and here I am a FEMALE "SUB".


and I would LOVE to see you bug out.


lancemanyon said:
What say I, is this: I have nothing against gays, and they are no longer considered "deviants" by the psychiatric community.

But....and this is a big BUT.....gays have never been considered predators. BDSM is another story.

So why don't you quit grasping at straws, and try to provide some credible evidence that your deviance is nothing to hide?

Ah, another round of dusting off the old DSM. Always good for a laugh or two.

It's interesting to note that between the DSM III and DSM IV, S/m was downgraded from independent disorders (monolinear sexual deviancy) to possible indicators of paraphiliac regression or personality disorder. As of 1993, then, even the shrinks can't call S/M necessarily insane.

Of course, we all know how kinky shrinks are anyway, but that's another story entirely. Hypocrisy...ain't it a treat?

I find the idea that gays have never been considered predators laughable at best. Selective amnesia, lancemanyon? Or lack of actual research. In other words...are you misinformed, or just talking out of your ass?

Take a look at the Pink Scare, kiddo. Plenty of fear operating there. Hell, less than fifteen years ago, I was taught in public school that homosexuals were trying to recruit kids into deviance. (Welcome to Mormonland.) Homosexuality has also been used as evidence of pedophilia, despite the absolute lack of correlative data, in hundreds of criminal prosecutions. And that's just two easy examples off the top of my head.

The moral of this story? Know what the fuck you're talking about before you go shooting your mouth off in public.

Take care, everyone. :rose:
Keep it moving folks ... just RisiaSkye indulging in a drive-by bitch slapping ... keep it moving, off you go.

Hey RS! Hope all is well with you!
zipman7 said:
Keep it moving folks ... just RisiaSkye indulging in a drive-by bitch slapping ... keep it moving, off you go.

LOL. You crack me up, zip.
Hi yourself. How the hell are ya? ;)

[sarcasm] Nice to see that many of you have no intention of sticking to the subject at hand. [/sarcasm]

That's fine, but........getting back on topic, does anyone else have experience with abuse while "experiencing" the BDSM "lifestyle"?
lancemanyon said:
[sarcasm] Nice to see that many of you have no intention of sticking to the subject at hand. [/sarcasm]

That's fine, but........getting back on topic, does anyone else have experience with abuse while "experiencing" the BDSM "lifestyle"?

yes from you on these boards
Richard49 said:
yes from you on these boards

Richard, from what I've seen of your comments on this forum I would have to conclude that you are not a dom at all. Anyone who whines and complains as much as you must like it the other way as well, if not more.
lancemanyon said:
Richard, from what I've seen of your comments on this forum I would have to conclude that you are not a dom at all. Anyone who whines and complains as much as you must like it the other way as well, if not more.

As far as you have shown, you have no expierence that justifies that judgement call on his position.
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Hi Lance,

Well cum back. On the topic of whether BDSM leanings originate in abuse, it's relevant to ask that about 'kinky' leanings in general, apart from the domination or infliction of pain issue.

This is raised in your own posts quite directly:

First, you've mentioned your own abuse history.

Second, there is your thread


"Who wants to fuck my ass
Taking on all cummers, male or female....." with the attractive and cummly attached pictures.

Surely you know that DSM II -- the psychiatrists' diagnostic manual of the 60s--lists the practice of anal sex between males as a sexual deviance or 'mental disorder'.

This DSM is a little old, granted, but unlike DSM V, at least it exists.

And apart from the 'disorder' angle, you must admit buttfuck fantasies, esp. when acted on, are a we bit kinky.

So what say you on the broader question, do kinky impulses originate in abuse? And if the answer is ''no,' that legal and non-bdsm ones (ones, as it were, approved by the psychiatrists) do NOT so originate, how would you explain the origin of your own kink?

Best wishes, yours in Christ, washed in the Blood of the Lamb, love, and all that,


PS. Are you still maintaining that homosexual practices have NOT been linked with predatory behavior? (whereas bdsm practices has so been linked). Any authoritative source for this, or is it simply 'my kink is legal while yours is scary."
lancemanyon said:
Let me guess. You are male, and a "dom" as well?
That seems to be far and above the group which as been trying to discourage my presence here.

I am sub. I don't understand at all, why you are here. This is a forum for people who enjoy the BDSM lifestyle or some aspect of it. We already know there are people who disaprove of our practices and or lifestlye. I just noticed your presence, and all I see is the kind of negativity that no-one asked for. Can't you just enjoy your own sexual picadillos and leave others to theres? Have you come here to save us all from ourselves (and those preditory doms?) you have no understanding and no tolerance. Until you can demonstrate some of these qualities, no one here is going to take you seriously. Also, I'd really enjoy seeing you in a debabe with a couple of the "big mamma" dommes around here who would put you in your place soooooooooo fast. I'm talking mainly about ebony fire and shadowdreams who I already know won't stand for any crap from anyone. Have you gotten into it with them yet? Bc, I would love to see that thread.
Off topic:
sweetnpetite said:
<snip> Also, I'd really enjoy seeing you in a debabe with a couple of the "big mamma" dommes around here who would put you in your place soooooooooo fast. I'm talking mainly about ebony fire and shadowdreams who I already know won't stand for any crap from anyone. Have you gotten into it with them yet? Bc, I would love to see that thread.
whooooo so i'm not the only one who feels in awe and slightly intimidated by EB and Shadowdreams (not intimidated in a bad way mind you i just couldn't find a better word at the moment)

On topic: No i have never been abused in the name of the bsdm lifestyle. Abuse to me is something that is unwanted or something that is done in a way which is meant to hurt me emotionally and physically. When i get pain from my partner i am giving them the power to give it to me. They are in no way stealing that power from me which in turn causes me no emotional abuse. If my partner ever abuses that power that i give them, I will take it back so quickly. That is part of the trust that partners in this lifestyle share. Without that trust it's really not a proper relationship.