Have you had a story idea preempted by another author?

"Change room stories" and "male stripper stories" are popular tropes in CFNM...I love them, and I really wanted to do my own, so I just tried to make them "mine". I write here to get myself off; if my stories don't break new ground, or feel familiar, I'm okay with that. šŸ˜Š After all, they're free to read...
CJ McCormick and I were chatting since he had some success with longer works and I was curious if he had any advice.

Later I was working on my short series Lost Ark when I saw him begin to publish his series My Four Girlfriends. Both feature cloning as a central plot element. Fortunately the two stories are vastly different, as are our styles. I just found it to be an interesting coincidence.
LOVE your avatar thingy BTW....
I'd started a story for the Ogg heroism event this year, about carrying on after a homophobic attack on a pub, thinking of the nailbomb attack on the Admiral Duncan 25 years ago. Only got as far as about three paragraphs and wasn't happy with them.

Then @TheRedChamber asked if I'd beta read a short story, which I happily did. His story did everything I'd wanted mine to do, and did it beautifully succinctly. So I recommend people read Re-Opening - it's only 1500 words.

I've got plenty of other stories to tell.
Thanks for the mention. I felt genuinely bad because I would have liked to have read your longer take on the topic.

The main one I can think of is the week where @EmilyMiller 's Loving Wives where the protagonist isn't who you think they are (Harper's Reckoning) got published right after I submitted up my own Lowing Wives where the protagonist isn't who you think they are (Goodbye, My Hot Young Wife). The 'who they actually are' are completely different, but I did worry that Emily pre-poking the LW bear for me was asking for trouble.

Not pre-empting but as a newish member on Lit, I did get a nice e-mail from @lovecraft68 after I published my 'he walks unknowingly into the strip-club where his sister works story (His Sister in His Lap) to compare it with his own take on that set-up (which I don't believe is on Lit but he sent to me)
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The only one I can think of, I abandoned long before I came to Lit because I couldn't work out how I wanted it to go. It was basically the idea that demons could manipulate people through reflective surfaces (water, mirrors, very clean glass, silver, etc.) and could make them do things they normally wouldn't (think stripping in public, a very meek girl smacking a boyfriend who is normally overbearing, flirting with multiple people at a time, a normally nice girl being cruel, etc.) and eventually their spirit was weakened enough to pull them through the reflective surface and into the demon world.

Then I read a story by Altissimus and realized he did the "Mirror mind control" idea so much better than I ever could've. I've read just about every one of his stories (I swear to god I will read Captured Queen, as it's the last one in his catalogue I haven't at least started.) and The Mirror Made Me Do It is still, by far, my favorite story of his. Mirrors and demons are some of my absolute favorite story elements. His goes on a completely different path than mine would've, but damn, do I love that story and any time I try to go back to mine, I find myself drifting back to his instead, lol.
I think one of the villains actually makes a quip along those lines. But that's probably the least implausible part of the story; it begins with the premise that everything printed in the Daily Express is true, and ends with the hero shagging Margaret Thatcher after his patriotic feelings have been duly aroused.
Shudders... Uh, what category is it in?
It's nice to flatter (or maybe fool) yourself that you're being original.

oh i do that all the time lol.

Sometimes I just lean into it. My last story features a human sacrifice scene I lifted right out of Temple Of Doom and I fully admitted it in story lol.