Have you had an orgasm today (part 2)?

Had a nice orgasm and cumshot last night, during a horny dirty talk conversation here, with a lovely horny lady.
It was kinky and lots of fun. Loved it. 🥰🥒💦
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I'm in a different position than most in this thread right now. I have an online Mistress who has taken control of my orgasms, which is not something I've ever relinquished before.

So, I won't have an orgasm today. Just like I didn't yesterday. Or the day before. Or the day before. Geez, or the day before that, either.

It's more fun to have an orgasm whenever you want, and it's good for you as well. I like having them more than not having them.

I will say, it's been quite an experience. As the days go by, I feel more in control about not having one or needing one. But, yes, when the day comes (cums?), it's not like I will be turning it down.

Thanks for reading my TED talk.