Why is it, zuluboy, that people like you always refer to Africa in a demeaning way? Maybe you western people should get out of our land and just leave us to ourselves. we survived very well before you came and took Our land from us and ruined it!
What the fuck are you on about Frank? I am not sure that your post was at all necessary. There is room here for us all. Besides, I may have a little problem in getting some of my e-mails here in Africa (which is okay with me) but at least I get them most of the time - thanks largely to the technology of the western world.

So chill out Frank, brother, things are okay in this neck of the woods. And I think that Zuluboy was kinda being affectionately nostalgic, since he is from Africa as well - sometimes it can be that way.

Life in Africa is interesting for us because of some of our infrastructure problems. Things aren't perfect but we live in exciting times, watching things grow and develope.So please exercize a little more love and peace - and for fuck's sake stop the hate speech, you sound like Robert Mugabe.

[This message has been edited by slut_boy (edited 04-08-2000).]
Goog grief; I didn't know one little post could bring such a bigotted, closed-minded, intollerant person a-callin'! Talk about nit-picking!
Well, "Frank"(unregistetred; lots of guts there, man!), all I can say to you is that if you are in fact in Africa, you're exactly the reason why people like myself (both black & white)have left the continent, and taken our expertise with us!
Yes, I know terrible things have happened throughout the "colonial" years, and in my own country with Apartheid. I do not excuse or condone any of the excesses. On the other hand, I equally do not condone the actions of the Idi Amins, the Sese Sekus, or the Mugabes!
And yes, I know the western world has its Hitlers, Milosoviks and Stalins, but I don't condone their actions, either.
On the side of colonialism, though, consider the infrastructure that was built, the health systems, etc.
All I meant in my post was a tongue-in-cheek comment as to the fact that things don't always function as they should in Africa. It's exactly like someone saying "only in America" or "only in Australia".
Maybe you should read SlutBoy's post above (thanx, SB), and take it to heart! Otherwise, if free speech offends you, maybe you should go live in Zim!

Now I'LL get off the soapbox!
You white people make me sick! Why you so superior to us 'savagess"? We are cradle of civilization in Africa, and you whitees still thibnk youre better than us!
One day when africa is free of white people, we will show the whole world the we are the best, then yoyu will all be sorry for what you hasve done to us!
maybe the maumau had the best idea in Kenya; just kill all the whites. Africa belongs to us africans, not you white people. you have your own place
Woah! Getting a bit heavy in here. I only popped in to say, 'Bonjour' to Z-boy.

Think I'll leave now.

Look, Frank, you were never asked for your opinion (which you are entitled to). Nor were you asked to come into an essentially light-hearted post and do your damndest to spoil and wreck it. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Now, in case you didn't quite understand what I mean by that, what I'm saying is; if you don't like what you read hear, get the F@*K out of here. And don't hurry back!
Obviously, you have the tollerance of a piss ant, so I wonder what you're even doing on our BB?
To paraphrase something you said, this is OUR land, so go stuff your own up.
Pardon, Rachel. Bonjour & sawubona to you too!

I didn't want to sully my greetings by including them in my diatrabe! My apologies, fair maiden!
Well, other than Frank back there, the rest of you in this posting are some of the reasons I felt ok with finally submitting my writing.

This site has by far the most intelligent, well-spoken, tolerant, open-minded (yet still opinionated) group I have found on the net. Actually, this is probably one of the best group of people I have found anywhere in any type of concentration.

I am whole-heartedly appreciative to all of you for your intelligence and existance. Thank you for allowing me to listen and learn. Hopefully, one day you will consider me a friend. I look forward to being here every day.

So....Frank?......um,....back the f*** off.
Hey, StarryEyz, thank-you for the kind words. It's really nice to have a place like this (I'm also relatively new here), where most people can at least agree to disagree. Unlike certain individuals who seem to miss the entire point (no, Lasher, NOT you!), and who seem hell bent on taking others' enjoyment.
So, welcome, enjoy your stay, and you can already count onone friend!
Wow!! *slut_boy rubs his eyes* I feel like I have just been staring at the sun.

I know what you mean, Zuluboy, the mentality of "frank" is pretty much the reason that you left and I almost left too. I kinda felt like I could make a difference if I stayed - for no other reason than because of my profession in human rights - but Zuluboy, it is so difficult not to become disillusioned.

I'll keep trying my best and let you know how it goes.
Merci Z-boy. Enjoy your stay.

Did you notice I'm twice your age in BB years? I'm 102 and your 51. It's a pleasure talking to the youngsters.

LOL, Rach! Wanna change my nappy? Hee, hee.

SB, you're so right; I spent a number of years campaigning for the DP, my Dad was a MP for them, and the thanks we all got was a couple of bullets in me, a couple in my mum, etc...you know the stories...
Ok, Z-ers. Fetch me my rubber goves and we'll get you cleaned up. You're too old for breast feeding, before you ask, though.



[This message has been edited by rachel picabia (edited 04-09-2000).]
Bossy, and just when I thought that you had left me *grin*. I sent you that other e-mail address again. I am sure that it'll be there for you and then, my love, there will be nothing to stand in our way *slut_boy does a Sean Connery take*
You, slutBoy and you zuluboy are just white rubbish I think rObert Mugabe has right idea in ZImbanwe, just take land back and if whitey wants to resist the people, just kill.
Its okay Frank...sshhh....everything is going to be okay. The nurse is going to pull out the plug now and then you can go for nice long crap...I am sure that will make you feel much better.
LOL, LOL, LOL, SB! I really think you've said all that needs to be said to this fool now. Maybe if we ignore him (it?), he'll just go away.....

Jeez, all I wanted to do was say "hi" to everyone, not get involved in some pathetic little argument with some ignoramus! Tell you what, give me Lasher any day! At least there's a glimmer of intelligence there (only kidding, Lash!). Cringe.
I think till Frank registers he should be ignored. He's probably some bored middle class white boy in the suburbs trying to get a rise out of people.
Who's Frank?? I'm sorry...I don't see anyone here by that name.