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Re: stereotypes

gerardo said:
Rats ...I was hoping you were going to say that the stereotype I would see as was that of a lovely, strict twisted Dominatrix <S>.[1]

Anyway, there are beautiful sexy intelligent women of all races, creed, colors and religions. I find delight in the superficial qualities as well as the deeper ones <S>.[2]

Hopefully as a society we're past the whole sterotype thing. I think we should maintain cultural traditions though, and celebrate our culteral differences ..it makes the world a far more interesting place.[3]

If I had it to do over, I'd never marry - but I definately could see myself with an African significant other, or any other ethnicity for that matter

Well that's my two cents ! [4]

1. Why thank you, gerardo! I have been told before that I should explore the "twisted Dominatrix" that bubbles just under the surface...:devil:

2. Absolutely true! And I've tried to date as many varieties as possible! :p

3. I think if we lose the cultural differences or allow traditions to die, we would be killing the human race a little at a time. A bit dramatic, perhaps, but I'm not willing to accept that there is a "culture" or "people" that is worth destroying. :)

4. Valuable insight and worth much more than two cents! I am a true bi-sexual woman (currently single), but I have found love in many different cultures. Unfortunately, some have been so demoralizing to women (IMOHO), that unless I had grown up in that culture and knew what was expected, I could never - willingly - submit to some of their requirements. Thanks! :cool:

Re: Re: stereotypes

Esclava said:
I'm not willing to accept that there is a "culture" or "people" that is worth destroying. :)

I couldn't agree more with your point here. I lament the fact that we have destroyed the best parts of some very ancient and noble cultures in the name of "progress" We could have incorporated some of their best values learned over the centuries into our own culture and come out the better for it. These are great opputunities lost, perhaps forever.

Okay, on your other comment about being a true bi-sexual, I can only say "WOW". You know in a way I kinda envy you. You must enjoy a wide variety of experience. I only hope I can squeeze a bit more out of life in the "second half" than I did in the first :D

For you:
Re: Re: Re: stereotypes

gerardo said:
I couldn't agree more with your point here. I lament the fact that we have destroyed the best parts of some very ancient and noble cultures in the name of "progress" We could have incorporated some of their best values learned over the centuries into our own culture and come out the better for it. These are great opputunities lost, perhaps forever.

Okay, on your other comment about being a true bi-sexual, I can only say "WOW". You know in a way I kinda envy you. You must enjoy a wide variety of experience. I only hope I can squeeze a bit more out of life in the "second half" than I did in the first :D

For you:

Many thanks, gerardo! I am positive you will find the "second half" of your life even more rich and fulfilling if you do 2 things:

1. Live every day as though tomorrow is not promised to you (because it's not), and

2. Fulfill your dreams today - or live right now as though it is the fulfillment of your dreams.

These two things allow me to experience life to the fullest and not regret what I might not get a chance to do while I'm still living and breathing! All my best to you,
