Hello, we may have a problem

Terror? Really?? We're talking about upvoting or downvoting poems on a porno site or nominating people for Most Influential Poet. On a porno site. So . . .

When is this place going to get rid of the Anonymous crap? Put real transparency in the voting, there once was a thermometer that told you how the person voted.

Now do I strike you as a person that is terrorized?
I will post as an anonymous because you love it so much. you are anonymouse amongst other sarcastic and pathetic pseudonyms. Your poetry is often brilliant but more oft than naught it is aimed at nameless people whom you believe are the horrible anon yet you post anon comments under your fake names all the time. There was a time I respected you, now you just make me sort of ill. The forum has improved since you've been gone. Adios, comotose

check the date, I was gone for 7 months, he is accusing me, seriously, who is the fucker afraid off, that they wait 7 months, i can even surmise why it happened.
Don't come out here and pretend all is nicey-nice, how often have you been over there, how long have you been here? As a matter of fact, look at all the comments now, look the poetry improved, amay-zing. Do you think at least a tiny-teeny part my have been me beating the drum, me making comments. Noooo, couldn't be possible, now could it.
I wonder how many people have left, or never even bother with the place, because the comment situation has been so bad.
Now do want to keep posting the sarcastic faces? You should check with your peers.
Or do you want to do something constructive and go over and make some comments, and get the crap kicked out of you.
When is this place going to get rid of the Anonymous crap? Put real transparency in the voting, there once was a thermometer that told you how the person voted.
here are a couple of numbers
Comments Posted: 2,068

Comments Posted: 1,933
Posts: 3,438
Better than half, huh? And some of those posts were me doing New Poems, some of those posts were me doing things to show that there is real poetry here.
So much for the "community thing" recently tossed my way.

Now do I strike you as a person that is terrorized? You should check with your peers.
Now I want this to end, but if it doesn't, I will go out of my way to show you what sarcasm is.