Help with writers block/song lyrics


#1 I was taking the piss out of everyone else.

#2 No one had taken on the role of 'Thread Nazi' so I took up the reins.

#3 Notice the difference in tenor of the replies before and after mine. Hm? (Coincidence? I think not)

#4 I am and will always be

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Dirty Slut said:
Do you know what it’s like
to have yesterday follow sunset
into a night filled full of alone?
I do, yeah I do.
Have you ever cried for help
and heard the wind curse; “No!”
in whispered thunder?
I have, yeah I have.
Did you ever pray to God
to heal the renting in your heart,
and knelt in the shout of his silence.
Well I have. Oh yes, I have.

Dear Dirty Slut,
I love your pome and your nome da plum. Nothing like some crisp, lighthearted verse to make me feel better.

A gentle nudge: You come on a little strong with the Pollyanna stuff.


gauchecritic said:
#3 Notice the difference in tenor of the replies before and after mine. Hm?

Dear Gauchie,
Au contraire! Mine was in a clear soprano, as usual.
Re: Og's hat revisited

MathGirl said:
Dear Og,
I think that hat makes the wearer immune to depression.

I think you are right. I had to wear it for three days during a pageant. I wasn't depressed once. Maybe it was the free beer for the actors. It depressed the audience as did my heavy-footed acting. Next appearance in 2005.


I thought that was "tenure", not tenor, otherwise ~ I am definitely contralto with soprano overtones.

Hey, I think I have a couple song ideas started!

thanks for the help, please keep the ideas pouring in. I haven't exactly used anyone's WORDS as much as the ideas/inspiration from the thread.

I think I'll write a fishy song for gauche...


OG! I want to know what theatre it is that gives the actors free beer! I also need to talk to your costumer about the anti-depressant qualities of the hat. You just might have something there.

New antidepressant

cremebrulee said:
I also need to talk to your costumer about the anti-depressant qualities of the hat.

Move over, Prozac.
didn't there...

used to be a hat called a pillbox hat? Something like that.

Talked to my shrink today about the writers block and shared some of the brainstorming I have done since posting here.
He was really pleased, so something must be moving forward.
Neer seen the guy quite lke that.

I owe ya all a big thanks.
I have one song halfway completed and another two in the works as well, one just needs editing.

Some times it's just good to hear form others who have suffered the same thing. Thanks for the support group!

I promise to post the songs as soon as they are recorded.

:cool: ~Creme:kiss:
Re: OG~

cremebrulee said:
OG! I want to know what theatre it is that gives the actors free beer! I also need to talk to your costumer about the anti-depressant qualities of the hat. You just might have something there.


It wasn't a theatre. It was an open air pageant. All the participants were amateurs and unpaid. The producer was also an amateur. The video is so amateur it is a classic. So is the web-site when it works.

The beer came from France - Duty Free and possibly smuggled. The pageant lasted two days. There was a full dress rehearsal the day before. I think the beer added to the standard of the performance.

You cannot be depressed when wearing that hat and pretending to be a King. Except for the other monarchs, everyone else had to bow or curtsey as I passed. I responded by removing my hat which showed that the ginger beard didn't match the grey hair. That was usually enough to cause a titter. The ginger colouring was not waterproof so I had to carry an umbrella. I spent a whole day using the umbrella to protect the performers from the rain before their entrance.

The only drawback was the food. It was provided by the local regiment. They were sent on an unscheduled exercise just before the pageant so they left a few of their "unfit" squaddies to do the food. They certainly were not fit cooks.

Since I was actually "performing" for about five minutes on each day I had plenty of time for the beer.

Next performance in 2005.

From contrived to poetic

How wonderful!
Now I rememer why I pefer non-paid to professional theatre.
I think the hat is my best bet for curing the depression so far.
I have several that I never wear, time to pull them out.
I have one particularly large and obnoxious one I wore in marching band.
That would do nicely.

I have a finished song!
Just recorded it with my 10 dollar mic on the computer , so it's not fit for human consumption yet, bu I will post it asap.

The others are coming a bit more slowly. Stubbornly as HELL to tell the truth.

I have been writing one about my experiences of late called
"LIVE AS I'LL EVER BE" that is making me want to pull my hair out. It sounds so contrived, but the words mean something to me as they are.

Is there a good way to go from contrived to poetic?

Live as I'll Ever Be is about living each moment to it's fullest and all that. You know, the realizaton you'll never be more alive than you are at one given moment. Souds trite, but it is a big step when you're depressed, in denial of your real life situations and gong through a grieving period.

On a happier note, um.............


Re: From contrived to poetic

cremebrulee said:
How wonderful!
Now I rememer why I pefer non-paid to professional theatre.

My first adult performance was as "Goods" in Everyman. Half the lines are spoken off stage so I could read them. Just as well. I didn't know I was in the performance until half an hour before curtain up on the first night. I'd bought a ticket to support my friends. I was in the theatre bar when I was "volunteered" to perform. Three of the actors were stuck in traffic so they had run out of understudies. "Goods" was the easiest part so I got it.

I hadn't been on stage since I was 12. I read the lines off-stage and then had the other lines stuck with sellotape to one of my prop money-bags. I was such a success they involved me in two later productions. I think one was "Becket" and the other was "King Lear". I didn't know or care. I was a messenger, or monk or some other nonentity with a couple of lines. I did my bit and returned to the bar.

I think the hat is my best bet for curing the depression so far.
I have one particularly large and obnoxious one I wore in marching band. That would do nicely.

You were in a marching band? No wonder you were depressed. So much discipline and conformity and no individualism. A one woman band is much more creative.

I have a finished song!
Just recorded it with my 10 dollar mic on the computer , so it's not fit for human consumption yet, but I will post it asap.

The others are coming a bit more slowly. Stubbornly as HELL to tell the truth.

I have been writing one about my experiences of late called
"LIVE AS I'LL EVER BE" that is making me want to pull my hair out. It sounds so contrived, but the words mean something to me as they are.

It seems as if you are writing out your bad experiences. But then you perform the song? Is that a good idea? Write through the pain but then put it behind you. Reliving it each time you perform sounds like a nightmare. Wouldn't it be better to write songs about how you want to be?

Enough amateur counselling. Back to the beer.

Good luck with the songs.

Sing Kumbaya

Og, hon, the one about my recent experiences is about how I have worked through them and am overcoming the incorrect thought patterns revolving around thinking that who I was is all in the past and all I can ever be. Wow, what a run on sentence that was! Did it make any sense?

Yes, I write about my personal experiences quite often (For instance MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION at my artistlaunch page, requested at many of my gigs) because that's the only way I can make it personal. BUT~ I am not writig out my bad experiences, I am writing THROUGH them. If it's a really painful experience with no resolution, I sing it a few times to work through it, then rarely if ever perform it, but I save the words. Sometimes they remind me of how far I have come or what a dumbass I have been. Usually it's the latter. LOL

I love to hear about your theatre "career". Sounds like you had some fun there. I too love to drink beer in costume. My last show was in 2001, GODSPELL. I was of course, Mary Magdalene known as SONJA in the script. That's how I got injured in the first place ~
crucifying Jesus.
I did on average about 3-7 shows per year and loved every minute of it! Didn't exactly put steak on the table, but we didn't starve either.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

Still working through it,

:kiss: :kiss:

I have fixed the links for those who have tried them or wanted to and found them not working.

Re: Sing Kumbaya

cremebrulee said:
Og, hon, the one about my recent experiences is about how I have worked through them and am overcoming the incorrect thought patterns revolving around thinking that who I was is all in the past and all I can ever be. Wow, what a run on sentence that was! Did it make any sense?
Yes. It made sense but sounded as if you are thinking you are as old as me, and that ain't possible. New experiences can be sought at any age. My father didn't start studying for his degree until he was 80. It took him five years part-time but he got there. It was the other employment that slowed him down. His elder sister became a "Pensioner Advocate" at 85. She found it easier than her other job - running the remedial Sunday School for difficult teenagers. Since she was slightly smaller than MathGirl it was force of personality that kept control.

Sometimes they remind me of how far I have come or what a dumbass I have been. Usually it's the latter. LOL
Most people have been dumbasses at some time in their lives. Knowing that you were one makes it easier not to be one again, or to recognise when you are being dumb again - me, I get pompous until my wife kicks my shins.

I love to hear about your theatre "career". Sounds like you had some fun there. I too love to drink beer in costume. My last show was in 2001, GODSPELL. I was of course, Mary Magdalene known as SONJA in the script. That's how I got injured in the first place ~ crucifying Jesus.
I thought Roman Soldiers did that. Mary Magdalene doing it by herself was asking for trouble. Roman Soldiers were trained professionals and probably had an instruction manual.

I hope this time I've got the "Quote" and "Bold" marks in the right place. Keep writing the songs. I used to sing - until my voice broke and kept dropping into the depths. My juvenile performances were marred by my relative size.

I was "Tinker Bell" in Peter Pan - offstage ringing a bell at the appropriate time. I couldn't go on stage because I was a foot taller and about 90lbs heavier than any other member of the cast.

My supreme achievement never happened. I was understudy for any one of the "Three Little Maids" in the school's production of Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikado. The leads kept their health and nerve which was just as well. Although I was a boy soprano I was also in the School's second Rugby XV. Again I would have been taller and heavier than any other member of the cast including The Mikado with his tall crown. So all I actually did was carry the executioner's axe.

Now all I can sing are the lower registers of bass. Russian songs are good. I used to embarrass my wife at her school's carol concerts. (She taught at an all-girl school.) Some carols were sung with the audience of parents and friends. My thundering was too obvious on the lower notes. It didn't matter with a heavyweight organ playing, but a school's piano couldn't compete.

In public singing I just open and shut my mouth silently - unless I've had a few beers.
