Here's a Challenge...

BooMerengue said:
Oh, hell! I turned on the computer today and a drop down reminder of this Challenge popped up! I've been sooo busy with my Sis I totally forgot this one! Damn...

Well, y'all post what you have and I'll try to come up with something. I had one started but it's on a hard drive in TN. Maybe I can remember...


*sitting on behind, behind the couch, (still lookin' at the dust mites), tapping toe, saying "tut tut tut"*

Boo, give your sis a keyboard and a stick if she needs it to tap the keys and tell her to come and join us. ;) We'll keep her busy for you while you CATCH UP with all these challenges you went around stirring up. :p

I think I've done all mine. :D