Het Doms getting hit on from male subs

Goddess Helena said:
Perhaps it's not just het men who can be like that.

I think stupidity isn't limited to one sexual preference. *chuckle*

Yeah, I've heard that theory Helena. I guess it's just as stupid from a gay as a heterosexual.
Goddess Helena said:
Fungi, I think a certain type of het man thinks that all it will take is one good old-fashioned fucking and the lesbian in question would "see the light". I think this type of "man" is not smart enough to realize that it doesn't work that way. Or perhaps it's just ego.

Perhaps it's not just het men who can be like that.

Helena :rose:

It can be an insult thrown out in frustration and anger when logic fails.

I have been called a lesbian on several occasions by men who I either rebuffed or did not find their conversation to My liking. Many het men think that calling a het woman a lesbian is an insult. I am not one of them.

I just :rolleyes: and move on.