Hey Lit Folk.What Did You Do When You Were Drunk

the booze effect

when i think how many different diseases i could have acquired when i was drinking, when i think of how many close calls with the law! now, i havent had a drink in 12 years, but i must confess that giving up alcohol and marijuana means i have to do it "on my own" with no disinhibiting agents. and so, sorry to say, it ain't easy. anybody like to loosen me up? .:rolleyes:
Re: Lovetoread

Unregistered said:

Why the fuck do you even post if you have nothing to say? Do you like to hear yourself talk or what? Either contribute or flake off!!

Are you just trying to raise the numbers under your name? From what I read you are either a mindless boob or a very lonely and sad individual.

You are one horses ass!

This type of post has no place here, and is the utter example of the thing descried - for shame! Also, how brutish, cheap, and childish the execution - as is this, alas, but at least personal.

LovetoRead is a sweet, genteel contributor in story and thread.
Re Lovetoread


You're A team around here. And you just don't have to take slime from losers - especially cowardly, unregistered slime!

Ignore, ignore, ignore!

A person like that has probably been ignored all their miserable life anyway. Simply because they won't make the effort to become a true human. Clothed or naked their at the bottom of the pack.

Besides, you are right. Everyone over 7yrs of age has secrets that no circumstance or nobody would drag from them. I can't speak for the under sevens.

Re: Re Lovetoread

koalaboy50 said:

You're A team around here. And you just don't have to take slime from losers - especially cowardly, unregistered slime!

Ignore, ignore, ignore!

A person like that has probably been ignored all their miserable life anyway. Simply because they won't make the effort to become a true human. Clothed or naked their at the bottom of the pack.

Besides, you are right. Everyone over 7yrs of age has secrets that no circumstance or nobody would drag from them. I can't speak for the under sevens.


Since my troll was so nice about pointing out that I didnt explain myself,I went back and edited my post.

Thanks for taking up for me. You and all the others will always be special to me.
Don't Remember

The more I drink, the more I talk, and the friendlier I get.

But if I have too much, my memory disappears! Fortunately I make it home fine; sometimes go food shopping; even hang up my coat. Usually the first clue in the morning that I drank too much the night before is finding myself half undressed, but snuggled nicely in the bed!:D
here's a bad drunk one....

Was back when I was in college....went up to Madison to see a friend who was going to school there...It was New Year's Eve...this buddy and I go to a party where we end up meeting up with some of our other highschool friends...one of which is a girl I lusted after since about the 6th grade but we were always too good of friends....well during the night I danced with her a lot...and her roommate (who I didn't know) and well, by the time the night was over I took the two of them home, I was too drunk to know how to get back to my buddy's so my friend said I could spend the night....I was about to crash on the couch when she told me to go with her...thinking they had an extra room I followed...and was mauled onto her bed....we fucked for hours...did all kinds of wild stuff until we passed out from exhaustionand liquor....next morning...well almost afternoon I woke up...she was still sleeping...I couldn't face her so I got up and got dressed....was leaving when I realized I still didn't know how to get to my buddy's place ...her roommate offered to drive me, said she knew where I had to be....well, ummm...we made a lil' detour as I couldn't keep my hands off her....had 3 hours of sex in the back of her GMC Jimmy before I finally got to my buddy's place....
when my next break rolled around I couldn't go back to madison...was too afraid of the fallout....or the possibility that I'd have to do a repeat performance....
well guess we all have had our drunk stories. So here is mine When I drink i get happy and touchie feely gets me into trouble with girlfriends but it happens. Anyway started drinking at the restrant with a bunch of my fraterity brothers that lasted for about 2 hours then went to the clubs. There drinking everclear and cherry pucker lost track of everything oops. I awoke the next morning to findmyself naked with my x wife and one of her friends. From what the three were able to put together we had sex but i'll be damned if I can remember any of the details. That sucks don't it consideringthat was my first 3 some.
Granted the conversation got the x so excited that we had fun in the bathroom while her friend slept. But that is another story.:p
When I'm drunk, which is hardly ever these days, everything is funny and every guy looks good (must be why I stopped getting drunk :rolleyes: ).

I used to be a bartender, so I have far too many "when I'd had too much to drink......" stories.

Suffice it to say that Yes, I've done things I wish I hadn't and woke up with men who's names I didn't know. :eek:
Two points...

One the moron who posted the Your an idiot message should take a long walk off a short pier. I think Peterbuilt said it best...

Second, liquor is a drug. Responsible use is up to the user. If you play with fire your bound to get burned. Just some wise advice...don't get drunk alone...get drunk with a friend who will watch your back.