Hey, poets!

Jennifer C said:
Tess, I hope your family are safe and well and that you hear from them soon, my heart is with you at this terrible time :rose:

Thanks - I'm sure we will. I heard a radio interview with a girl who was on one of the trains close to Edgeware Road Stn. All she could say, over and over, was "It's all so unnecessary we should talk not fight."

annaswirls said:
You are in Canada? Oh my, I feel dumb are you usually in England? I know you were..... Wait hmmm.... I seem to remember an AV and a cake... I am so lame I can never keep up.

Matriarch and Gauchecritic... gotta check in on them.

I hope you get through soon, I know the frantic feeling of making sure everyone is okay, and then when they ARE just holding onto them even over the phone...
it just feels right.

Can you get through email?

You are welcome Jennifer, there is another wound in the body of the earth today, we all have to work to heal it. Do some Yoga, invite your neighbors :)



Most email is on the phone lines so that's clogged too. :( I'm just trying again now.
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It is a terrible thing, innocent poeple have been killed to prove some sick point, how far is this going to go? That's the scary question! :rose:
All English Litsters are accounted for in the Author's Hangout, Anna. :)

Tess, hang in there. I'm sure your family and friends are ok. I've been having trouble getting a signal all day.
Lauren Hynde said:
All English Litsters are accounted for in the Author's Hangout, Anna. :)

Tess, hang in there. I'm sure your family and friends are ok. I've been having trouble getting a signal all day.

Thank you, Lauren. They called us! Bless 'em! All's well although central London's totally locked down.
Tristesse said:
Thank you, Lauren. They called us! Bless 'em! All's well although central London's totally locked down.


Good to hear,...for all.
Tristesse said:
Thank you, Lauren. They called us! Bless 'em! All's well although central London's totally locked down.

That's brilliant Tess, glad your family are safe and well :rose:
Originally Posted by Lauren Hynde
All English Litsters are accounted for in the Author's Hangout, Anna.


Tristesse said:
Thank you, Lauren. They called us! Bless 'em! All's well although central London's totally locked down.

Horrible as London events are, it is no 9/11. We've been here before with the IRA. My thoughts are with the people so tragically involved but we must be realistic and stoic about such events. More people die in Iraq everyday without so much as a comment, not so much as a 'there but for the grace of god goes I'.

Enough poetry has been written about innocent people dying without anymore poets wanting to be the one to write an epitaph that is remembered more for the writer than the dead they purport to commemorate.
Here's one of my poems...

If a picture speaks a thousand words,
then herein lies an epic.


of young girls
shattered forever
and too young to ever know
a story like a blood stain
spreading ever
too big to tell anymore
of sons and fathers


wrapped in themselves
from generation
to generation


what does it matter who's
bodies these are?

What matters
is that they are there.

Shame spreads
like a bloodstain
spilling on to
all of us.

It will never
wash off.​

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Counting the dead

And what of Africa
where six hundred and fifty
thousand die each week
not the starving eyes
begging for western mercy

but the new eyes
empty of hope when
drugs we take for granted
are beyong reach.
Africa In Despair.

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if only the tears
in my eyes were
enough to wash away
the sins on my soul
for I am responsible​

The tears of millions
would not wash away
the pain
we are all answerable
mea culpa
Is this hand in hand?


This added one more break in my heart.

Thanks, Tris. I have saved this picture and will keep it close.
Oh, Boo! I didn't want to break your heart, just to open a few eyes.

bogusbrig said:
Horrible as London events are, it is no 9/11. We've been here before with the IRA. My thoughts are with the people so tragically involved but we must be realistic and stoic about such events. More people die in Iraq everyday without so much as a comment, not so much as a 'there but for the grace of god goes I'.

Enough poetry has been written about innocent people dying without anymore poets wanting to be the one to write an epitaph that is remembered more for the writer than the dead they purport to commemorate.

As I posted in another thread, I agree.
Tristesse said:
Oh, Boo! I didn't want to break your heart, just to open a few eyes.


the suffering wheel,
turns in quiet homes of plenty,
"i hate you, you have trapped me."
it spins in dried up rice bowls,
flies drink from tears,
whirlwinds of unknowing-life can be a gift.

i love you
wont hurt you
i love you
wont hurt you.
eagleyez said:
the suffering wheel,
turns in quiet homes of plenty,
"i hate you, you have trapped me."
it spins in dried up rice bowls,
flies drink from tears,
whirlwinds of unknowing-life can be a gift.

i love you
wont hurt you
i love you
wont hurt you.

This made me cry! Wow! :kiss:
So many lives touched.
By tasteless evilness.
Bloodshed walks, in human form.
Taking in every breath,
letting go of demonous ... destruction.

Showering our world, into gloom, despair.
All trying to cope, come up for air.
Leave our children alone. You helpless,
hatred. Shovel your muck, take it
all back. Please ... No more,
of this shallow senselessness.

Lives in an uproar, families torn asunder.
Apart for who knows how long.
Show some Mercy, Peace and Kindness.
Show what real men, are supposed to be.

:( So heartbreakinly sad~
I agree with all of these posts

Why is it that so many men think bloodletting is masculine? Until we move beyond this "my way is better than yours" it isn't going to stop. There are too many people trying to capitalize on coverage of tragedy. Yet we can, as poets, write on changes necessary to change the paradigm. We have the ability to bring change! Poets have always been societal catalysts!

quietpoet said:
Why is it that so many men think bloodletting is masculine? Until we move beyond this "my way is better than yours" it isn't going to stop. There are too many people trying to capitalize on coverage of tragedy. Yet we can, as poets, write on changes necessary to change the paradigm. We have the ability to bring change! Poets have always been societal catalysts!


This is just an aside. I read a book not too long ago called Shoot The Women First. This title is also a CIA Directive; women are notoriously more violent when defending someone/thing they love. Men are supposedly a tad more mercenary. Anyway... :cool:
quietpoet said:
Why is it that so many men think bloodletting is masculine? Until we move beyond this "my way is better than yours" it isn't going to stop. There are too many people trying to capitalize on coverage of tragedy. Yet we can, as poets, write on changes necessary to change the paradigm. We have the ability to bring change! Poets have always been societal catalysts!


While it is usually men that actually carry out the 'act' of bloodletting, when it comes to the 'idea' of bloodletting, opinion polls have often shown women to be more hawkish than men.

There is a broad refusal to believe that women can be anything other than caring and nurturing, hence when a woman commits a violent act, she is seen as something of an aberration and the cry goes up there must be mitigating circumstance.

I must do a little research as the name of the Roman commentator escapes me but one Roman commentator wrote (and I paraphrase) that there was nothing more frightening than an army of female Celts in full battle cry.

Female warriors like Celtic women, while unusual, are not unique in history.
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when doves fly

it is not what is inside you but your actions that define you ... this
is what it sounds like when doves cry ... whom does it serve and who has
the most to gain ... give them this day all that you showed them ....
their power and their glory ... till their kingdom comes... they said
that in our time all that's good will fall from grace ... even saints
would turn their face... they told us that in our days ... different
words said in different ways ... have other meanings from what they say
... they said that in our time we would reap from their legacy ... we
would know what was high on high .... we would follow and not defy ...
faithless in faith ... we must behold the things we made ... the future
is in our past ... this is ground control to major tom ... seat belts
fastened ... ignitions on ...

Artist: David Bowie
Song: Ground Control To Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

Ground Control to Major Tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may God's love be with you

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five,
Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff

This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare

"This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do

Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell my wife I love her very much she knows"

Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you....

"Here am I floating round my tin can
Far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do

Space Oddity is the song!

I love that song. It was actually the first song of his that i really listened to. Probably since my heritage seems to be of alien origin! nice quote Blue!

back to the women and violence thing... I don't think women are any less violent than men inherently, just that there is this perception of such. :(