Hi, I'm Ken

¡Recepción, nuevo muchacho!

Despite the juvenlile w/the big butt (MathGirl to you) I do not speak to just anyone.

Hang around, it's an experience.


p.s. Gauche is nearly often right. ;)
p.s. to Lady Champagne:

Did you do the evil Barbie? Very nice.

Hi Ken, and a very warm welcome.

One quick question, how do you pronounce your name?

Lou :D
Now I'm waiting for someone to start a thread about how nauseatingly nice it is on the boards lately.

Welcome, Ken. Check out the assorted Texas threads, since you are a fellow Texan. Just do a search on "Texas".
Originally posted by gauchecritic Now I'm waiting for someone to start a thread about how nauseatingly nice it is on the boards lately.
Dear Gauchie,
I did that a while back, to no avail. It's someone else's turn now.
Ps. Huggy, kissy

Loulou started the thread and dedicated it to Gauche (see his post above). Now everyone is waiting for someone to hijack it, or better still - kill it.

choke, choke,

Perdita :rolleyes:
Hijack a thread dedicated to Gauche? I think everyone's far too scared to do something like that.
raphy said:
Hijack a thread dedicated to Gauche? I think everyone's far too scared to do something like that.
Raff, Raff, Raff, you're so naive. I won't do it simply because it wouldn't be fair. Still, I won't begrudge the poor sod the attention, he was complaining about being ignored just a week or so ago. Nah, no one fears Gauche; everyone's simply being charitable; that's how we are here on the AH ;) .

Perdita :heart:
I'm allowed to be naive. I haven't gotten all old, ornery, jaded and crusty like you lit veterans yet!!!

*runs away*
Re: p.s. to Lady Champagne:

perdita said:
Did you do the evil Barbie? Very nice.


Alas! No, I didn't. I just Google image searched and saw the Shiva Barbie. Isn't she scary with those flourescent eyes and neon lips though?

Edited for proper punctuation.
raphy said:
I haven't gotten all old, ornery, jaded and crusty like you lit veterans yet!!!
No need to run right now, Raff. I'm one for serving revenge very, very cold.

Perdita :devil:
Oh, and that makes me feel *so* much better...

Raphy, watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail
raphy said:
I'm allowed to be naive. I haven't gotten all old, ornery, jaded and crusty like you lit veterans yet!!!

*runs away*

Damn.....*shakes head slowly*
destinie21 said:
But I'm recently married (lesbian relationship long story)
I saw your "Just Married" thread. Congratulations. I wish both of you a long happy future.

I'm bi, in a long-term male-male relationship, without a ceremony – yet.
Just_John1 said:
Touchy stuff??? Don't touch my name damnit!!! LOL... Welcome to the rubber room KenJ (a new variation of the theme). Just one you missed Gauche... Thought I'd be helpful.

Look forward to reading your stuff KenJ


I love your Les Paul Av. I play a Gibson "Moderne" copy, although not very well.
Tatelou said:
Hi Ken, and a very warm welcome.

One quick question, how do you pronounce your name?

Lou :D
Glad to be here.

I suck at phonetic writing, but I'll try.

It's something like "keh eh en" (one syllable). The 'e' is like in 'bet.'

How do you pronounce "Ken" in England? Kin?

I have a friend named Ian, pronounced "eye-ann." I've never heard anyone English pronounce it that way. The same family named another son Thane.
Re: Re: p.s. to Lady Champagne:

champagne1982 said:
Alas! No, I didn't. I just Google image searched and saw the Shiva Barbie. Isn't she scary with those flourescent eyes and neon lips though?

Edited for proper punctuation.
She's not my girlfriend!

I may be going out on a limb here (and you'll know when Lou hacks my balls off with a rusty hacksaw), but I'd be willing to wager that Lou was being facetious.

Raph (the 'soon to be castrated')
Raff: limb, balls, hacksaw, castration? Get a grip, man, or you won't make it to 'really really experienced'.

And pleasegoddon'tputapicofyourdickupasanAV.

Nurse 'dita :p
perdita said:
Raff: limb, balls, hacksaw, castration? Get a grip, man, or you won't make it to 'really really experienced'.

And pleasegoddon'tputapicofyourdickupasanAV.

Nurse 'dita :p

But.. but.. I wanna!!
raphy said:
But.. but.. I wanna!!
Then be prepared for the wrath of MathGirl and SvenskaFlicka, not to mention yours truly.

Yours truly, 'dita :devil:
<<Sitting back wondering if raphy is going to be badly tortured and relegated to the Gay BDSM threads :D>>