Hidden Hope

but we've seen nothing original thats been resuscitated ...... I can look at say something of yours and think yessssss and I am off with that idea. That's what I call resuscitation not continually repeating someone elses lines

I am not here to write and share original poems. Well, at least not at the moment. :cattail: If I didn't cite my source, would you still be able to tell that all the poems I posted were centos?
he did??? that needs reporting then. :mad:

nah, this was probably 5 years ago. A lady named TaraBlackwood22 caught him. I was doing new poem reviews that day. Thank God I gave him a positive review. That would have been embarrassing. It was bad enough I did not recognize it as Neruda. I was in a hurry, did not focus.:heart:
I am not here to write and share original poems. Well, at least not at the moment. :cattail: If I didn't cite my source, would you still be able to tell that all the poems I posted were centos?

No I haven't read every poem on Lit. I did (I won't say wrote because I didn't write the originals) Centos for Survivor and I did enjoy finding the right words for the subject but Id like to think I had the skill to string together something of my own as well instead of relying on somebody elses expertise all the time
nah, this was probably 5 years ago. A lady named TaraBlackwood22 caught him. I was doing new poem reviews that day. Thank God I gave him a positive review. That would have been embarrassing. It was bad enough I did not recognize it as Neruda. I was in a hurry, did not focus.:heart:

oh, my bad - i thought you meant LifeNdeath had subbed these two and had them posted. :)
I am not here to write and share original poems. Well, at least not at the moment. :cattail: If I didn't cite my source, would you still be able to tell that all the poems I posted were centos?

a cento IS an original poem, when constructed well. it creates something NEW out of recycling others words in an imaginative and talented way.
I think almost all words of almost all poems are found words, just like in a cento. People rarely make up words, they use words that already exist.

So I think a cento is a specific, micro-cosmic exercise in poetry making. And any poem that uses words previously experienced by the poet is a cento in a way.

Like making a little diorama or something.
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Awhile back I think it might have been Eve I'm not sure said we had to open a dictionary and pick a word we'd never used before to write a poem about. I went to Msn Encarta and there right infront of my eyes was tarradiddle so that just had to be my chosen word, I did get accused of making it up lol but I hadn't!
I'd like to see a weekly challenge set up. taking turns to set them, whoever's interested, and open to anyone who'd like to enter. The person setting the challenge has free reign and selects the winner. The challenge gets set on a Monday after the previous winners announced Sunday, all entries in by 8pm Friday or something.

all for fun and not to be taken too seriously. If anyone's interested, I'd like to set one starting next Monday.

i'm gonna set this in a new thread and see if people are interested.