Higgledy Piggledy

Much ado about nothing

Higgledy piggledy
Malachi the Great
Fancied for breakfast
Oatmeal with sugar and spice

For dinner
He shared with baby sister
An oily pizza slice:cattail:
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hi all

higgledy piggledy
introduced herself to
the poetry crowd at lit

friendly, she's told
she peruses the threads
for just the right fit

What's not to like about Sassy or NYC? Elements each
promise threefold delights.
Each points a tendency toward resiliancy, spicy rich niches
at curious heights.
Oh you people! So talented and funny and fabulous!

Welcome sassynyc, if I haven't extended one already. Nice to see you finding some niches you like.

*cheering for all the poets*

Higgledy Piggledy
gleefully breaded
himself head to toe

Hoping to lure the
Ange to come nibble him
like sourdough
Higgeldy piggeldy
Bijou our jiggledy
soapy and glittery
paen to art

writes poetry magical,
Her shiniest object
is surely her heart.
Higgeldy piggeldy
Bijou our jiggledy
soapy and glittery
paen to art

writes poetry magical,
Her shiniest object
is surely her heart.

*blushing* SHUCKS!

I shoulda titled this the hump-a-leg-in-traditional-form thread...

didja see that one of your humps is now bookmarked on the Bistro page 1?

higgledy piggledy
introduced herself to
the poetry crowd at lit

friendly, she's told
she peruses the threads
for just the right fit

Higgeldy Piggeldy,
Here's sassynyc.
Loves her Big Apple,
Is thrilled with its charms.

Can't get enough of it,
Especially in spring
When the temperature warms.

Is it just me, or do the last five letters of Sassy's nom de plume look like an alternative spelling of "cynic?" And wouldn't that just be the New York way?
thanks for the welcome everyone

higgledy piggledy
enters the inner sanctum
with her metropolitan charm

loving her welcome
from such characters
so friendly and warm
the music in me.....

higgledy piggledy
George Clinton
thumps his bass
shining his flashlight

parliament plays
the soundtrack inside
my head tonight
Higgledy Piggeldy
Can't forget Eve,
Arbiter of decorum
On this poetry site.

I think of her often
Oh, that glorious rose,
I'd like just a small bite.
Higgeldy Piggeldy
Pandora's box
Is only one treasure.
Another's her brain.

But oh my, those lips,
Capture my consciousness,
Drive me insane.
Higgeldy Piggeldy
Leon's here too
Lurking in archives
Way across the pond.

How could I resist his
Someone with such taste
As to prefer a blonde!
Higgeldy Piggeldy,
Here's sassynyc.
Loves her Big Apple,
Is thrilled with its charms.

Can't get enough of it,
Especially in spring
When the temperature warms.

Is it just me, or do the last five letters of Sassy's nom de plume look like an alternative spelling of "cynic?" And wouldn't that just be the New York way?

ha ha:D that so wasn't the intention when i picked the spelling of my name......but perhaps a Freudian slip? hmm....i'll be pondering that one over the weekend. but i agree.....it is soooo New York ( and so me)
leave it to you, Anschul dearest, to fish that little misnomer from a simple pen name. perhaps you are the cynic, hmmm?
i'm a rose of the concrete jungle. cynicism, pizza and bagels are what we do best......so sue me! :rolleyes:
Higgeldy Piggeldy,
Tasty Champagne
Words are her calling,
She's quick with a rhyme.

Language to her is like
Wonder how she ever
Finds all the time.

Higgeldy Piggeldy
Chef, Poet, Man
He fires up the barbecue
And lights some hot fires

Under our arses
whipping up such heat
then to the cooler retires.
By request

Here and then there again
Bijou makes hats and then
Gooses the patrons at
Her small café.

Nails are short trimmed, I hope,
'Cuz if they're not I'll go
Through Bistro's ceiling, like
Screaming. Oy vay!
my COMPLETELY SECRET CRUSH on you prevents me from noticing that you've broken all the rules.

Surely not all the rules. The fourth and eighth lines rhyme. The meter I think is right. (I hope is right. I have trouble with accents.) The name is in the second line (though, granted, it does not comprise the entire line).

I mean, Geez. Dashed the thing off, after all. And it was topical. Don't I get immunity for that?

One of the reasons I am not crazy about the double dactyl is that requirement for the name to be a complete double dactylic line. Pain in the butt to get that right.

Tzara the Metricist
T the Recalcitrant
Tzara the Formalist

and of course there's that six-syllable dactylic word in line 6...
But far be it from me to chastise you. Quite the contrary.

*looking up subtlety in the dictionary. Getting distracted by shiny object*

Now I'm gonna have to figure out yet a different form?
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and of course there's that six-syllable dactylic word in line 6...
But far be it from me to chastise you. Quite the contrary.
OK, lessee:
  1. Meter: Double dactyl, double dactyl, double dactyl, dactyl BANG! (repeat)
  2. Second line must be a name (plus see first rule).
  3. Fourth and eighth lines must rhyme.
  4. Sixth line must be single sexasyllabic word (plus see first rule). I know. Neologism. Means "six-syllable word."
  5. It's supposed to be funny. (Oy, vey!)
OK, add to that that the first line of the first stanza is repetitive nonsense. (Note: I will be cheating here, though I could just say "higglety piggelty" and be done with it. Consider me as innovator. You know, like Pound or Eliot.)

Anyway, second try:
(This is the nonsense part.) ....<-- Note: Double dactyl
Wears peacock feathers in
Search of her hart.

Hind is what hart will seek
('specially if it's sweet, sleek).
Her ass is Art.​
Maybe that "higglety piggelty" stuff would work better. I don't know.

I have to go lie down now.
Inspired by Tung's Canada thread, here's one to a poet I particularly miss. I think I got the rules right:
Pemmican, schemmican
Dustystar, Albertan
Was one fine poetess
When she was here.

Let me say that I am
Look that one up, people.
Dusty was dear.​
Poets come and poets go, I guess. Dusty pulled all her poems when she left, unfortunately.

O, Canada! :)
One two three, one two two:
Angeline (Eyez guy, too)
Lives up in Moxieland
Near Stephen King.

Not that that, of course, means
Just that they're Mainers, well,
At least through Spring.
Figured it, mastered it.
Ti-zara showed me it,
Took a great poeter.
By Jove! Got it!

Not that it's simple for
But now I understand.
Ain't that some shit!
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Went to the Bistro and
Miss Bijou toyed with me,
Now my libido is
Spinning through space.

Something I cooked for her,
Can I keep up with her
Ravenous pace?