High Libido?

In one of the couples I occasionally swing with, he uses viagra and is one of the most sought after at the parties. He just doesn't go soft.

I've seen him have an orgasm that caused him unconsciousness ... but he never went soft.....dayam ... but you gotta love that!

All I have to say to that is....WOW :eek: Unconsciousness? Wowzer as Master would say. Yes it would be no wonder he was sought after. Well, I worry more about Master's heart giving out than His member, although He's not that old comparatively (53). Are there any really bad side effects with Viagra? Other than I own stock, lol, and that it seems to create indestructable hard-ons, are there downsides that people in the know, know about?

I have had three relationships where the sex was great because we both wanted lots of it. In each of these relationships I was able to experiment a little with bdsm. but in all cases the guys was a bit freaked about what would happen if anything went wrong.. or worse still what if I changed y mind about it after the event.... Weird thinking because I was the one wanting them to do that. There is something incredibly sexy about a man being in charge and doing the things that drive him wild and wanting to do that with y body.!

When in relationship I have a very high libido love having sex, love turning my man on... And some of the best sex was when it was just one session a day... one session that started in the morning and continued right through the night......

I find that when I am single that although I occasssionally get an insatiable urge to fuck that mostly it is something I dont think about a lot. It seems to be the emotional attachment that lifts my libido into the sky.


EWG Stories
malcah_ms said:
All I have to say to that is....WOW :eek: Unconsciousness? Wowzer as Master would say. Yes it would be no wonder he was sought after. Well, I worry more about Master's heart giving out than His member, although He's not that old comparatively (53). Are there any really bad side effects with Viagra? Other than I own stock, lol, and that it seems to create indestructable hard-ons, are there downsides that people in the know, know about?

the side effect i hear about most often from the men i serve who use viagra, are headaches during or immediately after sexual activity. also viagra can be deadly for a man with heart problems of any kind.
ownedsubgal said:
the side effect i hear about most often from the men i serve who use viagra, are headaches during or immediately after sexual activity. also viagra can be deadly for a man with heart problems of any kind.

Yes "osg", those are the things I've heard as well. The most important thing to do is to have a thorough check up before the consideration to use it. Your dr can help make the best decision about using Viagra.

On a side note, anyone have any ideas on how to slow down an overactive libido in one who is single???? :devil:

All suggestions and ideas will be appreciated!

supressing libido's

If anyone has a shorterm (say duration of the working day) risk free solution, id like to know.

Imagine being able to complete work without constantly being interupted by a libido? Id like that. I wouldnt want to switch it off completely, just temporarily for those times when its damned inconvenient. Or maybe something to dampen it down during ovulation, or the few days prior to menstruation.

Im told the contaceptive pill can work for some, but seems a bit extreem.