"Hit and Run" Criticism


:D Now that, that is settled. :rolleyes:


I just got bombed by anymouse for putting a simple spanking in a group story. It happens all the time, the complaint not the spanking. You can't please everyone all the time so get used to it. I write in bdsm quite often and Jenny is right, you story shld have been is Lesbian. It would probable even score better over there.

Just my opinion of course.
I recently received a truly offensive bit of quasi-feedback, from someone who accused me of deliberately and maliciously posting a story in the wrong Category. The story was about BDSM acts, and the lesbian-style sex acts which accompanied them, among the female faculty and students of an all-girl college. The story was posted in the BDSM category.

Here is the critics' feedback, in its entirety:
"If you are too ashamed to use the accurate catagory of Lesbian for your work you should not write. This site is open to Gay and Lesbian why hide??"

I concede that the story might have been quite at home in the Lesbian slot (no pun intended), but I do not agree that it was more 'accurately' a Lesbian story, and the suggestion that I chose the BDSM label out of shame over the Lesbian label is laughably absurd.

The reason that I called the letter 'quasi-feedback' is that its writer was Anonymous, and left no email or other way for me to reply to it. I don't know if the writer is male or female. It would be easy for me to jump to the conclusion that she is a bitterly militant lesbian who despises any attempt to deny her Cause its full and prominent place in the public Forum, but I have no evidence to support that.

I am open to critical feedback, be it positive or negative, but to make such a vicious attack ("you should not write") while allowing me no way to defend myself is inexcusable. If he/she is unwlling to take responsibility for his/her strong opinions, it is he/she who should not write.

I understand your classification problem, I've been dealing with it myself. Your story isn't "cuffs and whips." It's more about being dominated socially, like in that school. I see such stories on BDSM websites, and it is domination, but not in the more traditional sense.

That said, I didn't think the authority figures were really convincing as doms, and I guess this is where you are getting the complaints from. The... intimacy is wrong, it's not BDSM intimacy. For example the way "they all showered together" sounded like equals, and close to the beginning when the viewpoint character said "You are very beautiful, Mistress." it sounded so... casual, equal I guess, that I'd have responded with something like "Shut up bitch, I didn't tell you to talk."

It felt more like domination themed spanking role play than real domination, especially since you didn't go into details with the Headmistress' punishment scene, which seemed the more important part for a BDSM sex story.

I did like the incestuous lesbian ending.

In that their arguments make a lot of logical sense, or that I've just gone "neener neener" and run off and think I've won? I mean, considering that myself and Jenny actually had similar points, it implies that you don't mean the first and, hell, like I said what was I going to gain from arguing with them? Probably just a headache and make no impact, cloudy wasn't going to accept I was right and Jenny, I don't know what her motivation is. Regardless, they're both ignored so they can say what they like for everybody's else benefit.

Not that I would put weight on Cloudy and Jenny's post or story count-or anyone else's-but they're right; you have an overblown ego and a foul attitude that does not encourage people to want to leave their name or any other way for you to contact them.
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Sometimes when I've had problems deciding which category a story should go into, I put a little introductory paragraph up top that mentions what a reader will be running into in the story. If you don't want to give parts of the story away, that can be a little tricky though.

I think that all of us have gotten some nasty feedback that really rubs us the wrong way, but unless it's really personal (that's a new phenomenon here lately I think) it's best to just leave it and move on. When you think about it, we're all pretty anonymous anyway, and while it would be nice to be able to at least respond to some of the stuff, by the time you read it they've moved on to flame somebody else.
You story is at http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=360659

Frankly this story would have been a lot better in lesbian. It seems clear that you called this a BDSM story when you posted it. The Editors were left with a toss-up.

The story really isn't a BDSM story, however. It's what we see a lot coming from that catagory, with complaints of how badly the writer was treated by "those people". It's more like a "wannabe BDSM" story. Sorry.

The BDSM crowd is very picky about their catagory. Your language really isn't quite correct, your premis is totally wrong.

I would suggest before you post in there again you read the top 20 stories in that Catagory.

Well, if the editors were left with a "toss up" I suppose it must be viewed as a good story...whichever category it "belonged" in?
Well, if the editors were left with a "toss up" I suppose it must be viewed as a good story...whichever category it "belonged" in?

The editors don't judge the content of the stories, just check for basic readability and if there's something breaking the rules.